Live Developer Q&A Friday, December 14 – Submit Your Questions

Will we ever get to do new stuff in Silithus? It’s been years since we’ve seen the Qiraji, it could be the perfect time for an Azerite Revamp of Ahn’Qiraj or an Aqir Allied-Race! :scorpion: :spider: :cricket:

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Will that magic feeling ever return to World of Warcraft? 8.1 so far ,and BFA as a whole, is not a fun experience.


Is there anyone left at Blizzard that is actually proud of this product anymore?

Shadow priest players truly want “Shadow Word: Death” as a baseline spell again. Requiring it to be a talent was an extremely unwelcome decision, and players do not want to get used to such a terrible change. Why hasn’t it returned?


The leveling bracket for Mists and Cataclysm content feels too fast compared to other expansions. Can we get more levels added to these expansion’s zones? I never get enough time to enjoy the story before being forced into Warlords.

Are the reputation commendations earned after reaching exalted with a faction in BfA going to become account bound like they were in Legion? I would like to funnel extra ones to my alts.

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Do you plan on adding anything of rp value for the rp community?


I just want to add to this post because this is exactly where I sit. I love the music and the visual changes from region to region. I even like the flavor text connected with some of the grey items. However, the over all impression I have is that Blizzard is focusing elsewhere than the PC platform.
To answer a famous question, I actually do not have a phone. I don’t log into Blizzard games to focus on some tiny screen held in my hands. I log on at a comfortable desk with a Tower purring at my feet and immerse myself, headphones and all, in a gaming experience with friends I have made through this amazing UI called WoW. But we are finding ourselves at a crossroads, Blizzard. We are looking at other games and wondering what we can play together that keeps us immersed and chatty while “winning”.
I log in at the Great Seal and the music just gives me such a rush…until I look at the WQ and the rep grinds and the greyed out friend’s list. The decaying log in rate is not an illusion.
Please tell me you have a plan for digging yourselves out of this “we know better than you” cycle that you are in. Or be straight up about how this is a dinosaur of a game and no one wants to work with the code anymore or pay more developers to maintain the quality we remember from expansions of the past.


If Blizzard is really trying to “improve communication with its playerbase,” then why were there so many undocumented changes in 8.1? Many of these changes felt strange and confusing, and this type of behavior does not align with what the WoW team keeps saying about improving communications.


Why does the team always feel a need to rework classes and specs at the start of a new expansion, only to weaken the experience for those players while taking multiple content patches to get the classes back to an enjoyable state, only to rework them again for a new expansion?

Legion was arguably the pinnacle of class/spec fantasy, and it feels like the majority of that work was lost for the sake of “just changing it.” Many people in the community feel this is an issue that Blizzard still has not given a clear heads-on response to, and with 8.1 out and no changes for Enhancement Shamans, it seems like the promises of bringing the spec more in line with others and any sort of feedback in general has just fallen completely flat.


Why is it you can never get feral to work properly ? does anyone at blizz actually play the spec ?


With such a large player base that like to play in so many ways we’ve seen a lot of new systems and new ways to enjoy WoW. So with each expansion and patch there seems to be this need to “re-create the game.” Why not just create new content and not always be reworking classes, buffing and nerfing, and whatnot. Personally I would be just fine with new storylines, new group content and essentially just building on what you all have already created.


Thank you for adding new models to be able to tame, but is there a reason you don’t just make all the beasts/and beast-like mechanicals in this game tamable? Wouldn’t it be so much easier than selectively picking and choosing? For instance, I really want to tame Sabuul or Naroua, all the other colors are already tamable and while you went back and selectively added Somber Dawn from Legion you left those out. And making Beehemoth and Alash’anir level 122 so it can’t be tamed while all the other rares that are like that are 120-121 so they can be.

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I run a lot of mythic+ dungeons, and I run them successfully… for the most part :wink:

These changes, specifically to Underrot and King’s Rest, seem completely antithetical to the goals of World of Warcraft. They are neither interesting, nor fun. What is your reasoning behind them, and will you consider reverting them?


any plans on making this game not suck

Will you be removing battletag, demon hunters, pandaren, void elves/blood elves, and mages, since your TOS states that interaction communication is not allowed?

When are you going to repair the hole in the world next to Dazar’alor and other maps?

When will druid transmogs be fixed so they can use their artifact animal forms with alternate weapon mogs?

Will we ever see tenacity pets get thunderclap back to support aoe aggro grabbing again?

Will we ever see attention given to the issue of harassment via making hundereds of alts to spam whisper players when mains have been blocked?

Will we ever see anything done about the toxic environment in BGs against ones OWN FACTION?

Is there any plans to do anything about going around the language cypher to shout insults and slurs to opposing factions?


The add-on “Cross-RP” diversified and revitalized the entire RPing community. Will you please allow its use again in some capacity?

The number of stipulations put in place to use it, such as “only on RP-realms”, “disabled in RBGs”, “Disabled on War-mode”, “must be connected to a community”, meant that it did not harm the integrity of the game at large.

In actuality it allowed the RP community to flourish in a new and rejuvenating way that has kept many of us hanging onto the game through thick and thin.


Despite the ability that some races/classes can actually see what one another are saying, it still fails to do one thing: Show you the custom emotes of the opposite faction, despite being able to see what they /s and /y.

CrossRP was honestly one of the best ways for roleplayers, no matter the faction to actually RP together without the hassle of going through extensive BNet whispers, chats, etc. Honestly, even if CrossRP isn’t able to be fixed, can we just take down the language barriers?

I mean lore-wise, practically ALL of the major characters can understand one another. A good chunk of orcs know Common, and some humans know Orcish. Blood Elves know Common, due to their time as Quel’dorei and teaching humans magic. Humans might also know Darnassian, and I’m fairly sure that Void Elves, Blood Elves, and even High Elves do as well, seeing as they all are EXTREMELY closely related. They won’t magically forget how to speak and understand the languages just because they’re on a different faction.

So even if there’s the whole argument on “But how would the races know it?” There are numerous examples in Lore, and even WoW’s current storytelling that suggest that language and emotes barriers are completely ridiculous, and frankly hindering to many people’s gameplay and enjoyment of the game.

That being said, can we get a little light shed on this issue?


yessss!! intact and upright forsaken please!! <3

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Titan Residuum, the new currency for the Azerite vendor in 8.1, is rather underwhelming as a resource. This is due to my impression that it is a form of consolation rather than reward.

Randomly receiving Azerite gear of no value from a raid/pvp/emissary cache -> scrap for Titan Residuum.
Receiving Titan Residuum in place of a possible Azerite piece (perceived to be of no value) in weekly mythic cache.

Could you please address a) The issue of whether this resource should be viewed as a reward or consolation; and b) Why there is a lack of more consistent avenues to acquire this resource, especially when Azerite gear is closely connected to Heart of Azeroth progression.