Literally 3/4 players want LFD

Seriously. What is the difference between a megaserver and cross-server lfd at this point?

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Blizzard loses out on $$$ from server xfers and all boost sales… That’s the REAL reason



There is a definitive sense of community on a large server. Maybe a single individual doesn’t have as much presence on 10k+ server compared to a dead server with population You. There are far more events, hilarity, and other tidbits that go on in mega servers. There is a definitive casual guilds and hardcore ones. Rather than the endless “Semi Hardcore” guilds looking to do raids.

RMT seems to be a common thing on retail servers (See Blizzard cash shop) and even on TBC servers there is RMT. How is RMT better off when it’s many more servers with less eyes on all of the content? If 20k+ people were tracking the coming and going of every little patch of dirt in WoW there would be people mass reporting these bots.

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#nochanges doesn’t exist.

Deal with it.

All I want is for it to be fair.
If PvP’ers get cross faction, merc mode & queue system for PvP (BG’s and Arena)
I want same for dungeons. Not even for raids. Just dungeons.

Why is it okay for PvP and not okay for dungeons?


I’m down with LFD but I think it would be better without cross-realming? Would make the dead server issue even worse though I think

This is 10000% false.

I have leveled characters to max (60 and 70) on Blaumeux, Mankrik, and am currently leveling on Whitemane. Two of those servers are “megaservers”, and both of them have very solid communities that are very similar to OG 2004-2010 WoW.

How though?
This will allow players on the dead servers to actually play a little without feeling forced to pay for xfers. Same problem was with PvP so the threw in cross realm & Merc mode to solve that.


Because cross-realm/battlegroup pvp doesn’t destroy server communities and social bonds.

I don’t know man…>People always say how with LFD there is no accountability…Now you got Firemaw with nearly 33k+, Benedic with 27k, Faerline with 22, Gehen with 20k and so on…How does 1 ninja player who gets added to ignore by you gets any accountability?

Wasn’t the whole premise of Classic to have SMALLER communities, where pople know each other and form connections and so on…you can’t do that on a 30k populated server. Sure, with a few people you can, just like on every other server…and yet you are still stuck with THOUSANDS more players that you will NEVER see again…same as with Cross faction… You can still play with your friends… and you will still meet new players every time.


Absolutely not lol. Just because there’s more people trolling the LFG channel does not mean it has a bigger sense of community.

I have a 70 mage on Mankrik that I abandoned during phase 2 TBC. The server is so big that open world farming is impossible. The LFG channel had so much spam that even with the LFG BB its still really hard to find anything outside of a GDKP worth doing. I’m now on a med pop server and its much more playable to say the least. There was no difference in the server community, just less of them.

Neither does cross realm LFD. Whats your point?

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I Know right…I don’t get this logic… Is PvP some golden-haired child that everyone has to love and accept unconditionally? And DUNGEONS are a black swan? What is going on?

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Classic is currently experiencing the exact problems that lead to LFD being added in the first place. There has never been a server only LFD so LFD is synonymous with CRLFD.

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Produce a spreadsheet that shows definitively that blizzard will gain more reveue by implenting LFD, arrange a presetation to their finance department, and try your best to convince them of your findings.

This is the only way you can even dream of changing their minds about LFD removal, which was purely a financial decision.

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That wasn’t my experience on a large-pop TBC Classic server. Almost the entirety of LFG channel was endless GDKP/Booster spam, mixed in with trolling man-children spewing their usual idiotic nonsense/banter. Awesome community, lol.


Do you use Discord? Did you report that person to the people who control the Discord? I know for a fact Mankrik has a blacklist of certain players who have been reported (with evidence included) and I know for a fact that information has been used against those players when they went looking for a group/guild to join.

you missed my point, i’ve collected those ~720badges only in past 2weeks as fresh character. that means on avg 50badge per day ‘350 weekly’ on newly dinged 70 guileless useless class, that’s something impossible if the server wasn’t Ultra Mega.

If you’re outsourcing to Discord then your community isn’t “in game” it’s in Discord


So your view of ‘community’ is the negative effects? My server has a discord but its mainly used for recruitment. We don’t have to black list anyone. That sounds terrible lol.

I’m willing to bet there is a blacklist buried somewhere in Discord for basically every classic server. Blacklists like the one I posted above are very commonplace and have been a thing since OG WoW.