Live Developer Q&A Thursday, January 24 – Submit Your Questions

When you make class adjustments (nerfs, buffs), do you consider the impact in more than mythic raids, like in mythic+? Can you please consider impact on mythic+ too?

It feels an awful lot like all that is examined is performance in mythic raids in the hands of above average players. A lot of us are average players who don’t play that content. We play mythic+ instead.


Any chance we can get heritage armor variants for future and current races like mag’har/belf got?
E. g. The other colors for Lightforged/Nightborne that exist. No totems for highmountain.

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Why is Mercenary Mode such a difficult option to enable? Why is it only available to max level characters?

With regard to class balance, when can we expect to see dev team rebalance/redesign the existing talent trees? Many specs have an abundance of unused talent options.


Why does Tides of Vengeance part 2 feel like a full gear reset?

Normal raid quality gear is now the base reward from Heroic Dungeons. Meanwhile M+2 Dungeons are rewarding 375 base gear.

Even in Legion, an expansion that bumped item levels similarly, I don’t remember gear ever feeling this… pointless to obtain while current.


I second this. Would be nice if KTs could use the big model or the standard human model similar to orc’s getting hunched/nonhunched option but only available at character creation. Almost all of the notable KTs are standard humans, feels weird that we can’t play them with the cool heritage armor.


Can we address the monopoly that rogues have on AoE stealth for high M+. It makes it almost mandatory to bring in a rogue to do the difficult skips and having the potion share a CD with other utility potions makes it hard to not bring a rogue.

Any plans to integrate Raider. IO to the UI as we did with gear score and ilvl?


Why does each expansion need to have huge class and system overhauls? It’s not exciting to relearn a class we’ve already played and the systems like Azerite gear are complete failures. Can you reverse class design to MoP and just concentrate on making good questing dungeons and raids and not worry so much about niche mechanics that try to mask a boring grind?


With Season One over, will the Dread Aspirant and Dread Gladiator gear be purchasable any time soon?


Will tank balance be further addressed? The last “tuning” did nothing to affect current tank balance at all. Veng DH and Guardian druid are in severe need of buffs to be competitive at all. Blood DK and Brewmaster are 60% of the tanks in M+ for keys 15 and up. They are also the most used in raiding.


Going into Season Tides of Vengeance we recently had a Lore Video alongside the standard Q&As Lore and you do. Will you be looking to add some Class Development Q&As to the schedule as well to continue increasing the communication between the WoW team and the player base?


Why does auto attack damage make up so much of a lot of melee dps? Unholy DK case in point


Maybe if ur bad

Yeah, the lag makes it almost unplayable.

Any word on class development? There are many many classes and specs that are doing fine numbers wise but their game play is lacking. The content in game can be great, but if the way we experience that content is through underdeveloped classes and specs then the overall experience is diminished.


If you are actively encouraging WPvP (which I love), when will you fix the horrible lag surrounding incursions?


Question: If you are sticking to your guns in regards to sharding and the mixing of servers together, why even bother having different servers at all? I constantly get shifted to different worlds, sometimes mid fight with a wq monster and usually into a gank. It seems like it would be a better solution with your current design ideas to just get it over with and make everything one mega server.

Have you considered bringing infested back as an affix, maybe in the prepatch post season. Where all the seasonal affixes are active instead of the normal affix rotation

you’re stil 2/8M lol…

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Island Expeditions - At the Moment there is to much focus on the race. I feel there is a need to slow the pace down a bit to give people more options on how they wish to progress through the scenario. also doubloons or lack there of as rewards from wins - plans to address this? other rewards seem in a decent spot - except mounts (extremely rare) maybe add to the doubloon vendor.

  • there is also an exploited function in Island’s an that’s the kick feature. I know there’s the option to get a group of friends together and que up an run the mythic version or pvp version, but I don’t have the time or patience to find like minded people to run them with. this brings up the issue where people particularly people from the same server whispering each-other to formulate what their goals are and not actually communicating with the random player that filled the 3rd slot on their game plan. even if they weren’t communicating via whisper people are randomly kicking other people for no reason what so ever just cause… even if that random player is following along with the group an contributing to the progress in a reasonable amount, and not running off on their own, and winning the scenario, the people will sometimes be kicked just out of spite.
  • I also feel there should be some sort of formatted set of pre-formatted select-able discussion dialogs that players can send out at the preparation stage of the scenario to let others know what your goals are.
  • also eliminate the cool down on the group finder so players who are unlucky enough to get kicked from the group - where if the kick feature weren’t there to begin with this wouldn’t need to happen - so they aren’t penalized from queing just because they were randomly kicked out of the scenario.

Warfronts - Gear from darkshore is getting upgraded from the completion of each warfront an same for the quest associated with it an same with the world boss in the outdoor area of darkshore - any news on the gear from the rares of darkshore?

  • Any more warfronts planned for future patches in this expansion, if so what zones are planned?
  • any news to share about the heroic versions of current warfronts and will heroic versions be included in any new warfonts going forward?
  • any news on a PvP version of the warfront system? giving people a chance to defend the warfronts.
  • any news about preformed group options for warfronts? are they going to be used for normal versions or just for the heroic versions of warfonts?

Professions - we’re getting the “tools of the trade” items in 8.1.5 here in the near future - Any plans to make professions useful? high end gear from professions are locked to that profession and not sell-able or trade-able an with the limited use of enchants on gear an rarity of gem slots on gear professions are pretty useless. the addition of the “tools of the trade” items in 8.1.5 is a start but we need much more.

Gear - several classes use the haste stat more then anything else, new raid tier gear has less haste available, also trinkets from warfronts - plans?

Game - Lag is bad in the game, specifically when groups of 15 or more are around such as in the BFA faction capitols, Incursion zones, and warfronts - plans to address this?

  • I like the addition of the phased areas around the BFA mission tables - Any plans to add this to the warfront and expediton tables, and the areas previously set to dismount players such as the xmas tree, Timewalking vendor / quest areas?
  • Can we add the areas around the Island Expedition and warfront tables to the rested area?
  • Any news on the rework of the Guild UI and revert of the changes to guild permissions as mentioned in previous Q/A’s?
  • Any news on the Death Bug? the bug where if you die and corpse run back then try to resurrect, only to remain as a ghost / wisp (NE) with 0 health but aggressive NPC’s or players still able to attack you while in this altered state. it’s rather annoying - and has happened to me several times in various locations.

Vendors - Any plans to add PvP conquest vendors to the game? Also can we please get the doubloon vendor to also act as a repair vendor?

Quests - In the latest weekly quest, Incursion WQ’s didn’t count towards progress on the quest. There’s been bugs like this creep into the game from PTR to live - Any plans to address this going forward with regards to listening and acting on tester feedback?

Allied Races - There was discussion in a couple of Q/A’s past as well as @blizzcon about customization as well as what allied races are coming - Any news on this?

Azerite - we all know the items with the new 5th ring traits are from the content added in patch 8.1 as well as added to the emissaries - Plans for the future of azerite gear and the heart of azeroth?

World Quests - at the moment WQ’s are basically obsolete once you reach ilvl 340 except for reputation and emissaries - Plans to keep these viable in the future of this expansion? scaling up? more world bosses?

Forums- Replies to posts clutter up threads an usually - contextually - don’t flow well in regards to the conversation, an are double posted both in the reply section of a post ( typically collapsed ) as well as the thread itself - Plans to address this? Replies should only be within the reply section of a post with a # to show new replies. this will make threads shorter and keep the conversation cleaner with less confusion.

  • I liked that Ion posted on the forums with the season 2 updates that was a huge step forward in terms of communications with the player-base - any plans on expanding on the disclosure of future updates to the game by the CM an development teams to the forums? It would be nice to see discussion on what’s in the works for updates or new features that may possibly be coming to the game, giving people a chance to give their feedback on what they think of the ideas as well as give feedback on what they want to see added or changed in the game.

Patches - 8.1.5 is on the PTR - any news on when it’s projected to hit? I hope it’s not waiting till the April 29 maintenance day as the patch has changes to children’s week in it.

  • News on when 8.2 will hit the PTR as well as a look at what’s coming in future patches beyond 8.2?
  • with AK returning beginning again this week an continuing for 10 weeks (increments), an with the heart maxing out at level 50, are we going to be capped for the full 25 weeks of the new PvP / mythic+ season? I know quite a few players at the higher end (mythic raiders, mythic+ players) have their heart’s @ lvl’s that will be capped @50 before the 10th AK catch-up kicks in.

Can we also get answers to these questions on the thread itself even if these aren’t brought up during the Q/A. I understand there’s limited time in regards to what can be brought up in these Q/A’s, but to leave some of these questions unanswered, along with questions others want answers to detracts to our expectation on more communication from the teams working on the game(s) we all are fond of playing an support.