What the hell? Another panda posting here that isn’t Rista?
Also, it depends on the Addon i do remember some addons resulting in a ban in bc/vanilla etc. Automated AH ones are an example, as are a few others. (Lazy pig? I can’t recall)
Honestly, we have no idea what blizzard is planning or the API they’ll use to what addons would even work is anyone guess, let alone build and program them.
But we have 13 years of ‘Bad Addons’ that destroyed the Vanilla ethos. Blizzard knows what to look for far better, now, and don’t want it to become ‘part of the fabric’.
Just like Classic isn’t Vanilla, they’re not going to forget the 13 years in between just so that the same failures can happen.
Of course, bots and automated AH shouldn’t be allowed.
I meant more along the lines of cleaner/newer addons for classic that didn’t exist during Vanilla shouldn’t be banned just for this false sense of maintaining authenticity. If you’re using a UI addon, it’s already not ‘purely authentic’.
As for your points, i don’t think anyone is disagreeing there i hope, as addon makers already back portal plenty of mods and UI’s. Luna ui Mobinfo3, Elvui to 1.12 clients so all that of that should be doable?
Though no one know’s I think the only addons blizzard wants to go after are LFG addons, That automate group finding, but i’m not really to sure they will hunt them down all the way, there are already addons for this in 1.12 Client made, also third party websites and programs help with this. Even in MOP Openraid. net and addons can exist.
The only problem is, is that well no one really know’s what the API etc that blizzard is going to be using and so on, will we be able to use 7.3 addons or 1.12? Will we just have to make new ones from the ground up? (I think that’s the general idea.)
The Addon API will be 7.3.5, because of the Classic client. It will be modified from Live to include things like Weapon Skill interrogation etc, but yes, it will mostly be based on a Retail API.
honestly, I didn’t want to really play with a tank pally back then either. But in a world where it could take a while just to form the group and travel, you kinda just went with what was there. I think after playing for a bit, people won’t worry about the optimal specs so much outside of raids, even with today’s mentality.
Are you 100% sure about this, as in you’re willing to give me all your gold and kidney? Also blizzards writing, because then, why are they breaking addons in the first place.
Your so cute. I am an addon-o-holic. And it with deep pleasure I tell you I am very much looking forward to the new API so we know what we can and cant do.
That being said. HECK no to the addons that where only available during vanilla… One button I win addons and healbot that raised a whole group of healers that DONT know how to properly heal? No thank you.
Trying to find a textual copy. It was mentioned in the 2018 Blizzcon Classic panel.
And the reason why they’re breaking addons is because they don’t want that type of addon becoming ‘part of the fabric’ when they know that in days gone by, it lead to a degradation of the WoW community.
I’m sorry but lolwut? Where did you get this information, especially regarding DBM specifically? I mean, recently (I think it was last fall) the creator of DBM was having some personal and financial difficultly and Blizzard actually helped him out so he could continue to do his work. Doesn’t sound like they’re pulling the plug on boss mods to me.
And like I said they’re reviewing the scripting API to eliminate things that might be out of place in classic, I think one of the examples they mentioned was raid markers.
Well I know exactly what he said, but I think you’re extrapolating a lot more out of it than he perhaps intended. Stretching what he said to the modern game is kinda strange and perhaps the product of a lot of wishful thinking on your part. That’s just my opinion, though. Maybe I’m wrong.