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Can we get the Barman Shanker in Transmog?

It turns out twinks don’t enjoy playing against other twinks, and non-twinks want nothing to do with twinks.

This is my surprised face: :roll_eyes:


Here’s a couple, pick one or (or more).

Are you doing anything about Affliction Warlocks and their “75% former baseline abilities” talent set up? Since Legion, we’ve been harping about this. If we have to wait until 9.0 for any meaningful change…is four years not enough???

Portals. +15k comments, 0 feedback heeded. Enough said.

Anything planned on fixing gearing and it’s overly RNG reliant gameplay?

Professions are still dead in the water, any idea on making them not suck?


They did reply to the portal issue. You all just didn’t like the answer they gave.


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Are there any plans to introduce something like a minimum key experience to the Dungeon LFG tool so that we do not need 3rd party match making tools like the raider[dot]io score any more?

Didn’t say they didn’t reply, said they didn’t act on the overwhelmingly negative feedback. Two very different things.

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Legion and Battle for Azeroth brought updated casting animations for all casters except Balance druids. Will Moonkin Form get an update in the near future?

When asked about platekinis/skimpy armor at Blizzcon 2017, the response was it had to “make sense.” It would make perfect sense for island expeditions or Trial of Style to award these options, yet we haven’t had anything like this added. What gives?


Are you guys happy with the current state of racials? The new allied races racial seem very strong and thematic. While some older races (even some of the other allied races) could use some love on specific abilities.

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Any chance we’ll get to split Artifact T-mog by hands in the future? (For example I love the Prot Warrior Flail, but don’t care for the shield and want to use Bulwark of Azzinoth)


Bouncing off of this, but when will Warlocks get animations? Our “new” animations are just some reused Mage and Shaman ones.

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Have you considered hosting a Q/A answering questions that are not BFA related such as : What is being done with the old out of date auction house?

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When can we expect to see the rightful heir to the Forsaken people take her place?

Queen Calia Menethil is waiting…

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Is there a specific reason you moved baseline legion abilities/passives to the bfa talent tree? such as terms of engagement talent for survival hunters? It pales in comparison greatly to the other talents it competes with, and it obviously feels like it takes up a talent slot just to fill the quota.


What new allied races in 8.2? And when will more 8.2 details be released?


Do you feel the current state of communication is adequate? After your very public promise to do better at communication the only noticeable change has been these rather canned and non responsive “interviews”.

Adding to that the firing of some of the last, already incredibly rare CMs and you are left with a community that doesnt speak with its devs and a game that hasnt been well received.

What are your plans to alleviate your missteps in this?


Why is the horde story just a retread of Mists of Pandaria and is there any way will you deviate from that story and not make the horde look like villains?


Any chance that the tuning of BoD for smaller group sizes will be addressed? There are fights that require a Mythic level of output and strategy to complete on Heroic difficulty when running the minimum group size. This appears to be a large oversight in terms of the availability of raiding to smaller guilds without having to almost double their roster to accomplish the majority of the fights.

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Why was Uldir made irrelevant with the changes to heroic and mythic dungeons?


Eww no, let her die again. Last thing the Horde needs is more leaders just being an Alliance proxy.