Literally 3/4 players want LFD

Is it really necessary to speak to others in this manner?

I’ll answer that for you actually, it’s not.

Its the typical response.

They accuse you of trolling and being unreasonable and then they post that.

Then call the devs hypocrites.

Just lol.

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Sounds appropriate. He did say please so I don’t see your issue with it.

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But you never did that. I’m just gonna wait for you to earn my respect.

And they wonder why Blizzard doesn’t listen to them.

while your here I was wondering on this statement?

I mean if you want constant PVP there are BG’s right.?

He’s right though I should have said [quote] Respectfully, go to hell.[/quote]

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Calling people out for their behaviour when they were responding to an insult with an insult is… yikes.


When bloom comes to your defense you really need to think about your life choices…


What would you have me do? You tried tellin me crbgs are oldschool vanilla because they came out before TBC while ignoring the fact that it had a cup a coffee at the end of vanilla but it was in tbc for its whole run. All while remaining ignorant of the very real fact that crbgs and LFD are not the same and its not even close. PvP and PvE are as separate an activity as you can have in this game.

Thats not a position worthy of respect. Its an insult to my intelligence to try that half baked nonsense on me. Either deal with me straight or just continue your beta routine of talkin crap about naysayers with the rest of the betas.

That’s the devs for you, same thing with level 30 mounts. Argue with them not me. I’m not the one who brought up CRBGs. I still maintain that RDF should be in Wrath for two reasons: ease and convenience, and it was in Wrath to begin with. Why are you arguing if not to tell me to shut up about what I want?

Quote the relevant part where you feel like I’m being dishonest for a start and just stick to attacking the argument.

I referenced how people (dubbed nochangers at the time) were against cross realm bgs (and LFD for that matter) before classic launched because posters fallaciously equate Blizzards decision to go there as “100% player endorsed” like no one would notice the loop hole they were trying to use.

Then the same poster implied the crbg’s are as vanilla as Korrak the Bloodrager and the AQ event while saying apple juice and orange juice taste the exact same because theyre both fruit. It has one thing in common but its practically the same even though they dont even cover the same portion of the game.

You used that as an opportunity to say no one cares about nochangers to which I agreed as I dont care about your nochange philosophy in regard to LDF. That went right over your head and then told me I was being irrational for a stance I wasnt even adopting. Then strawmanned me twice (gearing/toxic behavior) then told me a mere point I was making about classic being somechanges was wrong because I dont think CRBGs are quintessential vanilla which means Im just wrong about everything RDF and Im nuts for thinking crbgs are more TBC than vanilla.

Then get your undies all wadded up when I say thats unworthy of consideration.

Youre the negative element here, just incase your confused.

Also the devs… which are the ones in charge. It is easier for them to test the waters with no LFD to see how things go than it is to implement it again and take it away. I’m not against LFD but they tend to skirt around your point.

We tested the waters already. 3.3 is when they added it.

They tested the waters of what the game was like with it. They’re testing the waters without it to see how things move forward. They’ve already taken your path. They’ve decided they don’t want to repeat it so quickly.

What do you mean? We did all of 3.0 until 3.3 without LFD. What changed in 3.3 other than a few more dungeons, that makes it worth trying the final patch without it too?

To see how things overall turn out without it. I personally don’t think it will last. Blizzard will let it go, see participation and sub numbers drop once we farm everything and it’s mother to death and just like flight being “removed” we’ll get a “GOOD NEWS! LFD IS ON THE WAY!” It’s an experiment.

They’ll likely see participation drop prior to the final phase and add it to look good to the community, not realizing that going back on their decision and instead saying it’ll be there in the final phase would have a better impact.

Blizzard is wrong and we should make sure we communicate that.

We’ve had 3+ years of classic with no LFD, there’s no reason to think wrath classic will magically be different.


OK one making friends while loveling is very rare especially the way tbc is now Like it or not the game has become way more mid maxi in fact I’m willing to bet as a rogue in TBC you have a heck of a time finding groups if you don’t know at least one person in it.

Secondly learning your class are you joking we’re talking one betwo button rotation I mean especially for talking about warlocks Most classes in classic to tbc are generally pressing 1 to 2 buttons and you’re really going to justify learning your class really on top of that Anything you really know can be easily looked up online online it would take you less than 5 minutes.

For example I can boost Appreciate I may not know the exact rotation but I could easily find that out I know that they Need to look for engiering stat priority and speck.

I hate to be one to break it to you but classes are not that complicated to play yeah I’ll admit in PVP that’s a whole different ball game but let’s it around at the really high level you’re looking at a different mind set anyway.

On top of that like it or not people don’t look at leveling characters a big part of their character progression anymore the simple fact is boosting would not be as popular if people really wanted to keep leveling people people care we more about midmaxine and they care weighed more about game through the content as fast as possible.

Hack I can prove this by my own personal experience Is someone was spamming for a tank for ZA As well I happen to be a palliden tank However I did quit and I came back and I have about phase one bis.

And obviously I haven’t gone a chance to do za yet And no they didn’t look specifically for a time to run they just were looking for a tank and they have been spamming for about a 1/2 hour I whispered them and said I haven’t been a dungeon yet but I watch videos But I haven’t actually been in there yet.

They said no they want someone in at least tier 6 plus because they just want to blast through it they don’t want to take the time to wait and have me learn.

Because obviously you know you can watch videos but it’s not the same thing as doing the fights there’s gonna be a little bit of mishaps but still and you know what they never got to tank for that run.

So yeah If that’s the focus of the player base and if you think it’s bad now where people are gear checking for kaera and za It’s going to be even worse with gear score.

But my point is people don’t look as lovely as this giant thing because quite frankly it’s solved and anything you need to learn about your class you don’t actually need to learn by playing it.

You can learn all that stuff At cap for the most part Maybe a little Knick knacks here and there but realistically speaking those things are only going to be useful in pvp.

So again yeah Like it or not we just play the game different you’re holding on to something that doesn’t hold relevant anymore and the way you’re describing the game just isn’t the way people play