Linking servers with MG?

Are you trying to convince me, or my fictitious character who holds very different values and views from me, a real person who can clearly tell reality from fantasy?


Cause if it’s the former they can’t read these forums


I appreciate how ready you are to take me seriously, but I assure you I’m just goofing at the wild and wonderful world of Blizzard developer storytelling.


I thought so I just really wanted to make sure. Like I said, Horde fans killed my dog so I am overly catious

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Horde fans routinely come by my neighborhood and throw trash cans around and eat spicy chicken sandwiches and talk with their mouths full, so I get it.

We’re monsters

The FBI should be involved tbh

Feral Bottoms International

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I actually loved Camp T so much. It was such an out of the way slice of life place to RP. I held a really popular story telling Event there back in the day in that little hut they had there. Many memories of Mulgore/Barrens travel RP with stops there to refill flasks.

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Did you John Wick them?

honestly the most shocking part of camp taurajo wasn’t even that baine “the butcher” bloodhoof approved of the alliance’s tactics, but that the commander ordering it wasn’t a dwarf.

considering mulgore. and the rest of the southern barrens.

or an orc. considering the rest of the game.

one of these days i want someone to yell at kai about the illidari keeping slaves so kai can just shrug and go “that’s not illegal in the horde.”

if illidan had been an orc, maybe all kai would have had to said to the wardens was “golly gee, i’m really sorry.”

just. blizzard writing makes it rly easy to play a bitter, jaded demon hunter who gets to watch as the horde gets passes on acts of genocide on multiple occasions (at least thrice in her life?) and yet she’s the one who’s supposed to feel like she’s the Worst Person Alive. No Thanks, she says.

The thing that messes with me most, with Demon Hunters and Death Knights, is that each one is now irreplaceable, and also hopelessly doomed.

Inscription Quests in Legion pointed out a Demon Hunter’s ‘Inner Demon’ is always growing in strength, albeit gradually and only when the Demon Hunter intakes more Fel … which is every time they fight the Legion. The solution is to counter the Fel with its natural and equal opposite, the arcane, and that a Demon Hunter’s tattoos are actually arcane in nature, intended to handle the unique fusion of Elven Soul and Demonic Spirit of each single Demon Hunter.

What happens when they run out of skin to tattoo on? Or was Illidan’s plans never thought that far ahead? In that he assumed it would be a suicidal last charge and now that he’s got Sargeras by the jubblies in the multiverse’s most aggressive intervention party, does he give a thought to the fact he created a killing force more lethal than the Demonic army they were made to defeat and has now left them bitterly divided and leaderless?

And we made plenty more Demon Hunters during the Legion expansion, presumably by either releasing more Demon Hunters from stasis and/or putting desperate Sin’dorei, Shal’dorei, Rendorei and Kaldorei through an accelerated process to bulk up the Demon Hunters numbers with mass produced versions of the elites of the group.

And Death Knights? They’re rotting, unless they use the Art of Blood to siphon the vitality and blood of the living and use it to artificially grant themselves a pseudo-living state, but it never lasts for long. Also, if they do not inflict great pain and torment regularly, as in every few weeks or so, their sanity will literally corrode and if left ‘untreated’, they will descend into a permanent state of berserker rage where they cannot tell the difference between friend and foe, they have no higher reasoning, it is just them chasing down and hacking apart anything that moves until they are torn apart, either by their opponents or by their own crazed actions.

And we raised hundreds of them during the Legion Expansion at our mission tables, raising the dead soldiers and champions of the Alliance and Horde alike to create additional elite troops for Archerus’s missions.


We may not be able to make more Death Knights unless the Shadowlands aids us. Anyone with the right knowledge and mastery of the Fel can turn a bunch of Elves into Demon Hunters, and even with a 1 in 10 success ratio, that’s still a horrifying concept considering how terribly lethal they are, and how Demon Hunters seem to subsist equally on mortal foods, soul fragments and the Fel itself.

Worst thing the Alliance did was plotting to murder all the elves in Dalaran tbh, and even then it was a bit of a radical chaotic offshoot in the wake of the Alliance’s partial collapse, and they were far too incompetent to actually succeed. One naga lady shot at the prison and saved the day lol.

On Demon Hunters:

Gentarn failed to take into account the most tragic aspect of them into account…in that they sacrifice so much to fight against a force that ultimately ended up being patsies.

Like thanks to Shadowlands lore, we now know the Burning Legion was effectively the cosmic equivelent to the Defias Brotherhood. And these elves have functionally sold their souls for the ability to better fight them. The cosmic variation of trash mobs. Slow Clapping

At least Death Knights get to take solace that, according to Blizzard, their wellspring of power comes from the true big bad of the setting.

Scourge Remnants demonstrated back in Cata they still had the capability of raising new Death Knights, it’s just a more laborious process when the Lich King isn’t involved with the creation.

That was more Elf on Elf violence than the Alliance as a whole, though. And as a total aside, I’m still miffed the Silver Covenant remain a independent thing. Void Elves came out of left field but an easy way to make them work would have just been to make them the Silver Covenant who got turned rather than concoct the whole “Blood Elves who were following the arch-traitor get turned into Void creatures” angle. But now that we’ve got the ability to turn off the tentacles and blue skin, I suppose it’s a moot point.

I meant Garithos time because the other one was at least somewhat justifiable, if an extreme overreaction. Plus sources differ on how violent it was so the Second Purge of Dalaran is less of a big deal I reckon.

Elf on elf violence does remind me of my biggest elf gripe though… why isn’t there more hostility between the Void Elves and the High Elves!?! One faction got exiled from Quel’thalas for not touching dark magic enough and the other faction got exiled for touching dark magic so much it made everyone uncomfortable. They should hate each other xD

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Oh. I mean, Garithos is a tired old hat for Alliance hate at this point, plus there’s the fact even at the time it was fresh content, I understood the fact Garithos wasn’t actually Alliance, since both Alliances (The Grand Alliance of Lordaeron and the Alliance of the WoW era) were effectively defunct at that point in time.

He was just some dude survivors rallied around. Honestly, Garithos was a dipstick of the highest order, willing to have the High Elves executed for working with the Naga after giving them impossible orders they couldn’t do on their own…thereby hurting his own fighting force.

Bluntly speaking, because Void Elves have replaced High Elves functionally. You’ll notice the cries for a High Elf Allied Race effectively died once Void Elves got “normal” Elf customization options.

I mean, we do overlook that Elves are just Trolls who got magically mutated and require a constant supply of GoGo Juice from either the Leylines (World Soul), the Arcane (Titan artifact) or the Tentacle 8mm Video Community (Void/Old Gods), and the Elves are just as fractious as the Troll Tribes are.

Fair warning, THIS IS A THEORY OF MINE, I do not subscribe to it as a cold hard fact. These points below can also be applied to several other races (Orcs, Dwarves, Humans) and should not be taken as slander against the Elves

We’re also ignoring the absurd pride that the Elves hold themselves with. Sin’dorei were desperate survivors of a literal zombie apocalypse and pulled a fully actualized ‘pull yourself up by your thigh-highs’, with help from the Horde, and were actively betrayed by the Alliance no less than three times first by Dalaran throwing their entire army, arguably the largest amount of Sin’dorei left alive and in shape to survive after the Scourge invasion, on the word of a known bigot and Human supremacist, the second time by the Kaldorei and the Alliance actively trying to sabotage the Demonic crystals scattered through-out Eversong and Silvermoon City to allow the Sin’dorei to not get completely wiped out without their Sunwell to fuel their biologies, and then the Dalaran Massacre, although the latter can easily be contested due to Aethas’s allegiance to Garrosh and the fact there was a world war going on.

The Ren’dorei are traitors who have, through accident and circumstance, been infused with Void energies and are now actively hazardous to the Sunwell and the Sin’dorei as a whole, given that the Blood Elves are now fueled by a mixture of both Arcane and Light energy, and the Ren’dorei are fueled by Void, and that energy does not mix well with either of the other two energies. Even going near the Sunwell causes hell, as we saw when Alleria got physically close to the Sunwell, the Void tried to corrupt the Sunwell, either turning it into a font of Void energy or causing the Sunwell to blow up, wiping out the surrounding regions if not causing planet-wide ecological disasters.

To the Rendorei, however, they see themselves as true patriots who never turned to sucking on Demonic Juices for survival and their Void state as a cruel twist of fate, and see their rightful place in their homeland being denied as the final insult, and the last twist of the blade, that they will endure, and with the same arrogance that the Sin’dorei possess, assure themselves and their allies that their waxing and waning control over their Void-infused minds and souls is more than enough to allow them to make the pilgrimage to the Sunwell, and resettle in Eversong and Silvermoon.

The Kaldorei are even more arrogant, and for the sake of brevity, I’m tossing the Shal’dorei in here too. Pre-Sundering, these Elves gave the Mogu and the Twin Empires a run for their money in xenophilia, colonialism, racial supremacy and just a grab bag of horrible nonsense. After the Kaldorei broke the world, with the vast majority still believing their Queen would save them even as Demons covered the known world, only a small handful of the Kaldorei survived in scattered pockets, with the Kaldorei of what would become Kalimdor arrogantly refusing to accept their dominion of the world had ended and, despite only a few small military outposts dwelling in far-flung places, claimed the entire continent as their own and proclaimed Night Elf Law trumped all others in cases of conflict with other races.

We see how the Kaldorei acted Pre-Sundering in the Shal’dorei, and we’ve seen how the Kaldorei in Warcraft III and in the actual WoW game, and most of the higher ups amongst the Kaldorei are inflexible, condescending and arrogantly assured that their ‘immortal’ lives have given them experience and wisdom far beyond their mortal allies … and they get rolled by small green giants who just discovered how to forge steel and make gunpowder less than a century ago, in almost every fight they have, unless their allies bail them out.

Elves fight each other so constantly because their magical evolution/mutation simply altered them physically, and socially they had to temper their aggression after a good half of the population learned out how to hurl micro-nukes around with their brains, but as soon as things start going sideways and that social protocol breaks down, they’re right back to their Troll instincts and lashing out at rivals and enemies despite the smart money being on burying the hatchet and working together for the greater good.

I want Blizzard to clean up the camp, start it over and begin new quests. We shu’halo would have cleaned up the dead and had a pyre for all of them. This camp really makes me sad to see 10-plus years later. It makes Azeroth less of a living world and more of an old game that is never changing. I so want to see growth, continuous changes, and not more new islands, raids, dungeons, and quests. Connecting servers does not change how the old world is.