Linking servers with MG?

New Taurajo when???

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I agree so much with this sentiment. As cool as they were, I’m tired of new continents and especially otherworldy new realms, with new creatures and societies. That’s why i found SL in particular so hard.

I want to see meaningful development for the playable races that we put so much time and effort into thinking about. Heritage quests are amazing. But it needs to go further. An old world revamp is long overdue. Tbh it gives them a lot of opportunities. It doesn’t need to happen all at once. You could do a northern Kalimdor expansion or a Lordaeron expansion, and so on. Let Bronze Dragon Time work for us if we want to do old stuff, and otherwise give us something new


By jove she’s back

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They should leave Taurajo destroyed, but rearrange everything to suggest that it was rebuilt and then destroyed again.

New Expansion Features

  • Innovative inventory tetris, except in the world by which we mean just Camp Taurajo.

Horde players should receive a new quest to hold each other and weep for ten minutes over the smoldering ruin of Taurajo.

Alliance players should receive a new quest to go watch a movie and have a coke.


You and I both know the Alliance will just get another robo-cat quest to watch the weeping of the Horde players for 10 minutes.


I’d be thrilled with an entire expansion that updates the story of Kalimdor. and the eastern Kingdoms. Patch after patch, new zones are updated graphically and story-wise. Next expansion, Eastern Kingdoms.

I’m curious about Thrall being on the key art for BlizzCon.


Huh didn’t notice that. Sylvanas was on the 2019 art.

Man, imagine being Dave Kosak and working like hell to make the Mists of Pandaria narrative as good as it can be and then half the player population just regards that era with “lol robot cat.”

And Jaina on the one before that, pre-BFA announcement.

I feel like they’re announcing the next expac at BlizzCon, but I honestly feel like it’ll be a throwback to main Azeroth areas for updates and taking care of the big sword, and we’ll get Titans. Isn’t that hinted in Hearthstone right now, too?


Plzzzz barrens bridge


Also maybe update the numerous war-stricken and destroyed areas because I am sick of looking at that stupid mountain in Ashenvale.


Please revamp Westfall again. I don’t have the energy to deal with CSI: Miami - The Meme - The Zone any longer.


Honestly, so many of the pop culture references should be gone. The fact that they ended up being used as filler for zones is awful.


The Rambo one in Redridge can stay, mostly because that one is a reference that at least slotted itself decently into WarCraft’s historical lore.


I really enjoyed the investigation in Westfall :sweat_smile:

No, neither of those can stay.

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I really want to believe that we’ll ever see a resolution to the Big Sword, and I’d be happy to be proven wrong, but I have a feeling they’re not really going to address it. I seem to remember some interview where someone from Blizzard was like, “Well we siphoned the corruption out of it, so it’s all good now!”

Never mind of course that we had spent an entire expansion being loudly reminded that people were mining azerite from “theh WERLD’S OHPEN WOONS!” and that we needed to “PUT AE STOP TAE IT!”

An old world update would also be very nice, or at least something to address the numerous areas in Azeroth and Kalimdor that suffer from egregious phasing issues due to the quest chains there. Any time I find a cool spot in the world to RP I always have to check it with a few friends to make sure it isn’t phased.