Live Developer Q&A Friday, December 14 – Submit Your Questions

What is the intended role of crafted gear? And are there any plans for technical updates to the profession system to allow high-end crafted gear to be made for people without making the game pay-to-win?


Is there any plans on actually working to make combat fun in this game. It almost seems you have been working at doing the extra opposite, making it more tedious, i.e lvl scaling, ilvl scaling, GCD, poor quality class abilities.


Are there plans to increase what players are allowed to transmog? That being, hiding hands, a button that allows one-handed weapons sheathing on the players back and the ability to only wear one shoulder pad. Is this something that the development team is considering?

When can we expect to unlock Kul Tiran and Zandalari?

Are there any other allied races planned?


With the introduction of a currency to target specific azerite pieces via currency purchases, there is the possibility for a downside. Specifically, around the theorized prices/time investment into targeting a specific piece. I could foresee some miffed players if they spent weeks to obtain an item for a specific trait just to have it tuned below expectations after purchase.

Has any thought been given on how a trait nerf would be handled? Has there been any consideration on possible refunds/trade-ins/buybacks if this happens?

Bonus question: Can horde please get a druid race that wears shoes?


Why do bfa weapon enchants have no visual effect, nor no new weapon enchants illusions?


Why should the Alliance have to wait until spring/summer for bee mounts, when horde got dino mounts at release in fall 2018?


Why are communities, that were doa to begin with, getting more options when guilds who already needed more options and rewards and controls are getting pruned AND no feedback?


Since your not fixing shamans damage issues can we finally get a tank spec?


When the new forum refreshes (F5) there’s a shadow pokemon head or a warped bat signal that flashes on your screen.


Driving us crazay. Thank you for answering. >_<

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Are there any plans to bring back actual vendors for PvP? Maybe at the very least it would help if you were able to get titan residiuum from the weekly chest to have a specific way to target azerite traits, but without it people who PvP are in the same boat as people who did M+ prior to 8.1.


They need to make expansions, so yea

Are you listening to your player base? In previous Q&As, you’ve said that you can’t make everyone happy. I agree, but are you trying to make a majority happy because the forums have been busting at the seams with unhappy players.

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Why did you abandon the legion systems after struggling so hard to perfect them?


Can we have the old glyph system back please?


Could you enable Mythic flex once you enable cross-realm? I imagine guilds wouldn’t die because they can’t find 3-4 pugs that would stick around for progression and recruiting has been a nightmare.

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Why delete the armor buff for shadowform? Is this a “let’s get rid of shadowform completely so I can see my mog” thing to appease the vain petty moggers?

Shadowform armor has been there since day freakin one of this game…can’t get rid of that now! Please revert this change.

BTW, while you’re there, please fix shadowform to look like it did in classic or let us use a glyph.


Do you see any issue with the faction balance as it exists right now (representation on the high end mythic teams as well as the raw player numbers), or is it all just part of the social aspect of the game.

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Are you going to just pick the safest, easiest questions from this thread or will you be brave and honest, and answer the tough questions?


Will there be more tuning to Mythic+ dungeons since players can no longer delete their Key to bring them closer in terms of difficulty?