Limit the amount of people that can q random bgs together

The game isn’t going to get more solo than solo queueing for bgs or solo shuffle.

Solo RBGs might happen, but that has zero bearing on random bgs.

The same people crying about premades now are going to be crying when they get farmed by glads in solo shuffle rbgs too.

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Dude jump off your pedestal. It’s not crying if you’re venting about a service that you’re paying for. I am more than happy to get farm by gladiators. I’m not happy about being farmed by five gladiators who just wanted to queue together

This sounds like an absconding of personal control and responsibility.

You’d be fine with losing when there’s nothing you can do it, but aren’t when there are things you can?

If I lose to a bunch of random players who are there solo and not grouped up and organized then I’ve lost due to being on an even playing field.

Tough luck. It’s an MMORPG and they’re well within their rights to group up!

And yeah it is crying. It’s always crying with you and others on these forums beating the same dead horse, despite the fact no one cares at Blizzard about anything outside arena or rated pvp.


Nothing is against the rules until it isn’t.

18 years and zero restrictions. Not sure how much more “this is within the rules” you wanna get.

18 years and there’s been several restrictions. What game are you even playing? At one point you couldn’t pre-made at all.

Solo Q (r)bgs would just put more emphasis on teamwork and communication. I don’t really understand what you’ve been trying to get at, not a lot of it makes sense. Sorry.

When have they ever resricted a 5 man group doing random bgs?

Genuinely asking. Since I’ve been playing at the start of Cata you’ve always been able to group up as far as I can recall.

They did break oQueue premades yes, but that was 10+ stacks not a 5 man.


LOOOOOL. You’ve ALWAYS been able to premade. Before OQueue and similar addons you could form 5-10 man groups before they made cross-realm bgs a thing. Premade BGs have been around since BGs were introduced.

Yes I know. I used to run with we kill people back in the day during burning crusade. They stopped premade all together and then when they returned it was only restricted to five man content.

It was restricted to 5 mans because of OQueue but you’ve still been able to circumvent 5 man limits for ages.

You tried to make the point you at one point “couldn’t premade at all” which was false.

No first they restricted premades, then later they made it so you could group up in groups of 5. Then later on, they changed it so that you were more likely to face other premades.

They were never restricted outside of the 5 man restrictions because of OQueue. At one point in vanilla you could queue for the 40 man AV with a full raid.

The oqueue restriction happened in patch 5.1. In the preparch for WoD is when they returned with the 5 man queue.

How far are we going to move this goal post?

Just play rated? I’ve seen an RBG group for literally every CR range almost everytime I go to LFG

I go to the gym for 2 hours and I come back to a wall of text from Akatsuki and Mithril defending premades as “playn wit Ma frenz”. What a joke these guys are.

ok level 60. Keep crying about a casual game mode lmao

Goal post was never moved my guy. You just have terrible reading comprehension. Either that or you’re intentionally obtuse. Can’t figure out which.

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