Live Developer Q&A Friday, December 14 – Submit Your Questions

Or at least get their gnomish engineers to start mass producing gas masks.

Nobody forced you to use it. I used it all the time lifetap to get my mana back pop a healthstone or drain life to heal.
It was an iconic warlock ability, and I know I’m not the only one out there that misses it. Since when is having more options a bad thing? They’ve taken enough away from us.

Could Victory Rush be changed to trigger on kills made by party members? When I’m in a group, I almost never get to use it. Not being able to use an ability because I have to compete with my group for the last hit in order to be a little more self-reliant isn’t very rewarding.


Why do you have 0 communication with your players?


Class design for BFA is, across the board, pretty objectively terrible. Why is there so little focus on the thing that we use to experience every aspect of the game? If the vehicle we use to experience the game is bad, that taints all of those experiences.


Most of the content of 8.1 seems to be aimed at making leveling alts easier. Leveling isn’t fun for many players because a lot of the old world content is drastically out of date. Many of the players who do still enjoy questing despite the repetition have exhausted class/race combos when making alts.
Allied Races is a good step in the right direction, but the decision to make us wait until the next patch for Zandalari & KT Humans is a major hindrance. Why bother leveling throw-away alts while we wait even longer for a feature that should have been released at launch? What do we gain?
Also, do you ever plan to update the quests in older zones to bring them up to date? Would you consider adding new quests in older zones to make the story lines for allied races make more sense? Do you have any plans to make leveling through questing more interesting, instead of just easier?

When will class flavor (a core element of RPGs) become meaningful again? Example: Paladins are experts at fighting undead, yet I see no +Dmg to undead or Exorcism type mechanics.


could you change battle net group so that we can invite member from it directly

Whenever 9.0 releases

Patch 8.1 and Cross-Faction Roleplay

CrossRP was an addon that revolutionized roleplay in WoW, and one of the biggest community events, the Tournament of Ages, made use of it and because of its use the event, and by extension WoW, made it onto Forbes. 8.1 has changed the API in such a way that the addon is broken, and the author cannot fix it. Can you give us an explanation as to what happened? Was it just a slip-up in the code that can and will be fixed? Or was it intentional? Do you intend to give us some sort of alternative to streamlined cross-faction communication?


Will ever be scrapping for lower levels in trade skill will ever be scrapping add to a mount or Jeeves like pet or a Mobile scrapping device add to game? Will also be way scrapping that we can get enchanting mats over ore and ect other mats base what trade skills we got like a way target what we need?

Is the plan to give every race their own set of Heritage Armor, or should we not expect any for Humans, Orcs, Forsaken and Night Elves because the Warfront armor is heavily based on those races? Would that also mean that races who have Heritage Armor are definitely not getting a Warfront that focuses on them?

Separate Heritage Armor for Pandaren based on Tushui and Huojin philosophies?

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What was the reasoning behind removing the ability to delete Mythic Keystones? This has only made people less interested in running M+ when they loot a “dead key” on certain weeks instead of having the chance to reroll it at a -1 penalty.


just gonna keep all these rp relataed ones linked::

The idea , that I believe would be a nice compromise that revives this addon but under blizzards watch. Is to simply incorporate it -for the roleplay servers only- It would.

  1. revert the broken addon , Crossrp.
  2. Give the RP realms a better sense of community/server difference.
  3. show that the RP community,which imo is the most loyal of wow players, is cared about just as much as pve/pvp.

But if not, is it possible to fix the issue that allows these loved and cherished addons to come back?


With the last patch, certain apps that look at community chats have stopped working, including one that has become pretty important for some Rpers, CrossRP. Can you shed some light on why this was implemented, and if there was a particular target for this change?


we were told that Spriests are shamans are gettign a rework for 8.1. since that never happened this patch, was it postponed?


In 8.1, changes were made to community chats, rendering a lot of addons unusable, including one that was an incredible boon to the RP community- Cross RP. Could you please give us an estimate of when its functionality will be restored, or a reason for why this change was made and how you will work with the RP community to find a solution?

Edit: Tried to cut down on wordiness.


Will you consider taking defensive moves off the global cooldown for all specs? It feels bad getting killed by mechanics because the global cooldown was too long to use moves like bubble or absorbs and not due to reaction time.


Why are the war campaign quests still gated behind 7th Legion/Honorbound rep? It’s not very alt-friendly to have to grind that rep again, especially given the other account-based rep changes like the Heart of Azeroth neck upgrades being available.

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Why would night elves raised in undeath serve sylvanas. it’d be like if sylvanas after being freed goes back to the lich king.