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Why did Raid skips go away and can they come back? With Jaina dropping a mount many guilds will be clearing her every week for the rest of the expansion, it’d be nice to have a skip to her.

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Eyeon doesn’t play enhance so it’s probably never going to be fixed.

Someones gotta be last…

In the last 4 weeks, I’ve run 36 keys that were 10+. From my weekly caches, for 2 weeks I got a duplicate belt, then I got a duplicate stat pair of pants and last week, I got a pair of pants that were considered a downgrade. I finally got an upgrade last night. A pair of pants nonetheless, but Titanforged. I have cleared heroic each week and for the last 3 weeks, no drops whatsoever, including rolls. Granted, heroic has nothing I need… aside from forges.

Is this new loot system what you consider fun? If you doubt my statements above about my drops, please investigate my account to see for yourself. If anything, you’re burning people out and running people off. My DK, an alt I barely pay attention to, went from dinging 120 to ilvl 387 in 8hrs played at the current level.


Why can’t we use certain toys or other items such as “Paint Bomb” in BGs?

Paint Bomb: Use: Covers an enemy player in paint.
Max Stack: 250

With the removal of portals to “make the world feel bigger”, is there any plans to make the rest of the world relevant as end game content?

Without any changes to how the rest of the world is utilized, all removing portals from the Shrines and dalaran did was remove the incentive I had to touch pandaria and broken isles past leveling in them and has a touch of the opposite effect as it just removed choices of places I had as central hubs.


Is Blizzard happy with the current state of PvP? Are there any plans to push out PvP balance changes more frequently?

Not sure if they concern themselves with gold farmers who sell gold.

Being the World of Warcraft will there be any change to funneling everyone one at max level into a very small portion of the world each xpac making the world feel empty for lowbies and max level players caged into only this small portion of the world for anything meaningful?


Are you going to fix arena?

can we get glyph of nightmares back for warlocks?


Can you please give demonology warlocks an interrupt?

Are there are any plans to revisit the pre-Zanda/KT Allied Races to make them more in-line with their integrity?

Considering Nightborne guys and Highmountain chicks have had completely broken facial meshing since the earring ninja hotfix/8.0 prepatch launch, and the fact there was an original statement about “wanting to go back and add unique dances to better differentiate these races from their silhouettes”, I’m curious if there’s anything on the roadmap for retroactive changes before BFA ends.


Will we hear more about the San’layn storywise or at least the Horde?


Why are utility skills so under utilized? e.g. Why does my rogue have to kill for what he could pick-pocket? And on that, why does he need to steal a key?
Also, could you stop giving underwater breathing and underwater speed to every underwater zone? I get why you’d do it for questing, so make it temporary, but for WQ’s there are alternatives for those who aren’t Druid, Warlock or Undead.

Since 8.0, Subtlety has seen a massive decrease in play due to nerfs, bugs and an overall lack of identity in the specialization. Can we expect some updates in the near future? Maybe a fix to Replicating Shadows, changes to Shadow Blades, or making Shadow Focus baseline? I know the rest of the rogue community would be glad to hear about some kind of change coming.


Will you be reworking pre-BFA trade-skills to include more pets, toys and/or unique items to make them relevant again?

Any more info on the upcoming changes to Artifact Power/equipment and the Heart of Azeroth necklace?


When the announcement of the portal rooms started with an acknowledgement of how difficult it can be to get around the world(s), why did you feel it necessary to make it harder to get around by removing some portals that had been in the game for years?


Any way we could see 3 primary professions? Maybe something like 2 crafting, 1 gathering or vice versa? (example being mining/blacksmithing/jewelcrafting or herbalism/alchemy/inscription)

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