Linux users unable to log in, WOW51900328/329 error after logging in

It works!!!

Neat, we just change the TTL to what would match windows :slight_smile:

This worked for me too. Thank you and nice job!


Iā€™m going to take a wild guess and say the TTL filter is to try and filter out traffic coming from infected IoT devices, which usually run Linux.

You can add net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl=128 to /etc/sysctl.conf to make the TTL persist.


128 TTL has got me connected through to Oceanic realms now too.

When I try to run:

sudo echo 128 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl
(with or without sudo)

I get:
bash: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl: Permission denied

Iā€™m running Pop!_OS, which is an Ubuntu derivative. Is the command something different there?

Actually login to root with just ā€œsuā€

Then run it.

Hereā€™s what I ran to get it to change (for other Pop/Ubuntu users):

sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl=128

Now I"m in and playing! Bless you Poolstool (with PW:Fort)!


Youā€™ll actually want to use sudo -s instead to get a root prompt.

Wootā€¦ Good find, TTL changeā€¦ Thanksā€¦ Iā€™m in.

MVP of the night right here <3

Worked perfectly, I will send a few gold your way when I get past the queue :bowing_man:

Was watching ā€œThe man in the high castleā€ season 1, and now itā€™s gone back to the queue, you beautiful bastard!!

also note the ā€œmissingā€ blue post here, at least to make it no so effing obvious.

You are an absolute wizard.

Pray Bliz doesnā€™t block this as wellā€¦

Oh it WORKS!! Such a good find!! Thanks so much Poolstool. I would not have thought of adjusting the TTL.

Same problem here on Arch running wine-staging 4.15 until I came across the ip_default_ttl solution in this thread. Thanks guys, awesome work!

I really hope Blizzard is going to put a proper fix in place that doesnā€™t just lock out all Linux users in such a sledgehammer approach, though, before it stops workingā€¦

Damn, thereā€™s some true heroes in this thread. IPv6 did nothing but the TTL fix definitely worked


Just throwing in another report of being unable to connect. Tried the IPv6 option to no avail (probably because my ISP doesnā€™t provide it), but changing the default TTL value to 128 worked perfectly.

how do u change TTL value?

Bumping TTL to 128 fixed it for me too.
You have made my day, or more so night by now.

To keep things tidy and not erased by system updates, I recommend putting the line in /etc/sysctl.d/11-warcraft.conf. That way youā€™ll remember why itā€™s there 6 months from now and itā€™s less likely to be overwritten.

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