Live Developer Q&A Friday, December 14 – Submit Your Questions

To clarify, you were in the top on DPS, your raid leader mistakenly sat you on a fight where DH… doesn’t have a lot of use for its utility, your raid leaders admitted that was a mistake, and ALL of that is Blizzard’s fault and not the fault your, by their own admission, mistaken RLs?

Community perception is OP or awful. There’s only so much Blizzard can do when RLs are stupid enough to act against their own self-interest, in apparent ignorance of the fight and its requirements. Tell your RLs to shape up or pass on their power to those who know what the heck they’re doing.

Why remove the ability to delete M+ keystones and not resolve the issues that led us to doing so.


Could the movement to revert class design to an iteration of its Mists of Pandaria state ever become a reality?


Great. More answers about azerite traits and island expeditions. Cause that is what Blizzard claims everyone wants to hear about.


I have been having trouble finding how we can earn the Elite Arathi Warfront Transmogs besides the cycle of 1x per warfront that gives a random 370. Very frustrating design. Will we be able to use Marks of Honor to buy missing pieces after PVP season 1?

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Are these the promised changes to shaman? Or are these just a temporary fix?


A lot of people feel that their spec (or class at large) is weak without artifacts or because of pruning. Could you run through the list of specs and in one sentence articulate a strength of that spec?

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Fixed in 8.1!

Darkmoon Faire quest-based skillups now apply automatically to the most recent expansion profession progress that is not at its maximum.

  1. Since the Artifact power system has preformed poorly this expansion despite its better preformance in legion are you looking to bring this system into the new expansion after BFA in some kind of redesign way or otherwise?

  2. Does the team have plans on how to engage players without using a paragon system from diablo have they considered the system guildwars 2 uses?

  3. Has the team considered adding rewards to lower levels, say by completing zones could enable a vendor where new players/alts can access heirlooms/mounts/exp pots?


Why has flying not been given back to us yet? Don’t care if it is on the same slow pace as the last two xpacs, no reason we don’t have it yet.


When are you guys going to hire a person who communicates with the player base? That tells you hey we can’t hold everything they want to hear back, we need to at least give them a morsel of info.

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In the last Q&A you talked about changing Affliction to be more about spread pressure and multi-dot damage than single target burst. Do you feel that not addressing issues with dead talents vs. strong ones like Deathbolt and nerfing Unstable Affliction by 9% accomplished this, or are there any real changes in the works for Affliction issues?

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Shamans do not need a bandaid fix. When will we get a real class rework?

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Will we discover the original home of the Vulpera? And possibly get to visit where they come from and learn more about their ancestry and heritage? Thanks!


Periodically means what? How often, specifically, are incursions? How long do they lasts? What’s the spawn rate? Does the countdown start when one spawns or when one ends? Since you haven’t bothered to give us details!


Fights like G’Huun require bring the class not the player. This is in direct opposition in the past of bring the player not the class. Since we see class fight (Kljaeden G’Huun etc) are there plans for better class uniqueness?


Will frost death knights ever get 2 handers back ?


The point I was making is two fold. Yes our raid leader was wrong. That I’m not disputing. The problem is blizz has led this class among others into the situation it’s in now being an under-performer in most aspects of the game. Mythic + goes all the way back to legion where is was just in the dumpster and that has rolled over into this xpac.

People tend to focus on the negatives of a class and when you are generally ignored for an entire xpac and then into this one, all you see on the forums are non stop posts about shadow sucks at this, sucks at that, garbage at this etc. It’s hard for people outside the class not to take notice and generally just accept it.

Ion even admitted in the last blizz con that certain specs like ours have this perception and one way for them to fix it was say by over-powering the specs for a patch or two to get rid of it. Shadows problems though go far beyond simple dmg tuning.

So yes, I do lay 75% of the blame on Blizzard for the situation Shadow is in. Perception is everything and the reality is most classes do better then shadow in every form on progression so they are generally the first to be sat due to perceived perception.

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Do you have any plans to allow scribes (inscription) to sort by class as they once were able to?


Any plans to better show players which Azerite traits have heavy diminishing returns when stacking the same trait? Seeing a trait and thinking “wow, I definitely want three of those!” Only to find out (after grinding all the pieces) that the traits aren’t as powerful as they should be feels bad.

Also, some values on traits that modify two different values ( deals x more damage and generates y resource, for example) don’t always stack. In the example spell above, the “x more damage” will stack with multiple of the same trait, but the “generates y resource” will not. Any plans to modify the tooltips of these traits to say “this does not stack” or something?