Linking servers with MG?

Thrall, the real Earth Warder, didn’t return for Dragonflight though smh

I think that’s the most insidious thing about the Primal Powers, in that how they present themselves to Mortals as the ‘best’ of the forces arrayed, fighting for our attention and service.

The Light tells us it is the happy puppies and kittens force, bringing compassion and hope and social harmony, when it really is just ironing everything out into a single focused weapon to bludgeon the rest of reality into submission, and then get that to obey as well.

The Void tells us the truth, but because the Void embraces every single ‘truth’, it isn’t technically lying to you. It also plays with your head, just like the Light, but instead of putting you in an echo chamber where you’ll never hear any dissenting opinions without somebody screeching about Heresy at said opinions, the Void gaslights and drives you into your weakest mental corner to keep you under its betentacled thumb.

The Fel promotes power at all costs, consume the weak to elevate yourself and serve the strong to prove your worth to them, it is a very darwinian approach that appeals to psychopaths, sociopaths and those without a shred of empathy or compassion in their heart, and those who enjoy the power to dominate, twist and destroy. And yet, the Fel has other facets to it, we’ve just been dominated by the Burning Legion’s dominance of the Fel and the Twisting Nether.

The Arcane promotes order, logic and reason, all very good and valuable things, but often at the cost of compassion and emotion, given how the Titans have blithely wiped out and rebuilt, multiple times, inhabited solar systems because the inhabitants alone didn’t meet the minimum standards for their vision of an ‘Ordered Universe’, and would do the same to Azeroth the instant they felt they couldn’t win Azeroth’s World Soul, or we were deviating from their vision of our future even a hair’s breadth.

Life? Lifes an interesting one, because it doesn’t seem to care about us in a personal sense, but macro? On a planetary or even galactic scale? It will fight to the last, expend every possible option and work to undermine any who would shackle or abuse its charges. Thus far, we’ve seen little of what Life is actually life, as a Faction, but we do know that is is considered, both by the Titans and the Legion as ‘an insidious force that must always be guarded against’, because it will never stop adapting, never stop coming and never cease trying to overcome whatever challenge is put in its path of growth.

Deaths actually the least manipulative and corruptive of the Primal Forces, and is actually kind of slothful when you look at how it is run, because no matter what, inevitably, all things will die, and the Shadowlands will have their due, one way or another.

WrA and its forum, don’t stop being the wonderfully, maddened rollercoaster of emotions and logic that you are.

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orgrimmar and stormwind, for example, have multiple phases running at any given time.

Seconded. But I’ve had this conversation multiple times to know I must have been in the minority.

they should make a wow expac about going to sanctuary and the only boss we fight is seventeen different iterations of duriel.

his mechanic is that he two-shots your tank and you gotta kite him while he slows everyone in the raid.

I get what you are saying, but one thing about WoW storytelling is it’s not subtle. Basically the only people who have ulterior motives within Azeroth are the ones who telegraph the fact they have ulterior motives. (“Mwhahaha soon my great plan will be complete mwhahahaha aaaaahh adventurers! You’ve come back from delivering my ailing daughter her medicine! How can I ever properly thank you?”)

This is…a revival sermon. It’s a bit tired a conversion tactic, but there’s nothing super insidious about it. Hell, even the Cheerleading Windchime Xe’ra wasn’t actually trying to hurt Illidan. She legitimately wanted to heal his scars and put his feet on the path of what she saw as his destiny. He killed her for it (And good riddance. I got tired of her yelling at me how cool Illidan was and I just didn’t understand!).

I get the absolute desperation that someone on the Alliance side has to be a mustache twirling villain at some point, but unfortunately Blue side is lacking anyone with a legitimate backbone to actually enforce their viewpoint. Yrel’s not going to magically break the cycle of “Oh this Alliance NPC is gonna do it! They’ll go Garrosh! Oh nevermind, they just had unresolved trauma they had to learn to let go of.” like Genn, Jania, and Tyrande.

Besides, for a Blue side NPC to go Expansion Big Bad, that’d require the Horde to lose a major settlement for a change. Given how the Alliance still cannot be forgiven for Camp Tarjo or whatever it’s name was…I don’t see that happening.

I mean, could you imagine if Razor Hill got Southshore’d. Horde Fans would literally storm the offices and drag Blizzard employees out into the streets.

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I’m sorry but we are now mortal enemies. My heart is broken…

It was literally just a hut with some vendors and like two quests attached to it.

Greyah Dustsong’s family lived in Camp T, as it was lovingly nicknamed. She was away fighting and helping in Northrend when the Alliance attacked. Civilians, her mate and child included, massacred at the hands of the Alliance. We shall never forget.

Glances at the nightmarish prison that stands where Hillsbrad once did, where Human Prisoners are literally planted like crops. In the distance, the poisonous bog that used to be Southshore festers

I’m sure it must be hard for you.

You know what, you’re right. Anyway lol

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In all honesty though, Camp T was one of the better moments of Cata because it was one of those vanishingly brief moment where the Alliance was unambiguously in the wrong.

I’d like more of that instead of the Alliance not reacting until something else gets blown up and even then we don’t so much right the wrong as…get tired and go home.

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My heart was broken by what the Blizz writers did to poor Halian Shlavahawk. And not in a good way.

The plot gets lost enough times in BfA that I don’t really think this, and the way the army of the light is portrayed in bfa strays into weird territory where it’s like… If you’re alliance are you really supposed to think it’s heroic to holy crusade drustvar and have the literal self sacrificing viewpoint Telaamon does? War or not, the lightbound muddy the idea of the army of the light.

I mean, that’s a weird sentence to me for pointing out something hits close to irl conversion. To be more blunt, I think sometimes author intent tries to portray things as “good” and “cool”, but ironically veer into how hamfisted and ignorant the person behind the writing might be. So if you want to have your audience believe the Light’s not bad and mass converting people, maybe don’t take cues from real life propaganda and conversion tactics.

edit: I should add that it’s not really subtle the way the team wanted to polarize horde and alliance. Yeah whatever, stupid war and sylvanas, that’s not what I’m talking about. It happens more than a few times that horde gets alliance’s perception of them toconflating morality with civilized society. This isn’t necessarily new to bfa, but playing horde in battle of dazar’alor does net you Mekkatorque going out of his way to call zandalari architecture “primitive” among other antagonizing remarks in the raid. All things alliance doesn’t see by the developer’s choice.

I find the relishing in killing of civilians in cold blood particularly ironic on the Fourth of July. God bless america

Oh my god, I will never stop loving Camp Taurajo.

The worst thing the Alliance has done in its entire existence and it happened to the traditional punching bag race and they went out of their way to make it super clear, you guys that it was crooks and bad guys, not the Alliance true and proper, that did it. The Alliance even cleaned it up afterward by arresting the big bad scawy cwiminawwwwws.

And there are still Horde players who act like they meet once a month at the YMCA to talk about how bad it affected them.


To be fair it did, to my character, who actually holds no grudge against the alliance as a whole but she’ll go bat guano on someone who was connected in anyway

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I mean, do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law, but it always strikes me as hilarious.

“The Alliance burned Taurajo!”

“The Alliance we bombed into murderous oblivion?”


“The Alliance we’ve embarked on several genocidal campaigns of extinction against?”


“The Alliance we regularly enslave and oppress despite being mad at them for putting us in internment camps?”



“But they killed the skinning trainer!”

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