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Legion brought spec specific talent trees -
but building a class by picking talents from all specs felt massive in comparison. (Thats good in a mmo) Those talent points made leveling, or what AP grinding could be, worthwhile. Any plans for bigger talent trees?

May we have our talents like one sees in Diablo III. When our talent unlocks, different options and capabilities unlock in our talent tree as we level. May we see something like this talent tree in the future patch like 8.2 or in a future patch?

I would love to have Highmountain Tauren Warlocks. Blood Totem members who didnt fully join the Legion, but as with many other races, saw the benefits to using their power.


Man if they are the GM’s are going to have their hands full with the silence button. I can already see the chat lines now.

Can we get some new class/race combos? LF Draenei or Worgen Monk, Tauren Rogue, Orc Paladin, Nelf Shaman, High Elves, or any other of the most requested ones?



Why do you ignore player feedback?


Any plans on taking out or change the idea of leveling? It used to be a major part of the game. It now feels like nothing but a chore. Probably because most level dings offer no incentive. In Classic, every level would offer a talent point (which was a HUGE deal) and every other level a new spell rank. There is barely any growth in old leveling content, and 110 to 120 has little to none. Power progression is sorely lacking, and yet it should be one of, if not the most important aspect of your character. I used to be excited at leveling characters, but now it is nothing but a chore so i can use catch up mechanics to play the current patch.

  1. Are there any plans to add non-void colored skins to Void Elves like Aleria?
  2. Could you give wrogen access to the chiropractor that the Orcs got when you do the model updates for them?
  3. Speaking of worgen, the heritage armor, will it have a long coat like the kul tirans have and a top hat? I think both are very appropriate.
  4. Breath of Sindragosa. It’s way too dominating and demanding of a talent to the point it feels like it takes over your gameplay rather than enhances it like talents should do. Is there a possible rework to it’s design that will make it not only less of a dominating choice but less demanding on the player when chosen?

Oh and when is 8.2 ptr?


Are there any plans to add more glyphs that replace warlocks current demons with something cooler like what we got with the orb of the temptress and glyph of the shadow succubus? I’m the man who killed a titan and yet I still have an imp.

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Is there any hope of getting Zandalari Warlocks back? It was announced at Blizzcon along with the other nine currently playable classes, but it was quickly removed, being called a “mistake”. I was really excited for this race/class combo, and it was one of the main reasons I even bothered to unlock the race to begin with. I was even considering race changing my current Warlock to Zandalari. I am happy for Paladins being included to their list of playable classes; I just hoped that it would’ve been the replacement for Death Knight (to differentiate them from the Darkspear), considering your stance on Allied Races not being able to be Hero Classes.

In addition, Kul Tirans should’ve gotten Paladins/Warlocks along with Mages since both of these are the main races of the expansion, and Humans and Trolls tend to be very versatile races in WoW.


i’d really like to hear about class balance changes we can expect to see. SpecificLly mages who feel really bad this tier. Mage class fantasy is being a glass canon but right now it’s more like the guy in raid that gives people the int buff.

ok you mean frost right unholy is pretty good atm

There’s also the fact that because Mythic gear is already within 10 ilvl of the season limit there’s less “cap” room for Mythic gear to TF. As such lower difficulty tier players will end up with disproportionate power scaling compare to Mythic raiders.

It’s a terrible system and should be completely and entirely removed.

Glad to see this as well. Came here to post this, and glad to see it here near the top and with so many likes.

What are you doing to fix faction imbalance in high end raiding? Alliance is severely underrepresented. Perhaps you could give us a pve call to arms? And what about server merges? Is it time to do more of them?

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Are there plans for new classes? With only 12 classes and now with allied races being practically infinite, it will get very boring leveling the same classes multiple times. If you need ideas for classes let me know I have a lot.


Ion, players truly want our iconic “Shadow Word: Death” spell back to baseline for shadow. I’ve yearned for it more than anything else. Can you please talk to us about this?


[8.2 azerite system question]

  1. In the current and previous patch, unlocking the last two rings of 415 mythic level azerite armor has felt like an uncomfortably high bar and I have not seen the need for these higher unlock requirements for higher item levels. Moving forward, will the 8.2 Azerite system that is based on directly empowering your neck have normalized unlock requirements? Personally speaking, I like to hit that finish line rather briskly and have minor .1% DPS increase traits of Concordance like during the Argus patch.

note: I believe there were typically like 40 word-ish limits on these. I’m concerned it might be too long to fit on the question card. Can omit the last sentence if that’ll make it work. Personally I’d like to see AK max out faster, and then we can unlock 10 or 15 more traits of Concordance if that’s their thing (which it was for a lot of people I knew). Unlocking defensives for mythic Mekkatorque and Jaina has felt mandatory. The 5 item level has been mostly out of reach during both G’huun and Jaina prog. Dead before its really unlockable for most,

[Frost mage question]

  1. Would it be possible to change the timing of Winter’s Chill so shattering Glacial Spike and Frostbolt is possible when close to the target? This becomes an issue on fights where you ideally want to be within 10 yards. Sometimes you can work around it, but it ends up as a significant dps loss when not.

[General class question]

  1. Is there a ‘mid-expansion’ talent pass in the works for specs? For example, for Frost I’d say at least Mirror Image, Lonely Winter, Thermal Void, Ray of Frost, and others would be worth some attention. Some talents just get outscaled across the course of the expac cycle.

Third time is the charm for this question! Anyway are player Pandaren ever going to get back to who they are? Right now they seem like Furry Orcs/Humans blindly following their factions when originally they set out to “heal the world” not help it burn. When the world literally needs to be healed we don’t see them taking any sort of action other than on the battlefield. We have Horde Pandaren a ok with allying with Zandalari and they don’t seem to care that Zul the guy who attacked Pandaria was set free.

Are we going to get some quests later on that will go in depth with their feelings? To maybe show why they have had this massive change. Maybe not just Pandaren but the other races as well?

I know Pandaren tend to be hated by the community but those of us that love the race are shafted? Forgotten? I mean even Ji was forgotten during the Horde meeting and had to be added in later during the PTR…