29,000 is a huge sample size. That said, WillE’s poll for Dual Spec in TBC Classic had a tremendous number of votes and Blizzard completely ignored that poll as well:
Blizzard should poll players in-game, show us the results and then make their decisions. Oh, and before people go off about Dual Spec not being in original TBC, I don’t care. They started development of Dual Spec in TBC because of problems that arose in TBC, the same problems we’re dealing with now.
Similar to what OSRS does. However, Blizzard doesn’t design the game with the idea of doing what the playerbase wants. They design it how they think it should be.
I hate this excuse so much.
If you want to be social, you’ll try to be social whether you’re using LFD or not. Nothing is stopping you from queueing up, getting a group and striking up conversations while you do the dungeon.
Not to mention, no one is being social in dungeons NOW. At most it’s “Who is tanking/healing?”, maybe a “My bad” if you died/caused a wipe and then a “ggs, cya” at the end. 10/10 social interaction there, let me tell ya!
However, even if it does promote anti-social communities… I would rather join a group and no one says a word if that means I can actually get a dungeon done. I sat in the LFG tool and spammed chat recently for 2-3 hours trying to find/form a group and the only whisper I got was someone that accidently clicked my name instead of the leader of a GDKP that spoke 1 second before I posted in LFG.
If I want to be social, I’ll do so with my guild. I just want to actually get dungeon groups in a reasonable time frame.
“As a result of this automatizing the group formation process and instantaneous means of traveling to the dungeon, the time and incentives for the members of the group to socialize and build relationships (Yee 2006) was reduced for groups formed through Dungeon Finder.”
“This Dungeon Finder removed both the necessity of players to manually look for other group members to do dungeons with as well as the necessity of travelling through the world to the dungeons location. This removed much of the time and incentives for social interactions in the form of socializing and building relationships (Yee 2006).”
“players grouped through this Dungeon Finder were less concerned with sustaining or building reputations and relationships with other group members from different realms since they were unlikely to ever meet again after the dungeon. Some respondents in Crenshaw and Nardi (2016) stated that automatized group formations led to players disregarding each other, while more or less objectified other players as non-human.”
“Many players claim the social experience to be an appealing and charming part of MMO games, and that this Dungeon Finder diminished communication within the group as well as reduced players’ loyalty to the group (Crenshaw & Nardi 2016). Since the Dungeon Finder quickly could find replacements for players leaving the dungeon, players and their loyalty to the group were no longer as important and the social experience was reduced to instrumental at best (Crenshaw & Nardi 2016).”
Crenshaw, N., LaMorte, J., & Nardi, B. 2017. " Something We Loved That Was Taken Away": Community and Neoliberalism in World of Warcraft. Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). http://hdl.handle.net/10125/41401
There have been extensive psychological studies done that prove my point. This is only the tip of the iceberg.
It promotes Anti-Social behavior. As someone else put it the people in your dungeon might as well just be bots. These are people you will not care about.
Yeah “ggs,cya” and people realize you’re reliable they’re going to recruit/friend you. People want to do content with people who are great to play with. LFD promotes Anti-Social behavior as anyone not up to speed is votekicked the moment they’re in any shape behind or happen to be rivals for gear dropping in a 3man group running LFD once the boss comes up.
Yeah, you’re all about progress and not about the social community. You’re not a traditionalist when it comes to MMOs. You’re a lobby gamer and you should stick to a lobby game.
Blizz is going to pull the same thing they always do, they’ll keep saying no until later wrath and then they’ll add it talk about how they listened and that they’re the good guys.
wasnt one of the big selling points of classic that there isnt some auto group finder that puts you into a dungeon or raid? That you would have to be forced to socializing and creating a community on your server?..
People are already anti-social. Even when I do try to strike up conversations, people just ignore me.
Hell, maybe I am. But you can’t tell me it’s fun to spam chat for 2-3 hours to never get a group. But hey, that 2-3 hours of spamming chat got me loads of social interaction huh?
Now you know whom to avoid if you actually want to socialize with someone
If no one is actively joining your group that could be a number of factors. Some of which are addressed in Wrath with the tabard rep farming and easing the difficulty(mind numbing grind) on heroics.