List of allied races you want, like a top ten

yeah I would love if trolls got a beefy boi customization I also think I should have edited that some of them might need to be there own race, but ehh feel it gets people talkin about whther or not they like the allied race idea more

I want actual races. lvl 1, own starting zone races. The allied races we got are just lazy cash-grabs to make you grind rep.

which it could be for amaniiiii. lol I just love zuldazar the Amani are there and there models are so dated

No more Allied Race, we need races!!

We will very soon have more Allied Races than races. New and returning players are ripped of the choices!

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Oof, the only real good one I’d wanna see IG is the Vrykul.

ooo like a heritage tab, would be pretty cool. I do like the new racials and stuff though, makes it interesting, but for some cases I think your right

Any type of decently done goblin race and Murlocs are mainly what I am into.

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yeah I think that’s more of a way they are implemented, I think they should do both, cause I like earning them and seeing a maghar dose kinda tell you something about that player, but with the fact they are tied to a rep grind to exalted ehhh, not my style, I would have just had it be a questline or something. if it is tied to rep though id make it so at the end of the quest line youd have basically enough rep or all the rep you need to get that allied race, like the night borne.

still though I think about how we didn’t have to rep grind to get DKs unlocked we just had to get to that part in the story you know.

Top Ten? Thats a lot. But I suppose I could do it.

  1. Sethrak (possible)
  2. Ankoan/Jinyu (possible)
  3. Broken (possible though unlikely)
  4. Saberon (Not gonna happen)
  5. Saurok (Not gonna happen)
  6. Mantid (Not gonna happen)
  7. High elf void elves like Alleria instead of night elf blood elves (never gonna happen)
  8. Harpies (Not gonna happen)
  9. Vulpera (gonna happen 100%)
  10. Ill waste this spot to remove Gnomes (sadly not gonna happen)

I almost put saberon on my list cat people would be cool

1 Thin pandaren
2 Tall gnome
3 Vulpera
4 Tortollan
5 Tuskarr
6 Alterac Human
7 The elves like prince farondis
8 San’layn
9 Taunka
10 Ethereal

I’ll play any allied race though.

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Lordaeron humans
Stormgarde humans
Alterac humans
Northrend humans
Outland humans
Westfall refugee humans
Gilneas humans
Dalaran humans
Theramore humans
Defias humans

Saberon is a must for horde so we can have cats vs dogs.

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the old strong man ryu/ken looking art made the mlook super badass, id actually play a pandaren if that’s how they looked . cause they have such cool lor e, but just look too goofy. like I see a pandaren and just think lo walker cho and PEPPERS… MORE… PEPPERS!!!

  1. Taunka
  2. Taunka
  3. Taunka
  4. Taunka
  5. Taunka
  6. Taunka
  7. Taunka
  8. Taunka
  9. Red Draenei
  10. Fox peoples
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Tortollans would have the longwinded storytelling racial to put enemies to sleep indefinitely and something having to do with their crankiness too…bring on the Tortollan master race!


Alliance can have tortulins. they’re okay but, turtles making it to the water, HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I’ve seen worse, in the shape quest!!! look, im not saying I’m homicidal, but killing them in AV or any BG it’ll feel good lol

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  1. Drakonids
  2. Saurok
  3. Tortollan
  4. Saberon
  5. Mock,nathal
  6. Ogres
  7. High elf
    8 & 9. Half elves
  8. Alterac humans

Alliance new races:

Alliance allied races (subraces):
Wildhammer Dwarves
Frost Dwarves

Horde new races:

Horde allied races (subraces):
Forest Trolls

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  1. Broken Draenei.
  2. Kultiran Humans (the skinny version)