I vaguely remember this, but I thought part of that was actually related to their linked AH and huge slowdowns that were happening. (There was also vague future-y talk of Blizzard devs working on a greatly improved AH interface themselves, because AH addons exist due to how antique and bad the default UI is.)
EDIT: Ah, the one I’m thinking of may have been Ythisens when they upped the fee for posting single items.
Ok… here is the run down for those that have not done anything but badmouth live for the last few months.
Ion is not against auction house addons. BUT the whole cluster F of the auction system in the game.
They are working on re codding it to make it more efficient and work better.
Some addons where causing some issues with lag due to single item posting instead of stack listing… Which is a crappy thing to do, but the development goal is they are taking a look at the auction backend to see what changes they can make to it to hold up.
You can even find an article somewhere where thy talk about just throwing in the basic AH as it is without a ton of planning.
The spirit of this conversation overall was that he’s against the automation of the game as it is now. He also expanded on that to say they were considering these kinds of things for modern wow also.
Given how Blizzard does things and their history over the last 3 years it’s kinda obvious where they’re going… They just kill things off that they disagree with.
That’s why I am so pessimistic regarding addons or support. If there are things like DBM in game I would be surprised, and happy for the raiders who need that sort of thing.
Just remember it’s Blizzard, they have a certain way of talking about some specific things very directly but also making encompassing statements that show you their bigger picture of intent even when they don’t entirely come out and saying directly.
It’s their presently practiced SOP, and I doubt they will be changing that practice any time soon.
Over the years Blizzards has done a good job of changing the addon API to make things safer for its playerbase. Sometimes that has caused an inconvenience to players using the addons but by and large it has been for the best.
Blizzard has even absorbed some of the addons of days gone by into the stock game itself.
As a proponent of addons in wow and a developer I know that we are waiting on pins and needles to see what the API has for us. Even with statements made at last blizzcon some things can change.
We will know what we can do when we have the API. There will be limitations for sure as well as additions. The 8.x api has no understanding of spell ranks for example.
A source citation on their commitment to remain on 7.3.5 “forever” is needed I think. I’ll put good odds that the beta will have 8.1 “under the hood” if it comes out in the next month or so.
I can’t find the ‘forever’ part true. But since they’re also not likely to be going to be advancing the UI API in line with Retail, I’d expect them to pick one and stick to it. Also, 8.01 is barely different from 7.3.5 so the change is likely irrelevant.
This is basically impossible to enforce.
Trying to do so (and failing) will just result in wasted resources, if they’re so against certain addons they can simply disable a couple key ones because it is IMPOSSIBLE for them to ban specific ones at all times unless they basically completely disable them.
There will always be another version, another similar addon, a work around, etc.
At certain point I think this is more just picking on things you don’t like, there were plenty of auction, mail, bags, bars, basically for everything, just not as developed as current addons, you just didn’t used them or you played super casually.
That or you guys are BSing and never played vanilla.
Ever heard of YOU ARE THE BOMB
Uh, there were literally DOZENS of addons in Classic that tracked resource nodes.
“Quest helper” mods were also in the game and even getting reasonably advanced by about the time AQ40 came out.
About the only specific functionality that comes to mind that I know of in the game which AddOns have, and directly impacts gameplay now. Which didn’t exist back in Vanilla is the built-in threat meter with the real values from the server.
And ripping that out could lead to other problems, given what instigated that functionality in the first place. Unless they’re going to make threat meter proxies against the TOS for Classic.
There’s many other things some people are asking.
No auction, no mail, markers, dbm, etc
Which again, are kinda dumb when we already had most addon functions in vanilla including proto dbm and some functions in tbc and beyond came straight from vanilla addons.
Like some are even saying they should ban all addons for christ sake
Some of this is because other API’s were made available, IIRC that enabled the addons like DBM to “grab your attention” and likewise better “hook” into what exactly the boss was doing. So “misfires” didn’t happen and needing to wait for the first occurrence was no longer needed.