Live Developer Q&A Thursday, January 24 – Submit Your Questions

Am I the only one that thinks since Ion is doing this Thursday 8.1.5 comes out either tomorrow or next Tuesday ?

Are there any plans in the future to add more ways to obtain Vicious Saddles, such as through a large number of Marks of Honor?


Because as a rule Blizzard tries to design things to NOT offer “multiple rewards”. This was one of the things they mentioned regarding old school heroics which rewarded: Gear, Rep, and Currency to wit all people would do is “run heroics”.

Believe or not, Blizzard actually wants folks to play as much of the game as practical, not as little of it. So they spread stuff like this out.

With a lot of races coming from Draenor with the Mag’har, can we expect then being playable in the future or even in this expansion? Like Botani joining the alliance and ogres joining the horde??

Can you please make Draenei a mixed faction race, like the Pandarians? My shaman needs to be a Horde Draenei. Yep.

The Alliance/Horde Assaults in War mode are fun; however it starts to get dry really fast when you’re doing the same final quests for the assaults repeatedly. Any chance for adding different final quests? And can they be more PVP oriented?

Could you replace Lore with someone people don’t seem to hate so much? Maybe someone with charisma like Randy Jordan?

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Is WOW ever going to get back to meaningful rewards and content? Or is this always going to be a push for esports and micro-transactions?


Given the Azerite updates previously mentioned for 8.2, will those new traits all be passive traits or will there be active abilities in those traits as well? If there will be active abilities, do you think this will help to alleviate some of the class design issues others have mentioned?

Is anything being done to address the issues with Warmode, particularly relating to the formation of large raids that apparently overwhelm the sharding in areas and create massive faction imbalance?



Why do you think it’s “fun” to level without any type of class reward?


Where are the changes that were promised for Bears/Guardian Druids?

Are they just being left behind this expansion?


When the ogres will be playable as the new allied race?


Any update on the new worgen and goblin models?

Also, can you guys please consider opening up back items to include backpacks and such?

Lastly, draenei and tauren rogues when?


Not having Master Loot or some way to trade loot reliably between guild members feels awful. In a previous Q&A you told us to give it a try and provide feedback. Here it is, disenchanting upgrades for my teammates feels awful and takes away from the team atmosphere. Can we please look in to this?


You don’t have to stand around the table when queued for Island Expeditions as you’ll be returned to where you were when you return and not the table automatically.

My Heart of Azeroth necklace is lvl 36. Next upgrade is 50,000+. No way I will grind this. What is Blizzard doing to fix INSANE grinds?


Going forward into subsequent expansions, how do you intend to deal with the unlock requirements for Allied Races?

What are your plans to revitalize and invest in Guilds? I enjoy and welcome the Community feature; but would like to know if there are plans specifically aimed at Guilds. -Thank you.