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Are we able to receive a gear vendor with some sort of currency to upgrade pieces of gear like we did with Legendaries in Legion? Gives us an incentive to play and earn instead of logging in, queue and hoping to get an upgrade.

any chance we can get gladiator stance back?


It seems that over the past few years then development team has adopted a new design philosophy. 1. Gate 2. Queue 3. Daily 4. RNG - This new philosophy with the additional push for e-sports has proven to produce stagnant gameplay when it comes to quest, content design and replay-ability. Is there any chance for a new design philosophy that will give back class uniqueness and encourage “play the way you want” that we saw from vanilla to wrath. Somewhere after that if feels like the game has become more and more theme-parked with lazy class and content designs that are intentionally gated to keep player strung along rather than truly engaged. In short I am tired of the dangle the carrot game design that seems to have taken over. Seeing that this is a hard question I doubt it gets picked, and the usual fluff gets answered. However I am part of a sub-reddit group that is 33k strong and feel the exact same way. I just thought I would at least give it a shot and ask…


Is there any possibility to lift the restriction on transmogging “white/gray” gear? There are so many great starter sets where the art is amazing (pandaren starting zone for example) and it just seems like a waste to not be able to mog them. Using the excuse of “silly mogs” seems to have flown out the window with the new and updated floppy fish mace.


Cap will be increased in 8.2 and you will continue to level neck until expansion is over.

Is there anything coming for Shamans and Hunters who have the Leatherworking profession? Tools of the trade don’t benefit us much due to already having drum-like mechanics.

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Awhile back you guys mentioned that you were looking at removing Bloodtalons from the Feral kit due to it being awkward and not really making any sense. Is there any word to that actually happening?

Glad to see the update to companion app to include social and calendar events, which was admittedly long over due. Any update on when we’ll get access to the auction house in the app? Or is that even an intended function of the app?

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Will Baine eat Lor’themar?

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Is there a way we can make Mastery a dynamic stat again? Particularly with damage classes. So many characters mastery translates into Mastery = X% more damage, which feels like just a slightly more offensive version of versatility.


Are there currently any plans to expand upon or change the guild functionality. I know that my RP guild has trouble with the limited number of ranks and of the limited functionality of the roster’s “powers”.


What are your plans for guilds going forward? Do you still see them as integral to WoW’s sense of community? What improvements do you envision for the guild UI? How do you intend to revamp the looking-for-guild function? When will the rank permissions be broken up so Guild Masters can assign ranks and permissions like they used to?


Could you comment on whether or not Blizzard is working on a new IP that centers around players controlling characters in fully functioning casinos? Seems like you have the right team for it.


That’s flat out not true, a regular heroic piece from Uldir was on par with normal gear from BoD, their ilvl is identical, if it twice-titanforged from -heroic- it would be competitive with heroic gear from BoD. Which I think is a larger issue than you stated.

Any chance that we may be able to buy the appearances of the Warfront transmog sets in the future? The Aspirant versions in particular are way harder to get despite being the raid finder equivalent of the sets.


Follow up to Delfaine and Fumel’s questions: Will guild caps be adjusted to account for 50 characters per server? Perhaps either by moving the cap significantly, or by counting accounts rather than characters?


How is the auction house revamp coming along?


We’ve seen NPCs using more and more cosmetic back pieces like backpacks and spear bundles instead of capes. Is there any chance these could be made available to players?


Yeah but how far off is 8.2? That was kind of the purpose of the question. I suppose I could have been more clear in that though. Thanks for pointing that out.

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BFA seemed like a prime opportunity to really extend mythic+ content, potentially adding things like M+ rating, cosmetic rewards and a competitive PvP rating like system. Why have we not seen any big additions to m+?