To only those available during vanilla. No auction house addons in vanilla? if yes then there shouldn’t be any in classic as well.
Would prefer none or very min necessary for raiding.
I believe this was talked about at Blizzcon and they even said they would consider(iirc) figuring out a way to ban some addons that weren’t available from 04’-06’.
well curse could work in conjunction with Blizz to come up with a separate page dedicated just to Classic addons. Developers would have to adhere to coding protocol or have their addon broken.
Well they’re banning addons that were around during Vanilla as well such as healbot or other simple click and play options.
As long as the addon doesn’t have an intimidate effect on other people, it should be allowed imo.
It will not work
They will ban the popular ones, and people will come up with new ones,. they may ban those but the super guilds/PVPers will come up with new ones and then only a select few in the know players will have a huge advantage over the regular player .
I prefer they do not have the macro capabilities that were available in wow IE - checking state to determine action in a macro… and leave the rest alone.
That would be pretty easy considering you can already filter addons on Curse by what game version they work with. So for example going to the Auction and Economy section and picking game version 1.1.0 gives you just one stack size tooltip addon.
Problem is not a lot comes up so addons that are hosted elsewhere would need to upload them to Curse.
Blizzard is already banning addons. I’d like them to ban addons in general but that will never happen
How to lose 95% of players
That tells me they don’t like the base game that much
That’s not entirely true. They said they are going to disable any addons that go against the spirit of Vanilla, such as pre-made group finders. We will undoubtedly see weak auras and elvui make its way into classic, and they won’t be “illegal” addons in blizzards eyes.
Ahh right, I didn’t remember it correctly. You are correct in saying we will see addons or even different types of addons that didn’t exist in Classic.
Like others have stated, they already mentioned “breaking” addons that take away from the stuff we had already in Vanilla.
No weakaura’s for those going to Classic.
I hope so. Being confused for less than 0.5 seconds is fun sometimes.

No weakaura’s for those going to Classic.
We already had a simillar addon. No problems with this one.
Edit : maybe SOME of triggers will not be avalible tho

No auction house addons in vanilla? if yes then there shouldn’t be any in classic as well.
Pretty sure there were AH addons in vanilla. (Auctioneer creation date is October 2006.)

Would prefer none or very min necessary for raiding.
Personally, I’d rather have the little convenience ones I had during vanilla - over the massive suite of raid-guild required ones.
Really, what Blizzard said at BlizzCon was that:
- They’d definitely not be restoring the function calls from vanilla that allowed botting - having the addon figure things out rather than the player
- They were going to consider addons otherwise on a case-by-case basis, potentially breaking functionality in ones they felt didn’t fit the vision of WOW Classic (an example would be an addon to put in Group Finder functionality that they’ve specifically chosen not to include in WOW Classic).
Beyond that, it’s really up in the air and we’ll have to wait until the data that addon authors need is available to know more.
Funny, my newbie days had me going without addons until I was already leveling in Dustwallow Marsh and someone in my guild told me about them.
A whole new world opened up to me and yet there went my newbish innocence.

well curse could work in conjunction with Blizz to come up with a separate page dedicated just to Classic addons.
This is already happening, and needs to happen, because Classic will be built on the 7.3.5 API forever, whereas the live system is already 8.1 (80100)

Developers would have to adhere to coding protocol or have their addon broken.
Curse would not enforce this, but Blizzard might.

Pretty sure there were AH addons in vanilla. (Auctioneer creation date is October 2006.)
Which was when the TBC beta was out. I think it was built against beta and released publicly with TBC.

I think it was built against beta and released publicly with TBC.
Ah, didn’t think of that. Just knew 2.0.1 (the TBC pre-patch) wasn’t until Dec’ 2006.
Specifically any type that keeps track of things for you, thats automating your memory. Keep a notebook if you need.
No addons that alert you to anything(rare,player,ore,herb,chest,quest nearby)
Nothing that places marks or notes on map.