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And relative to this question, will the writing at any point recognize that Tushui and Houjin are not rival factions, but rather complementary and balanced philosophies?


Is there any plan to replace the entire dev team with a new one?


Honestly, given the literally, not figuratively, thousands of replies on the subject of old portal removal (completely unnecessary and added nothing of substance), I’d like to see that addressed.


In PVP this is aspirant’s gear, 50 conquest, 250 honor.
What would the PVE equivalent be – 385 gear, 50 gold, 250 rep?

Will there be any hope in seeing the restrictions set upon the Transmogrification system lifted? Moving forward, might we be able to potentially transmogrify our characters into holiday-exclusive cosmetics, hide the entirety of our armor without suffering major stat penalties in the process, or, better yet - be given the choice to equip any type of armor we want, regardless of class restrictions?


Are we going to see the updated character models for Worgen and Goblins soon?

I’d like to dust off my rogue, but waiting for the shiny new graphics first



Any plans to add the removed portals into the new portal rooms?

Spending 2-3 mins per toon flying to these places is really just an inconvenience and adds absolutely nothing to my gameplay experience. I’m not going to have more social interaction, I’m not excited about seeing the dull,empty open world I’ve been looking at for 14 years.

This change is not wanted or needed and it really shows how tone deaf this entire dev team has become to the paying customer.

Please fix it, please show me that you value our feedback in any kind of meaningful way because it sure hasn’t looked that way for a long time and it’s driving people away in record numbers.


Depends on how you define Soon™ – IIRC at BlizzCon these updated models were listed under the 8.2.5 panel information. So unless something causes them to dramatically push their schedules ahead, I would expect them Fall 2019.


The wings for Avenging Wrath sit way to low on male draenei, can you move it higher or give us a glyph for the old wings?

Fair. Hadn’t ever seen anything more specific than Blizzard’s ever-present, eternally-memed-on “soon ™”. Thank you.

any chance of reverting the demon hunter talent "fel barrage " back to both melee AND range or at least a explanation of why it was changed?

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When will we get more customization for Nightborne? Nightborne lost a whole lot in translation from NPC race to Allied Race, with limited skin and hairstyle options, and glowing hands, feet, and arcane strands in their hair being absent from player models despite appearing on NPCs.

Also, more hairstyles for races in general? An option to toggle hair regardless of helm?


Hi yes I have a question.

As a world rank 15, NA rank 2 raider I’d like to know how Blizzard came to the decision to fire hundreds of support staff when Blizzard CS was already lacking staff but managed to find time to keep Ion, who hasn’t done anything useful in his time at Blizzard.



What metrics are you going to be using to determine player engagement with the old (pre-BFA and let’s say pre-legion too) open world in Azeroth (a stated reason for portal removal)?

Are you going to be monitoring other metrics such as the amount of people clearing old raids and dungeons at max level or levels much higher than the level they were designed for in relation to this change to determine if player engagement with that old content drops as a result of portal changes and increased travel time and difficulty in accessibility?

Why make a portal to Azsuna instead of the hub which is Dalaran? WoW has always had a hub and spoke approach to many aspects from questing to travel; why change this especially considering initial quests for that expansion still start in Dalaran and although diminished the class hall system is still in place that includes choosing which zone you first want to be sent to as well as a lot of the lore and story.

What do you have to say to players on RP realms who are especially upset about the portal removal because of the difficulties it presents to playing out in the open world and in so far as it now encourages city RP at the cost of visiting areas in character to truly experience the world?

How hard would it be for you guys to expand the size of the portal rooms implemented in 8.1.5 and would the cost/time involved be a deterrent to adding more portals that you might otherwise add in future? (This would seem to be especially a problem with the design of the horde’s portal room, alliance I could see seemlessly having hallways expanded out)

Are we ever going to get better customization choices for allied races and new looks added with BFA? Many people dislike the lack of pupil detail in all the Blood Elf golden eye options (and have to wonder why all the original faces couldn’t have been made available with golden eyes by just changing the color to give more choices to players). Additionally will races like Void Elves be getting additional hair styles? Can’t base-look races have all or the majority of their hairstyles ported and skinned as necessary? Many players feel that more could be done to bring the allied races level of customization up to that of base races and I don’t see why it wouldn’t be fairly inexpensive as you don’t have to start from scratch either.

Probably little point in asking but I really have to anyways: Any chances we can get High Elves as an allied race?


What informed the decision to make many mounts so exceptionally expensive when gold making outside of the Auction House and professions has been substantially cut?

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Will we get 2H frost dk back?


Any chance you could fix the final platform on the last boss in Siege of Boralus (Viq’goth) for pet classes?

Pets constantly get stuck on obstacles and for BM hunters that means the inability to Kill command or for your pet to do any damage. Mainly a concern in Mythic + keys.

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Can high Mythic+ players get more agency in choosing what dungeons to run? My friends and I enjoy doing high keys for the challenge and pushing our raiderio score but in some weeks, we get streaks of the same dungeon (even if it’s easy like FH, we still get tired of it eventually). For example, we’d love to have a vendor, perhaps unlocked with the seasonal KSM achievement, that sells depleted keystones (any dungeon/key level but no loot).

Any plans to make “wow great again” or is an “expected decline” the only way for people to see this game?

Any plans on adding back raid skips? Like we had in wod and Legion that let you skip some raid bosses after having cleared the raid a couple time.

Is anyone satistfied with how classes are right now at blizzard? Most classes are lackluster and got slower with gcd.

Can we go back to tank balance from mop to Legion? Tanks right now are very barebone and it feels more like roleplaying a rock than being an active tank like last expansions made us.

Is there any plan to make BFA playable on a phone or is it strictly PC forever?

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