I said premades themselves were never restricted. Do try to keep up. OQueue being banned had nothing to do with premades and everything to do with automation of addons, you moldy turnip. It’s the same reason they banned premade AVEnabler that allowed you to auto queue 40 people back in vanilla, among other addons over the years that were banned.
Ok so in 18 years premades has never been restricted. Except for that one time when they were restricted to 5 man content. And that other time when the changes were made to make it much more likely to face other premades instead of just in the mix.
System has always attempted to do that. Please tell me how a system “trying” (<-key word here) to match premades with premades is “restricting” anything.
Also, Blizzard allowing mass queuing in classic WoW goes against your point as well.
The changes to make premades more likely to face other premades happened in patch 5.4.2
It happened on December 10th, 2013. Before the change premades were very likely to face groups that were not a premade.
Restrict also does not always mean to bar someone from doing something, but to limit them from doing something.
That’s the point. It doesn’t limit them from doing anything. There’s also never been any enforcement of said “limitations” so swing and a miss.
Last time I’ve seen a blue post address premades was someone whining about my community farming them in AV and saying that they weren’t going to enforce people playing together on 3rd party voice comms.
Outside of that the last official communication by Blizzard is them allowing you to queue up to 35 players for the large BGs in classic. So that again, goes against your entire premise of an argument.
And Blizzard has never said outwardly that they do not like twinking, yet their actions have said otherwise.
Many times through WoW PvP they have taken steps to limit premades ability to play with solo players. Just because you lack the understanding to see a trend or a pattern does not mean it’s not happening. Even solo shuffle is an example of them testing the waters for solo PvP gameplay. The writing is literally on the wall.
If I make it so that you and your friends are less likely to play against 10 randos, that is a limitation.
You rang?
There was a time I was the only golf, I found out in a thread asking how unique is your name. Then the movie came out and it started raining Golfimbuls. Must be 2, maybe three of them now.
Do you even play? Or just post on a level 60 with no achievements for fun.
Limited because people were exploiting the xpoff feature to queue into leveling bgs.
Never has worked and never shown any attempt to care or enforce it. They don’t care about people playing with guildies or communities.
Trust me when I tell you that I’m definitely not the one who lacks understanding of the situation.
Rated PvP. So apples and oranges.
There is zero limitation because we keep queueing into randos
Again once you’ve achieved giga status and winning no longer matters you don’t need a group. I didn’t even need a group to get there
Exhibit A!
Didn’t Do anything
Exhibit B!
Didn’t Apply to me
Exhibit C!
That was different
Exhibit D!
No that was also different
It’s clear that nothing short of Blizzard flat out making a solo only queue will sway you. So maybe we should pick this up next year when it launches so you can tell me how it doesn’t directly take a stance against premades?
Don’t you think blizz would’ve maybe bifurcated queues in wrath classic to prevent twinks? Or stopped large groups from queueing?
If those problems were so bad that people would quit en mass, wouldn’t they preemptively adjust it for the classic modes?
Because they came out and clearly said they were allowing xp off twinks in with bgs in wrath classic.
There’s always like a handful of people who cry on the forums about how everyone is going to quit because of premades, and yet here we are, the handful is still complaining and people are still allowed to queue as a group.
It’s him and like 4 other people who constantly make/post in these threads crying with some vaguely worded implication that they’re going to ban premades from bgs, when it’ll never happen because Blizzard isn’t going to tell people what to do with their $15 a month. Always a treat watching the same 4-5 people everytime cry about getting farmed by premades tho.
You mean with the lowest participation in PvP in WoW history?
Twinks would like a word. So would tanks in Solo Shuffle. So would PvE players who used to enjoy PvP. So would Players who enjoyed SL gearing. Blizz tells you what to do all the time in WoW. You have nothing to support your claims, you’ve linked nothing, you’ve quoted nothing, you’re provided 0 sources. All you’ve done is relied on other premaders to like your post and defend your loose points. Much like premading in the game, your ability to stand alone is overinflated by your faux victories in groups.
Based on what? Queues pop fast for most things besides shuffle.
I don’t even premade much. You guys are just annoying crying about it so much and being so pretentious.
You’re the meme of the “aCtUaLly” guy right now.
In the solo queue you will face some terrible mismatches on both sides, they’re not enough to stop you but they’re common enough to be frustrating at times especially when you face the same team a couple of days in a row. I know Blizzard wants a grind and eventually people will exceed me without the weekly vault and rated then a team of better geared players will be able to shut me down completely, when that happens I’ll leave again. Probably a little before that point.
You can use rated participation and rankings VS previous seasons to determine PvP participation. Not every player that plays PvP plays rated, but every player who plays rated plays PvP. It’s loose, but it’s the best thing to go off of.
I do. Went 8-0 last night.
I have posted specific Blue posts and actual patches where changes have happened. Despite this, I have been called a loser, a child, a huntard, and all manner of things. Yet somehow, in your eyes, I am the annoying one. Meanwhile, Akat is really being the “actually” guy and trying to discredit real sources based on his feelings.
I’m sorry you feel that I am pretentious. I’ll try to use “bro” and other trendy words next time. Maybe I should just try to shut people down by calling them losers instead of trying to make a reasonable argument next time since that seems to resonate so well.
I enjoy doing more dps than the premade even tho we were camped gy all game. Those are fun. I can’t wait till they add the borrowed power ring so the damage is even higher lol!
I get the feeling he doesn’t even pvp. Just tries to be a contrarian on the forums.
This is you 100%. I accepted your challenge and you ignored it. Thats a dog with all bark and no bite if I ever heard one.
As to the others. Why are you so scared of solo only BGs? “Queue times” nah your just scared that you will face only other premades and you wont get to enjoy bullying random pugs.