List of allied races you want, like a top ten

:snake: Sethrak (N)
:crocodile: Saurok (H)
:japanese_ogre: Ogre (H)
:eagle: :hammer: Wildhammer Dwarves (A)
:bat: San’layn (H)
:bear: Furbolg (A)
:japanese_goblin: Kelfin (H)
:eagle: Alteraci Humans (H)
:sparkles: Ethereal (A)
:tiger2: Saberon (H)

That’s ten but here’s some more I want…

:monkey: Hozen (H)
:axe: :evergreen_tree: Forest Trolls (H)
:axe: :ice_cube: Ice Trolls (H)
:eagle: :ice_cube: Frost Dwarves (A)
:water_buffalo:Taunka (H)
:fish: :sparkles: Ankoan (A)
:fish: Jinyu (A)
:turtle: Tortollan (N)
:whale2:Tuskarr (N or A)
:fish: :snake: Naga (A)
:sparkle: :goat: Man’ari (H)
:bird: Arakkoa (A and H)
:goat: :frowning_face: Broken Draenei/Krokul (A)
:mountain: :japanese_ogre: Mogu (A)

… I feel like I’m forgetting one or two but… There ya go.

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Well since someone resurrected this.


Like come on. We only gone one new race out of all of the Allied Races….

I also would not mind in no particular order:


But Sethrak get most of my support cause I adore snakes. Plus they’re unique and actually have some solid lore.


Some sort of actual mechanicals (not those half gnome half rusty garbage abominations)
Gnolls (though we probably have enough dog races. Then again, didn’t stop them with elves)


Hosen and fungarian


That, Sylvar, or both; I just need something with hooves that looks GOOD in armor for once…

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Been awhile since I last posted in this thread, so I’ll make an updated post for races I want to see playable!

All listed are in no particular order, other than alphabetical for an easier read, along with the faction I would personally want them on.

:japanese_goblin: Kelfin (Horde)

:japanese_ogre: Ogres (Horde)

:tiger2: Saberon (Either)

:bat: San’layn (Horde)

:crocodile: Saurok (Horde)

:snake: Sethrak (Either)

There are others I want to see, though these races are ones I currently have character slots reserved in case they become playable. Really could use more character slots on my account. < - <

Saurok and Ogres for the Horde are currently my most wanted playable races, though I still want to see the others I listed. I’m hoping to see them on that character creation screen someday! :smiley:


How about something new or semi-new for both factions?
Alliance gets another beast-man race, maybe something like saberon but with actual development, since so many Alliance posters here want to copy tauren and vulpera from the Horde or headcanon Alliance-locked sethrak into existence. Horde gets some attractive alien race to go with orcs and Mag’har because the Alliance has draenei, Lightforged, and void elves, preferably something other than another draenei reskin.

If not that, then give both factions some of their long-requested races like vrykul, ogres, san’layn, etc., races that people mainly demand due to seniority and bandwagoning and would collectively crap their pants with joy over, opposite to how it took only one image of mechagnomes in BfA to make them spend the next few months acting like cities were burning and the skies were raining blood.

Sylvar, Kyrian/Forsworn, Venthyr, and Necrolords/Gladiators. All as neutral races.