Literally 3/4 players want LFD

actually only 3/10 want LFD.

The really funny bit was when released people asked so, lfd?

No. that was wrath. okay…swing by later then. TBCC hit. Lfd? came back an expac early dude. Check back later.

Now…its wrath (well will be soon). a hard no to lfd. even at ICC (as I avoid well it wasn’t at start, ICC drop ain’t getting either).

I’m on a low population server. I want RDF, because i know from EXPERIENCE in original Retail, back when my Server was dying RDF made it possible to still do daily heroics and random heroics. Server merges did nothing but just add once in a while I saw someone with “Twisting nether” in their name instead of just their toon name, the server merge didn’t help my server from dying in the slightest, and it remains basically dead to this very day in retail.

However I can still get dungeons done by just popping open the RDF tool and queuing up for a dungeon if I so chose to do so.

As someone whom was originally on an OG tiny server that ended up getting server merged with another server, RDF is INFACT something that made my existence more bearable.

Later on they added the LFG tool as well that let you set up specific stuff like mythic+ or raids.

I don’t play retail much anymore because the story’s gone and jumped the damn shark at this point, but I certain remember how wonderful getting RDF in OG wow was.

Sure there was some growing pains and hiccups with bad groups, but you still get bad groups and disbanded groups without RDF (Assuming you aren’t one of those people that -only- invite people in T6 to do heroic dungeons) you still get ninja looters in random groups as well, or rather people that need on greens because they “Need mats to level their enchanting.”

RDF was a net benefit to the game, there’s a reason every serious MMO in existance now has a tool similar to RDF, because it -works-, and not just for “the retail crowd” :roll_eyes:

Especially not when your on a 97.5% horde server with 10k+ people on it, trying to act like you -know- what small server people want.

BTW: Healer here, maining a healer doesn’t make finding groups in Classic Any easier. :smiley:

Can still sit for an hour+ Time trying to find a tank.

What? Make friends? Join a guild!?

Funny you should mention that! We have guild tanks that often tank stuff for our guildies, some of them even have 3 different tanks! Sadly, these tanks literally can only do so many heroic dungeons a day! If your schedule doesn’t align with them, or they just aren’t in the mood / burned out of tanking, then guess what? No tanks.

Friends tanking? I made 5 friends with tanks outside of my guild, ran dungeons and heroics with them for a while, but as time goes on, people stop playing for various reasons. Now these 5 tank friends I had are all gone, two of them left in phase 2 during the SSC/TK statelmate, and the other three dropped off between BT and ZA.

Wowzers, I am in a supportive guild that cannot do everything for everyone, and I even went out of my way to try to make friends with other people on the server and they all drifted away from classic for some reason or another. :scream:

It’s almost like your “Just make friends” or “Just join a guild” or “Make a tank or healer” throw away lines aren’t a magical cure-all you make it out to be.

It also seems like you don’t actually pug, so why does your opinion on a tool used to help people make Pick up groups for dungeons matter exactly?

Also to Reiterate, The person on a 97.5% horde server with over 10,000+ Horde on that server, is stating “I don’t have a problem with getting dungeons groups. Why are you complaining, clearly this is a you issue.” then wants to try to lecture people for “not seeing the forest for the trees.”


28k players is 420k usd if everyone quits but we won’t because we’re all addicted . Pro lfd or not it’s the truth. WE ARE ADDICTS

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Plenty of people quit. They just don’t come to the forums and make a big deal out of it. They just quietly leave.

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And the ones who stayed and post here are addicted :joy:

I would take this more seriously if you thought and said the same thing about people on your side of the debate. Doesnt look like your criticism extends to people who agree with you though.

Yeah, Im just a bad guy. And Im pro RDF - but because Im not trashing devs and other players and talking RDF up like its the second coming and ignoring all evidence to the contrary its just me being mean.

I didnt just call that poster lacking, I explained why. Big difference. Just like you cant tolerate anyone with a differing opinion than you, there’s only so many times Im going to point out the sky is blue to someone who is telling me its a light shade of electric green and being purposefully ignorant about it.

If you deal with me straight, Ill respond in kind. If you want to play games and wallow in your ignorance and pettiness then you get what deserve there too.

you’re the one that seems it’s ok for PVE to stick with world PVE if there are not enough people in the server faction to do Instances, but also “it’s a problem” if the server does not have enough for PVP, can’t you just do BG’s if you want constants PVP?

Again? Well okay, if you insist.

If a server is imbalanced 4k to 2k then neither side is going to have a real problem doing PvE. However, a 2:1 ratio isnt going to work out so well for one side if its server only BGs - which is why CRBGs were brought in in the first place.

CRBGs were a fix for imbalanced servers in regard to pvp and pvp only. Some are trying to say that LFD is the exact same thing because they are both cross realm. Okay, so if they are the exact same explain to me how LFD addresses the server only BG faction imbalance. Short answer is - it doesnt. So no, they are not the same. They just have one thing in common.

I agree having only 10 people online during peak time is bad for pve grouping but that is an entirely separate issue - and one that LFD doesnt fix. LFD makes grouping more convenient for everyone, it doesnt make people roll on your low pop realm which is the actual problem you have.

Baloney. I’ve had plenty of discussions with people on the other side that I disagree with.

There are plenty of people just dying to disagree with the people on my side of the debate, I don’t feel the need to pile on. Usually. I have actually called out people for just being cranial headgear even when they agree with me. I don’t expect you to dig through my entire post history but I assure you it’s in there.

I’ll believe that if I ever see it.

If you were a completely honest and upright dude I wouldnt have too. So youre right, Im not going to go through your post history to find the one or two times where you practiced what you preached. I really dont care how you interacted with other posters - youre not being that person here.

I don’t understand the argument of it being "anti social
Ff14 has an auto dungeon finder and everyone is social as hell in that game.

I think the issue is that people are just anti social in wow. I played at classic launch and it was semi social then, but as it went on the only thing people would say is inv and maybe hello.

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This is not about 4K to 2K you just made that up in your head, this is more like 3.5 - 3k vs maybe 50-60 on a good day (and that’s stretching it)…

BG’s don’t let you do constant PVP? that was your concern.

Fixes it fairly well if they do the battle group thing and enlarges the pool of PVE’s I get to play with, and it was not this bad when I first rolled on it. (my mistake for not having ESP maybe I should have consulted your sock puppet, he know which servers will have population issues about a year and a half into the future?)

Seriously. Take a look in the mirror.

Not a spin. Plenty of people have been devs/leads/ceos/presidents/etc and they’ve made mistakes. LFD was an example of a good idea for someone not willing to make a hard decision. It’s great on paper but, it ultimately devalued players within your own server.

it was great as in the fact it helped with roll imbalances (LK was the first and only time I did tank and RDF was something that got me into it), nothing worse for a server than people leaving due to not being able to enjoy the game, also gave a better chance for newcomers to enjoy the same content leveling up when most have already passed them (larger pool from all the servers of those lower levels looking for the same thing) I’ve drop another MMO’s I was trying (was in trial mode but really ready to sub) because the main quest went through a group instance and I waited for 5 hours to try and get though but at that point everyone on that server had already bypassed that level of stuff).

Why? You confessed to jumping the gun and being a jerk while having no problem firing the first unfounded salvos at me calling me irrational and misguided. Then hypocritically took umbrage with me for pointing out a person’s willful ignorance on a topic they still dont comprehend like their failure is somehow my problem while they too, hurled insults at me - but Im supposed to be above it all for some stupid reason while yall carry on down the same path.

If you want and expect respect rule numero uno is you got to give it to get it.

Except it didn’t. That’s always just been a lazy cop out for there not being much value for random players on your server in the first place.

I’m wondering why you even care looks like you don’t want to play Wrath anyway…

You should spend more time wondering why youre wondering whether I care or not. Its not particularly relevant to LDFs plight.

I thought there would be a TBC forever server because I assumed there would be a Wrath forever server and I looked forward to both. Now, the future of what happens to my toons is up in the air and Im not going to invest if its all gonna disappear.

For all we know theyre going to dump our classic toons into retail post Wrath.