Live Chat security?

I had an issue yesterday that required customer support through live chat. The issue was resolved despite somewhat of a language barrier and some questionable consumer law catchphrases but nonetheless, the support person was diligent and sorted my problem.
It was the phone call approximately 1 hour later from a Slovenia country code that piqued my interest (I had to look it up). The caller said nothing and eventually ended the call.

Now I should explain that my job literally is to look at potential connection between coincidences and determine their relevance, so something out of the ordinary like this is definitely raising flags for me. I’ve never received an international call like this before (I’m in Australia) and it concerns me that it occurred so soon after I had interaction with a faceless person who clearly lacked local knowledge of consumer law and, I can only assume had access to my personal information (including banking details as there was a refund involved).

So, my question is how secure is the Live Chat? It seems to be operated by a 3rd party company which futhermore is not US based, making me question if said company is bound by the same privacy laws as a US based company. Is this an accurate description or can someone state otherwise?

I can pretty much guarantee you that the phone call was a complete coincidence, and Blizzard wouldn’t use the chat client if it didn’t live up to their standards of privacy (as detailed in their privacy policy).


Blizzard does not outsource support. I cannot comment beyond that.


There is a definite guarantee that Blizzard does not outsource their support system. Plenty of players have come to these forums claiming that they can do better than some people they interact with, and every time it’s been made very clear that such prospectives would be required to move to an in-house facility in Texas or California.


Would any of you mind linking something current that confirms this please?

Blizzard’s support is from their own offices and nowhere else. They don’t outsource in any way.

Their offices, however, can be located in different countries than where you yourself live.


Well i’m in Australia, so virtually any interaction with Blizzard is with someone not in my country. That’s not really my concern here though.

Part of the Americas region. So you deal with employees in the Americas region.

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I know of no security concerns with Live Chat, and yes - ALL our CS is done by one of our in-house offices, although we do have offices around the globe.

Now, since that goes through your computer, I suppose that could be a security concern if you had something on your end, but I agree, most likely a coincidence. I get demon-dialed all the time at home.


It was someone in America then
 Either in Texas or California. They don’t outsource and the tools for live chat are not accessible outside the office. They aren’t even allowed to work from home. As their privacy policies state they do not share any information with other companies. You getting a call was a coincidence. Take the fear mongering conspiracy theories elsewhere.


I don’t believe that’s entirely true anymore. It’s possible that Blizzard may have directed ANZ players to an office that’s more in line with their time zones than having to force them to stay up or wake up at ungodly hours for support.

It’s all still Blizzard, though. No third party companies.

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This is what I wanted to know. Is there something you can link to verify this though?

Not really, but I work here. We don’t ‘outsource’ CS.

We have offices around the globe, if you are talking to Blizzard, you are talking to someone within one of our offices.


Ok then thanks.

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