Literally 3/4 players want LFD

I’m not gonna have this same argument again. I have posted extensive proof showing that dungeon finder is responsible for the decline of the social aspect of this game, including research and studies conducted by licensed psychologists and other mental health experts. If you choose to ignore the evidence then so be it. I’m not going to continue to have senseless arguments with people like you that refuse to accept the truth.

Dungeon finder isn’t going to be in WotLK. Deal with it.

are those who talk about community & socializing playing current tbcc while they’re high?

I’ve ran +100 heroic dungeon in past few days and all i did was "using 3rd party addon to send my fixed msg every 5sec automatically then auto accept any sent invite, wait till they summon me and clear the dungeon without anyone talking in party except very rare cases & i can say that i never met the same people in the 16hours of spamming hc’s everyday and if i did? probably i didn’t remember them and they didn’t remember me.

and don’t blame it on “mega server” because i have a better social experience being on mega server in town/outside city for duels/in raids being on voice chat and because mega servers have many players around which makes more interaction.

BUT running a dungeons is not a place for socializing.

You have posted no proof whatsoever.
Unless EVERY single person who ever left WoW when WOTLK and RDF was added said that they left because of the RDF and left documented proof that that was the reason then it’s not proof at all and you are just bloating the numbers for your own selfish reasoning.

If you don’t wanna have the same argument over and over again stop posting in this thread and go back to your happy family community and stay out of this discussion.

The only thing you are proving is how narrow minded you and other people are for calling RDF “The bane of WoW” when it’s the choice of individuals to use it or not use it and to quit because or not because of it.

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I know you are going to ignore the truth and evidence and continue to complain, but here ya go.

You’re imagining things. First of all, the LFG chat group is populated by boosters and GDKPs only. The LFG tool is hardly used. And not a scintilla of any of these functions had lead to a meaningful social environment.

Second, you have no evidence to suggest that having RDT would hinder your ability to socialize at all. You have trade chat, general chat, raids and, of course, your guild. And more than all of those, there’s Discord.

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lol what are you talking about, there is no way on earth any mental health expert would tell you to spend hours in a game stressing your eyes over a spam box chat to find a group for something inside a virtual game, where it’s not even possible to interact with them as you are setting behind screen & have no clue about anything about them, their face’s, names or any info and probably you’ll never have anything to do with them again after the dungeon ends, and the links you posted is in general, it doesn’t apply to fail world of warcraft grouping methods! where no one travel together or talk in party or do anything in term of socializing.

P.S most randoms in current tbcc doesn’t even read party chat, that’s what i’ve witnessed in most of my runs.

The guy who as to slave away at two summer jobs to buy his first rent a wreck of a car appreciates it way more than the kid who gets a $100k sports car for their 17th birthday for merely being born.

The studies have been done. More risk, more reward. Journey > destination.

It sounds like a load of hogwash by people who don’t play WoW at all and instead base their judgements on using real life ethics and conduct instead of considering the fact that playing games online don’t adhere to the same norms society expects when people communicate with each other.

And sample size means nothing unless it takes into account everyone who plays the game.
A study takes a small sample size and takes the results from the study as gospel provided a significant number agree with one mindset.

And the ultimate point here that completely disregards almost everything to do with that study is that manually spamming chat for an hour or two does not signify ‘Communication’ and more often than not would result in you being ignored by several dozen people in order to remove bloat from the chat and potentially allowing them to find their ideal group making you nothing more than a nuisance to be ignored which also proves that objectification doesn’t only exist in automated group systems.

As for loyalty.
Loyalty does not exist outside of your guild so therefore any social interaction does not go beyond “LFG X” “LFM X” “Good Job Guys” and occasional obscenities when things go south.
You will group with one person outside your guild perhaps once or twice in your entire playtime unless they join your guild.

Games and real life are separate things.
Socializing in real life and socializing in game are two completely different things and pretending that automated grouping and teleporting to dungeons would destroy a non existent community is nothing short of ridiculous.


Exactly what I expected. Refusal to acknowledge the evidence followed by spouting literal nonsense. You should stop feelscrafting information and start relying on data, you’ll get further in life.

“This doesn’t support my point so it is false, regardless how many licensed professionals are cited. I am definitely right because I can go REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!”

You two need to get educations. It’s obvious based on the fact that you can’t form an intelligible sentence that your IQ is less than room temperature.

The more “work” you put in, the better the payoff. That’s a universal dynamic.

And like Slavegirl said spamming a chat for several hours trying to find groups is hardly socializing and therefore the point in the study is moot and no mental health expert would tell you to do so.

In fact,if it weren’t a form of abuse most mental health experts would tell you to go join a book club instead of spending hours behind a computer screen spamming a single sentence ad infinitum until you eventually get your run and then part ways with them until the next time you need something.
Which let’s face it,is hardly social if you can just pretend they don’t exist until you need them :rofl:


What’s better.
Spending 2 hours in a city spamming chats looking for a group and being ignored by a bunch or spending two hours in queue waiting for all roles to be taken and questing at the same time?

Dunno about you but I think the latter sounds far more productive.


Too bad that’s already happened.


sorry sir, i’m not retard to bring date that has nothing to do with the reality i’m facing and pretend that such date is the truth.

so keep living your wow dream with your imaginary socializing illusion.

They can’t improve retail and you think they can improve WotLK… They DON’T have the talent to improve squat, the only thing they are doing is messing with the last time the game could hold sub’s…

And it seemed to work fairly good.

Anyone can see Blizzard had become blind, the direction of retail (users: no more powers systems, 2 expansions ooooh you really really don’t like them… Foot in mouth repeatably on twitter.

Just shows how clueless he is again on why so many want to play Classic LK, if there were no chance of it coming out I’d not even be sub (and if they mess with it I prob won’t be for much longer). I want to play LK not Ion’s garbage version of it.


Ill leave it up to the individual to decide what they deem better instead of imposing my opinion on everyone.

As you just attested too, LFD is more convenient than manual grouping. So just say that - its more convenient and youre a big fan of convenience because you cant be bothered.

It’s hard to be bothered when you have people telling you to go solo it or offering to take you through for 10 gold.
I’ve done RFC ONCE on all 3 of my characters because the first time I did it took 3 hours to make a group and a further 1 hour to do the dungeon itself.

I’m sorry that I don’t have the time to waste failing to recruit for dungeons when I could be questing and actually leveling instead of being trolled simply for trying to do level appropriate content.


Well aren’t you a gloomy prick.


Probably not 3/4, but I’ll give you a realistic break down.

about 50% of the players want LFD. 45% are indifferent, and 5% think LFD is bad for the game.

Blizzard can and should ignore the 5% of players that think LFD is wrong for the game. You’re right that this is spell batching all over again, where blizzard insists its good for the game but most players hate it.


Found the DPS LFG guy.