Live Developer Q&A Friday, December 14 – Submit Your Questions

Any plans to make this game fun again? Or can we keep expecting are talents an abilities to go on gear each xpac?


Why did you guys change from the Prestige system to the Honor system? I found the Prestige system to be much more enjoyable. Also, why was the honor amount for the rewards nearly doubled in some cases? In order to acquire all the Legion rewards, one would need to farm out double the amount of honor someone who played during Legion had to.


Can we pretty please get a yes or a no on Vulpera and/or Sethrak allied races? I don’t want to live in this limbo anymore.


Why did you remove the Mythic Keystone deletion trick? With the huge variance in tuning of dungeons, and the need to target specific dungeons for loot, it was a huge increase to M+ player QoL. The fact that it lowered your keystone level made it difficult to abuse, it mostly just increased the total amount of M+ being done.

Why didn’t Enhancement Shamans receive any major changes in 8.1 to address the specs gameplay concerns? The spec isn’t nearly as fun to play in BFA as it was in Legion. Why were we ignored?


Faction imbalance:

Alliance has a noticeable shortage of activity in every single kind of end-game content from PvP, to Raiding, to M+ dungeons. What are you going to do to even out the factions once racial abilities are more balanced?

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Are you guys closer to reverting the prune to classes? Almost every class is so boring to play and pales in comparison to past iterations.


I’m gonna try, friend.

I hope they atleast fix the specs people have concerns with that got ignored in 8.1.


Can you explain the choice for Maghar as an allied race? They are not connected to the Horde War Campaign at all, why is Honourbound Rep relevant to them? It seemed like they were randomly thrown in.


In a recent interview with Taliesin and Evitel, Lead Designer Kevin Martens said, “The bulk of the changes you make are around rewards.” Ion himself mentioned increasing Island Expedition drop rates, presumably to increase participation. While more rewards will undoubtedly increase participation, does it ever occur to you that the problem with Island Expeditions, PVP-free Warfronts, and overly-trash-mob filled BfA dungeons might not be with the rewards they give, but rather that the modes themselves just aren’t fun?


When will the under-performing specs like shadow/feral/elemental etc be addressed? Classes like shadow have very little utility to compete in higher keys and in raiding they are generally the first class to be sat on progression due to low ST dmg among other things.

On a sidenote outside of this question, what Ion said at blizzcon about overall playerbase perception on classes being a detriment to the class is 100% true. People have the general idea that shadow for eg is terrible at everything and everyone just believes it based on all the posts even if it’s not all entirely true.

A perfect eg of this for me was last week during Mythrax. Even though I was in the top 5 for dmg, I was asked to sit for another DH that logged in. While the officers admitted fault after the fact, their reasoning was they just “assumed” shadow was garbage on the encounter and any other class would of been better for progression. It’s not a great feeling to be sitting on the bench for progression on entire raid tiers. This is on you, and not the player-base.


Any plans on adding new customization options for Allied Races to at least bring them up to par with the base races?

  1. Will we ever get world pvp event areas like we did with Legion? The brawls were fun, always had people pvping, had good rewards of honor, and could be done while waiting for groups outside dungeons. Atal’Dazar the world area is ripe and ready for this kind of content and is currently unused for world quests and world pvp quests (which don’t exist because now because Warmode made “every quest pvp”). These brawls gave me a reason to go to areas and enjoy what Blizzard has made.

  2. Will we ever have an old world flight whistle?

  3. Will there be improvements to the Blizzard Voice UI as many people still have no clue how to activate it and use it. Overwatch has it very simply laid out. We need something like this for wow.

Are we ever going to see the ‘other side’ of Azeroth?


That would be an actually good idea, but there are still threats on our side before we could go over that way.

Are we going to get a talent tree that bolsters’ our skills for our classes? Explain please.
Are we going to have a gear vendor for pvp and pve? Yes or no.

I couldn’t agree more. Exalted with all three factions completed all quest lines in all three zones. This should have been enough. Zandalari and Kul’Tirans should have been unlocked now.


Are there any plans for opening up more race/class options like tauren rogues, worgen monks or such? How about more customization options like Grimtotem warpaint for tauren or expanding back items to include backpacks? Have you guys considered adding a tint system that includes unlockable color schemes that drop from raids and dungeons?

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Crafted BOE gear and reputation gear feels outdated and unrewarding since i can just queue Warfront and get the same gear with less effort and time, any plan to make them relevant again?

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