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Is there a chance that players could have access to the new idle animations the NPCs have as emotes? It would be great to be able to lean against a wall, stand on guard, or rest our weapon on our shoulder.


Will the Winter Grasp bugs be fixed before the WG Epic BG is added into the Epic BG queue lineup?

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Hello Can we see Horridon and Oondasta become tameable for hunters please and keep there cool look please. Also could we get the wild Brutosaurs to also be tameable, something that i have wanted to tame from the start of BOA, please.


I’m really interested in hearing back on this one. Much has been discussed around the WoW youtuber community about how the current dev team are making changes using the perspective of a dev, using this kind of metrics to back up their decisions. Bellullar, T&E, Preach and the guys from Allcraft have all made comments on this at one point. So I second my fellow player in his question, but I ask more specifically, if blizzard is using quantitative methods to measure participation and making changes based on that why the devs don’t suck it up and come out about it ? Because right now, the portal change for example, certainly leaves a really bad after taste of a change targeted to increase participation in a longer period of time using an incremental added minute or two in what could look like a trivial activity. Many other changes like these have been made in the game and it’s usually silence or deflection as a response, leaving the frustration on the player base to increase and the community as whole to feel misunderstood and unheard.


If the PvP scaling system isn’t able to sufficiently handle the gear difference between levelling characters and level-locked twinks, to the point that seperate BG queues have to be re-instituted. Why is it considered sufficient to handle gear discrepancy at level cap, in a competitive environment?


Professions need meaning. Any plans for change?


The Nightborne player customization choices are disappointing in terms of options relative to other allied races, and I don’t get the impression many people are happy with the choices that actually do exist. NPC Nightborne look so much better. Any chance there will be more options made available for this great allied race?


Seconding Allurian’s comment as well. I was really looking forward to making a Nightborne who resembled Valtrois or Ellisande.


How can Dalaran stand by and not join the faction conflict? Why have they not been drawn into it?


Lightforged Paladin mount can we get a Mech or something special


Despite the fact many people don’t like it, the new portal room is very impressive visually/graphically. Are there any plans to remodel/retexture any old assets to bring them to the same level of graphical fidelity as the newer models? What about the world land masses. The mountains in Kul Tiras are more appealing than the mountains in Elwynn for example.


Holy guacamole. This right here.

Vulpera, AR when?


Heroic Uldir: 370
Twice titanforged: 380
Normal Dazaralor: 385

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Isn’t BoD a new tier?

Now that you’ve added another larger-than-standard-human model to the game with the Kul Tirans, any chance of upgrading the textures on chest armor, particularly the older sets, so that it doesn’t warp and pixelate when equipped on larger models? Or just designing gear with larger models in mind?


When will feedback about the portal removal be addressed?

When will Loch Modan be rebuilt? The Sha corruption from the Vale cleansed?


Considering the removal of portals out of legion Dalaran is there any plans for Dalaran to be moved again?

When will Lightforged Draenei Paladins get their own Paladin mount? They are now the only race without their own Paladin class mount.


Will there be other Island game modes so I can actually enjoy them?

Islands are beautiful. I want to explore them! Rushing through and constantly fighting mobs just feels annoying. I would rather have a system similar to MoP scenarios but have them take place on islands. Each scenario could provide different objectives such as a mechanic heavy 3 player boss type mob, puzzles, hidden azerite that has to be detected, and just more random enjoyable events. Maybe aside from scenarios there could be just different game modes. Maybe a 10 man battle royale on an island similar to the movie… battle royale. We could have race mounts through the islands and pick up power ups like mario kart 64. We could do pet battles on islands. We could have a bunch of different game modes and scenarios (more scripted), instead of just rushing through and wasting these amazing art assets.