Linux users unable to log in, WOW51900328/329 error after logging in


I run a IPS/IDS and application based firewall (Untangle) in front of my Windows 10. The moment I put my desktop computer in bypass mode on the firewall I received an instant connection to the game.

I assume with this knowledge you can likely do the same with IPTABLES, UFW, or pfSense to see if it works. Pop a hole in the firewall to prevent any form of NATing that replaces your header after it scans your outbound traffic.

Hope this helps a few of you all… I gotta head to work or I would expand upon this and see what is causing the issue.


A rollback is pretty harsh, and it’s not like there was an even playing ground really to begin with with all the disconnect issues the first couple days. I think it’s much more reasonable to ask for a refund instead for affected LInux users. Blizzard KNOWS who the affected LInux users are too, since I had a GM manually lift my ban. So a widespread subscription refund should occur and is possible from Blizzard’s side.

(I am also affected by this bug and I use Linux/Lutris, by the way.)

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Also cannot connect
Pop OS 19.04 / Lutris

So i took a virtualbox image of windows 10 that I had kicking around and converted it to vmware player via OVF, enabled acceleration and install vmware tools then copied my classic wow folder to it and I get the same issue but this could be something about the specific windows 10 instance/build version.

VMware player workstation 15.1.0 build-13591040
Windows 10 version 1809 (OS Build 17763.678)

Same error, quick disconnection.
Windows updates had been auto-updated a few days ago.

I’m going to move this installation to my wife’s PC tomorrow if this issue is not resolved and see whats going on from there, I’ll also compare the Windows 10 OS / build info.

There is no reason why this should not work under VMWARE since they have really good support for 3d applications compared to virtual box (I also tried virtualbox too but that was just a big waste of time)

Repair install of WoW said it didn’t require or need to make any changes so yay no known corrupt files.

Even went as far as renaming WTF, Addon, Cache, GPUcache folder, nope… same issue.

Meh, spent too much time on this tonight and frustrated.

Same issue. Haven’t been able to get in since yesterday afternoon. Stuck on “logging into game server” Can’t even get into retail now.


IT IS A LINUX BAN ISSUE (with however the packets are fingerprinted)

I forgot I had used NAT in virtualbox for the interface (usually 1 bridge the connection) before moving it to vmware.

Once I bridged the connection instead of NAT, BAM character is there.

OK so now this is proven, they are doing IDS scanning and fingerprinting of the packets as mentioned before.

UPDATE: My character is where it was when I got stuck and I can move around no problem.

I saw some reports about IPv6 working either here or on Reddit somewhere, so I looked up my router model and figured out how to enable IPv6 in my router’s settings ( After enabling, I went into classic wow, went to Settings>Network, checked the box to prefer IPv6, then closed classic wow and reconnected to my wireless network. After reconnecting, I tried logging in and now I’m ingame again!

So, if you have this issue, figure out how to enable IPv6 on your router, then enable IPv6 ingame, and reset everything and you should be able to play. I’ll report back if I get banned again.


Just wanted to say me too. Was playing this avo (about 10 hours ago) actually during the DDoS but then at some point I was disconnected and haven’t been able to reconnect yet. I can get to the server select screen OK, but then when I try to actually connect it hangs, then I get the error at the top of the post. StarCraft 2 still seems to be working though.

Linux osiris 4.19.0-5-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.37-5+deb10u1 (2019-07-19) x86_64 GNU/Linux
wine-4.12.1 (Staging)

Someone mentioned TCP fingerprinting, so I tried
echo 128 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl
which seemed to let me in.
(also dos guys don’t read this pls)


And we have a winner. Did that and straight in game.

Changing ttl works, look at this genius.

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It works!!!

Neat, we just change the TTL to what would match windows :slight_smile:

This worked for me too. Thank you and nice job!


I’m going to take a wild guess and say the TTL filter is to try and filter out traffic coming from infected IoT devices, which usually run Linux.

You can add net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl=128 to /etc/sysctl.conf to make the TTL persist.


128 TTL has got me connected through to Oceanic realms now too.

When I try to run:

sudo echo 128 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl
(with or without sudo)

I get:
bash: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl: Permission denied

I’m running Pop!_OS, which is an Ubuntu derivative. Is the command something different there?

Actually login to root with just “su”

Then run it.

Here’s what I ran to get it to change (for other Pop/Ubuntu users):

sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl=128

Now I"m in and playing! Bless you Poolstool (with PW:Fort)!


You’ll actually want to use sudo -s instead to get a root prompt.

Woot… Good find, TTL change… Thanks… I’m in.