I want mega servers where everybody knows your name.
Sure you got 2 people sample vs 28k. Seems legit bro.
My 3 year old niece is smarter than you it seems.
100% of players want monks in Wrath. Source: Daswings.
You can emulate that with LFD. Your stance on this is very confusing. Mega servers are inherently bad, and I think most people would agree with that. LFD is inherently good, and I feel that most players would agree with that. You are on the negative side of each.
Do you just want to watch the game crash and burn for the luls or something?
Mega servers are bad?
Yeah…are…are you new here?
then add lfr and watch it burn
He’s a hardline “traditionalist” which means nothing but he’s chosen hills to die on that make no sense.
A survey by WillE doesn’t seem like a compelling argument. These polls need to be ingame and require a certain level or play time to avoid multi account players.
LFR is a completely different topic, and we’ll cross that bridge when we get there, in about 2 years.
Explain to me why mega servers are bad
Yeah, I’m a traditionalist. I know it’s hard to imagine someone isn’t degenerate on these forums.
i’ve collected ~720badge just in past 2weeks because i’m playing on mega server, that’s impossible for a guileless rogue in Non-mega servers.
so mega-servers are more healthy for over all game play! where people can find groupds/raids easier & even guilds…Sure it’s super rare to ever group twice with same people but who cares about your fancy dreams about “i hate cross server lfd doesn’t make people know me, it doesn’t make me group twice with same people” in the end we’re all just wanna play this game to have random fun! & LFD is nothing more than a tool to help everyone be able to find groups easier.
Rude, must be easy just calling people you disagree with a degenerate, very Clinton of you.
Depends on the topic.
28k responses. 38% don’t want dungeon finder.
Blizzard has already seen what happens to the game when dungeon finder is implemented. A majority vote does not matter in this situation. According to Blizzard, there are enough people that DON’T want dungeon finder that they have decided to see what path the game takes in its absence.
What if theyre wrong though?
This idea of a ‘community’ for one. Mega servers do not have any sense of community. Sharding is another reason. The lack of open world resources due to such a high population promotes botting and thus gold selling and buying. There’s a massive list of reasons as why mega servers are bad.
I have 528 badges on this here feral dps on my server pop of about 4k. Badges are not hard to stock pile on any playable server if you do your raid lockouts every week.
You gotta provide a compelling one then…I don’t understand how you think this is a valid answer? I gave you numbers to look at. The only way to say they are wrong is provide the right ones. No one seems to be able to do that.
According to blizzard we want boosts as well as they are SOOOOO “classic”. My mind is blown on they claim they want to keep Classic feel classic, and yet we have Merc modes, dozens and dozens of custom changes, fake phases, always latest patch of the xpac… Heck, we even got guild banks 2 patches earlier than OG.
There’s not ‘what if’. They’re just wrong. If you’ve ever done any type of customer facing job, you realise that there’s a decent portion of the population that wouldn’t have made it past the ‘natural selection’ phase if it weren’t for the smarter ones assistance.