Limit the amount of people that can q random bgs together

Yall have been fighting for hours

Just make up and kiss already =/


Whats wrong with being level 60 ? for a person that is defending premading in a ‘casual game mode’ that is quite elitist of you.

But I digress, the goal posts have moved. You’ve continually wanted to have premade in random bgs. There should be a Solo Random BG only option. I wonder why your so against this ? “QQ I lk plyn wit ma frenz”. Guess what… you can play with your friends if that mode comes out and you will face other people like you… also playing with their frenz.

But that puts you on an equal playing field… which you dont want. You want to “pawn noobs” in your premade probably on voice speak and average or slightly above average players. Nothing random about that.

So quit trying to avoid my accusation against you. You want premades in randoms so you can pawn unorganised groups.

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Yeah because there’s nothing wrong with premades. Stop being bad.

Random is about map choice, not who you play against.

Nah I want premades in randoms because the average player in bgs these days is a knuckle dragger and I like being social.

I’m meant to stop being bad because I dont want to face 5 man premades as a solo queuer and neither should any person that queue’s solo? Okay bro.

You want premades in randoms because you cant contribute to your team well enough if you queue’d solo. ie Your bad.

In your own words you should “Stop being bad.”

why play an mmo if you don’t want to talk to people

It’s like you’re going to a golf course and getting mad you gotta use a golf club

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When I form premades, I make sure each player has the basic intelligence to differentiate between “your” and “you’re”.


Yeah, rated sucks. Randoms are fun

Last rbgs i did not long ago i was 2300 mmr with no tank, no rogue, no hunter, an aff lock base sitting and all 3 healers being F tier specs

Zzz content. Bgs should be for playing any spec and teamfighting wherever. Rated sucks because you can’t do that without throwing


I can absolutely guarantee I would absolutely trounce you on the damage charts, without breaking a sweat.

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I highly doubt that. I wish you could, honestly I do but I highly doubt it.

When you have nothing to say pick on someone’s grammar. lol how pathetic are some of these forum posters becoming…

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That’s been you this entire thread :clown_face:

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Why are you so fervently pushing this idea that no one ever does premades to play with friends? If you’re lonely you can just say that.

As far as seperating ques there’s a very simple reason most people would be against that, que times. If it was possible to have group bgs where only groups played against eachother and the ques times where comparable yeah that’d be fine. I would have zero issue with that, it’s already kinda like that, when you que as a group a good 75%+ of the time you are against another group anyway. The reality is that seperating random bgs into two catagries, solo & group, you would increase que times for both groups. No one likes sitting in a long que, just look at all the solo shuffle que time complaints.

Reading your own post history will answer that, lol.

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“I think there should be a solo only option, premades make BGs difficult” -OP

“I think that you’re just a whiney cry baby loser who doesn’t have any friends and you’re either a fat nerd or a child” -Premade Player

Every… Single… Premade thread.

Actually, it’s like going to a golf course and getting mad that you showed up alone and you’re getting paid with 3 guys who showed up together. However, as long as you aren’t playing at peak hours, you can ask to play alone.


Golf isn’t a team sport. Horrible analogy.

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Golf teams exist lol. It can be played individually and it can be played as a team.

yeah I know, almost like you can just tell who almost exclusively plays non-rated in a group and who doesn’t just by what they type.

You forgot the people like you who try and accuse people of moving goal posts etc. while you can’t even understand the point they’re trying to make in the first place.

Always love those people.

You said in 18 years WoW pvp has never been restricted. Then later said oh wait, it’s never been restricted besides that one time.