-Time Zones (East Coast and West Coast scheduling time needs are pretty legit)
-Desire to separate from other players (Example: some people have dealt with situations like a nasty stalker, and they feel the best choice to leave the server for a new community)
-Not everyone wants a large community, but they do want some activity.
Also, MG Horde is active. WRA is not -the- place for Horde rp. The same way that there are Alliance on WRA.
I agree with some of this to an extent, but ultimately I think though that WRA Horde RP would very much benefit from being linked to MG Horde for RP.
In the same sense, Not every WrA alliance is going to rush to Goldshire when linked to MG, infact I would suspect a small % MIGHT, but WrA alliance typically choose not to go to MG because they don’t WANT that kind of RP association. Yet there is more to MG alliance RP than goldshire by leaps and bounds, and THAT is where WRA and MG being linked flourishes.
The outcome is a more robust community of RP with more activity and options. Both factions wouldn’t see THAT big of an increase separately, but the servers linked and considered as a whole would certainly fill both faction capitals with more life.
Just about every time the servers bork and MG and WRA end up in the same instances, I encounter a ton of hate coming from WRA.
Aside from the time zone differences and the potential to slow up the server, I really would not want to be lumped in with WRA folks and I honestly think they would not want to be lumped in with us. So personally I hope it never happens.
Well I’m not sure who is “hating” on you, but I’ve never seen this myself and I’m WRA.
As for timezones, when you go to initially pick your server they don’t show timezones, they just show PVE or RP. It’s not until you’ve already created a character on said server (or gone out of your way to research first but how many new players do that) that you discover they are different timezones, but that doesn’t stop cross-server RP events from happening. People still offer themselves up as “anchors” to bring RPers over to events.
Just cross linking a response someone gave in the other thread,
But I think the most under rated part of that all is that with Cross-faction guilds now, there is the potential for an entire new community to form and thrive. This is something brand new that we have never seen before in game, and there is so much potential for great RP.
You most likely are a newer player, so you do not know many of the myriad issues that have caused folks from Moon Guard to go to WrA over the years. Mostly those that have had to leave due to toxic personalities, or tarnished reputations, which only served to grow the animosity between the servers. To put those two together would only breed disaster, as people who were separated by server would be stuck in the same sandbox, and clashing rp playstyles, stories, and server fanon would only lead to hostility and vitriol, and undo the hard work of folks who have put in much time and effort to help the MG rp scene flourish and thrive. So no, it is best that the two servers stay separate.
how does that matter if they can just server hop back? Or have alts? If they are even still playing for that matter. It is an argument that holds very little weight honestly.
That is it right there. They have the option of being away from the people who they harmed, or the cause of their tarnished rep, etc. Being forced to be on the same server as them…yea. Perhaps now you will understand the point. Not to mention the other part of my statement which you conveniently ignored. The servers have different server canon, such as server events that are acknowledged by those on the server. Those don’t exist on the other server, so if both servers were to become merged, how would the different stories be resolved, especially if they wind up being in conflict with one another?
well linking isn’t merging so there is that first off. Secondly, if that player even still exists, they shouldn’t be the only reason everyone should be denied the option of more people to rp with. As stated before, you report and ignore the trolls and move on.
Server lore… that’s just history, does it have to matter what server it happened on at the time to have claimed it still happened? Does it even really matter in the over all if another server doesn’t have that? Does it physically prevent people from wanting to form new cross-faction communities even? Would there be an adjustment period, sure, but wouldn’t people be able to have fun and experience new and different RP? Annual events would still happen, now you just have potential for more participation because less barriers when linked.
Just because you did not see it, does not mean it didn’t happen. Many of us on MG have valid reasons to not want to be linked to WRA, much of which has been mentioned. The cultures are different, the server lore is different and though not required. No one would be making a lot of friends if they server hopped and made sure to let everyone know, the RP they have been working on for the last several years was going to be ignored for being “server lore.” We have loads of IC groups like the Stormwind Law Project and The Lordaeron Eternal Court and the idea of folks hopping over and refusing to acknowledge that, does not seem very promising of a link or merge.
Given folks can hop over with an anchor, it seems there is no real reason to link them anymore than they already are. Keep the division as is and use the tools to cross over temporarily, leave MG where we are and the same with WRA.