List of allied races you want, like a top ten

Night elf worgen alliance…
Vulpera horde…

I def want these too!

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A group of man’ari is wondering around feeling lost. The Legion betrayed them, betrayed their leaders and now they want no part in it. So they they try to connect with their cousins but Velen is all like “oh hell no” so the orcs, belves and NB are like “come chill with us.”

Warrior, Hunter, Mage, Warlock, Priest, DH :smiling_imp:


Only 5 of those are possible allied races. Amani, Krokul, High Elves, Earthen, and Wildhammer. The rest would have to be real races.


  1. high elves
  2. half elves
  3. dryads/keepers of the grove
  4. decursed naga
  5. ethereals (make a female too)


  1. ogres
  2. san’layn
  3. ethereals horde version
  4. dryads/keepers of the grove horde version
  5. decursed naga horde version

Thanks for weighing in Mr Buzzkill…

Sorry if I feel my opinion is just as valid as any other.

edit: And in keeping with the theme of “WE LIKE THIS!”, I did in fact stipulate that AR would be fine-- if they were just given to us as a barbershop option. Something that treated them for what they are-- nothing more than a cosmetic skin.

If it was done that way, then by all means, give me Tuskarr!!!

I just assert that a GOOD GAME isn’t built on cosmetic nonsense. Allied Races shouldn’t be a selling point is all I’m saying and the fact it’s getting so much attention is a bad sign.

  1. High elves
  2. Fel HM Tauren
  3. Broken
  4. Saberon
  5. Vulpera
  6. Void Krokul
  7. Light bound undead
  8. Hozen
  9. Ankoan
  10. Jinyu

Of course it is, and my opinion is that not every thread on the forum requires a sobering reminder that people think the game sucks.

Wildhammer Dwarves
Wildhammer Dwarves
Wildhammer Dwarves
Wildhammer Dwarves
Wildhammer Dwarves
Wildhammer Dwarves
Wildhammer Dwarves
Wildhammer Dwarves
Wildhammer Dwarves
Wildhammer Dwarves!


For me, personally, I would like to see these in order:

1.) Naga (a la Naz’dorei concept, on mmochampion website - Neutral)
2. & 3.) Dryads/Keepers of the Grove (Alliance) - Centaurs (Horde)
4. & 5.) High Elves/Half-Elves (Alliance) - San’layn (Horde)
6. & 7.) Krokul (Alliance) - Eredar (Horde)
8. & 9.) Wildhammer Dwarves (Alliance) - Syndicate and/or Defias Humans (Horde)
10.) Ethereal (Neutral)

There…that sums it all up on my end! I left room in the spaces between each race, so you have room to quote me! Enjoy my opinions (while they last, of course)!!!

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  1. Vrykul
  2. Wildhammer Dwarves
  3. Eredar
  4. Sayaad (for Mortis)
  5. Random Space Alien species discovered by the Demon Hunters as the explore the Sargerite Keystone and the uncountable worlds it has unlocked for them.

Vulpera. Otherwise Im with the I’d prefer more customization crowd.

Allied races? So either a sub-race or sharing animations, since that’s what they’ve all been so far.

  1. Man’ari
  2. Broken/Krokul
  3. Saurok
  4. Mogu
  5. Mok’nathal
  6. Gilgoblin
  7. Vulpera
  8. Taunka
  9. Jinyu/Ankoan
  10. Redeemed/Light-based Undead

I’d much prefer a brand new race with a full set of unique animations such as naga, ethereal, ogre, or vrykul though. I know a case for vrykul being an allied race could be made since they’re the parent race to humans, but I think allowing them to be valarjar, helarjar(kvaldir) or iron would differentiate them enough to be their own “real” race.

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Oh boi.

  1. (A) Wildhammer Dwarf, (H) Revantusk Forest Trolls
    Conflicting races in the Hinterlands. Would make the whole Council of Hammers clans playable, and Forest Trolls are the next trolls rich with good history, the Revantusk having a established relation with the Horde unlike the violent Amani.
  2. (A) Mechagnome, (H) Vulpera
    Both are short races with new animations. I can’t imagine the Sethrak joining the Alliance, tbh.
  3. (A) Ankoan, (H) Gilblin
    What could have come from the Nazjatar campaign is earning the favor of these crazy sea folks.
  4. Broken (A), Ogre (H)
    Both are races forged in Outland, though that moreso applies to the Broken.

Really cant think of anything else. High Elves wouldn’t be bad from what I’ve seen people suggest, but I think Void Elves very well sealed away any chances from them.


Well this one does. Because unlike most whiners who simply say “This sucks” and then log off in a huff, I actually gave a reason behind my assertion. And more than that, my reason has to do with wanting to make the game better for everyone.

I’m not going to feel bad about that.

10 huh?


  1. Alterac Humans

  2. Mechagnomes

  3. Vrykul

  4. Lightforged Undead

  5. Murlocs

  6. Half-Orcs

  7. Half-Elves

  8. Tuskar

  9. Taunka

  10. Gilgoblins.

  1. San’layn will always be my number 1.
  2. Vulpera
  3. Sethrak
  4. Saurok
  5. Mantid
  6. Arakkoa
  7. Ogres (wouldn’t play one, but there’s friends of mine that really want them :slight_smile: )
  8. Vry’kul (Same situation as ogres for my case)
  9. Ankoan (same situation as the previous two)
  10. Harpy (This one is so out there and unlikely that I hesitated to include it. But I’d roll one of these folks in a heartbeat.)

I also hope to never see LFU. To me the concept is terrible due to lore and shredding the identity of undead in general. This is just my personal opinion on the matter however, and i don’t seek to debate. My mind isn’t changing. If they were added with an actual undead race I suppose I’d have to accept it and just not acknowledge them.


Actually it didn’t…

Seagulls don’t feel bad about crapping on everyone either…