If it meant a more active RP scene, I wouldn’t have a problem with it. Thing is, I’m not sure that would be the outcome. It would be like moving to a new city, and change is hard.
It’s not that simple, and the venue isn’t what I’m talking about. RP servers are social communities and our combined interactions with each other are what keep us coming back. Introducing a whole flood of new people can leave others feeling lost in their usual spots. Not everyone will feel this way - many are already in isolated cells on WrA, and what happens in a major city won’t make a difference to them. But that isn’t the case for us all, and for anyone already feeling like they’re on the fence about getting involved, throwing a wrench into a system they think they understand could be alienating.
Admittedly, this is how I’m feeling, so I could be projecting my feelings on the community at large. We’ll see if I’m alone.
That’s a solid concern for sure. However I think most of that is mitigated in this particular instance because of the per-capita factions of each server. WrA mainly Horde an MG mainly Alliance means the only real “overlap” would come from the new cross-faction guilds mainly. While there obviously would be an influx of Alliance on one side and Horde on the other, I think that is a more seemless transition with the numbers already present. (it’s not like MG alliance will all become horde and vice versa)
I see it as more of a win if they were linked to one another as now WrA and MG Horde would have more options for RP.
Alliance, well WrA Alliance would certainly be in for a treat with that massive influx of RP to choose from too I suppose.
In either case a chance to break out of isolated cells and find a bigger world with more people to enjoy it with.
Stop saying this, it only contributes to further decline of the RP communities on WRA and MG creating this false narrative that if you play X faction you have to play on Y server.
I mean it’s not really a false narrative given the sheer numbers, and obviously there are horde and alliance present on both servers, but when talking about the majority, that’s just how it is.
This would be a sort of remedy to that stigma though.
Please stop perpetuating the stereotype that servers have to be one colored. There are Alliance on WrA who really dont want to see the wave from MG. And actively dont play there because of the large numbers. I cannot play in a crowd like that. But saying “Allinace go here and Horde go here” only makes that divide worse. Alliance can come here, and should come here to WrA to help us build more of our community. It doesnt need to be huge but it will only get worse the more people believe that idea.
It wouldn’t be a treat for me. I enjoy the small town feel of Wyrmrest Accord. This would normally be where I go into a discussion of quality over quantity, but I’m tired of making the same arguments every time this discussion comes up. So I’ll just suffice this with a: please don’t assume things about a group you aren’t a part of.
Alliance on WRA used to have a healthy community but the constant insistence you need to play on MG if you’re Alliance didn’t help.
Then BfA followed by stinker lands caused a decline in the RP community as a whole.
There’s also an active Horde community on MG and saying WRA is for Horde does not help them continue to foster their own community.
There’s also culture aspects on both servers that don’t vibe, there’s the goldshire people on MG that can’t live within 5 miles from a school that I want to call out before I bring up the server lore projects WRA has always been resistant to.
The only issue I’d have with servers merging is that it’d be difficult to combine server lore… there are well established storylines on both servers to the point where they’re almost like slightly alternate universe versions of each other, so it’d be strange to suddenly have to adapt to a whole new slew of server fanon and get other people to adapt to yours. But once we get over that hump, which truthfully I think we could with enough communication and organization, I think it’d be very fun to have a large chunk of the remaining roleplayers in one place. It’d be nice to have the numbers and cross-faction interaction we used to have in days of more activity. I like both servers and would be happy to not have to prioritize one over the other when building community.