Limit the amount of people that can q random bgs together

I’m down. You have alliance toons?


And anyone else can add me too lol.

And I mostly play SV anyway.

Or because you play a spec that can’t hard carry and whose primary purpose is to sit a base

Or your rng team comp sucks

Or your team gets a blood dk that doesn’t have death strike on their bars while the enemy has a meta tank

You get 2 spriests and an ele sham and an hpal while the other team has a mw specced into peaceweaver, after the mw has removed all your teams kill pressure your hpal panics because a dh is hitting him and horseys into the enemy team to blinding light the enemy for 0.2seconds and remove the second pair of dots your team applied before he dies because lol a dh is hitting him all while you’re sitting at a base twiddling your thumbs because no one else will sit and everyone sees hunter and expects you to do your base sitting duty :ok_hand:

Also especially great when you’re solo keeping 3 enemies from the team fight and your loser team still can’t manage to take a base with a 2 man advantage


Hey! We’ve played together before on your boomkin. It always throws me off when people post on different toons lol.

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That sounds oddly specific I’m sorry you experienced such bad teammates lol.

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Lmao oddly specific

Not wrong tho

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The frustrating life of being a healer and hitting the 20m healing done on teammates and we’re losing severely on kills anyway :sob:

Or you get Abombshield and he absolutely refuses to go south to tank the boss because he’d rather sit in Field of Strife and fight players EVEN THOUGH he queue’d as a tank.

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I was on my priest a few weeks ago and i lifegripped our blood dk tank towards the twin peaks flag and he did a 180 and ran back into mid and died

Idk man i hate people

I’m sticking with one toon, and I’m sick of the constant boomy changes every xpac.

I play mostly 2-4 hours at night, so one toon is best.

Somehow fell on hunter, which despite people complaining about (yea the defensives are weak) I love all 3 specs.

I leveled a Hunter, Priest, Evoker, and Druid. I’m having a hard time finding what to stick with this expansion. I thought that the talent trees would make everything feel fresh, but everything just feels stale.

The worst is when they watch you die. Guys? Help?

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And then they’re like “dO wE hAvE hEaLeRs”


Where are you healer?
I’m in the GY.
You suck healer.

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I’m trying to branch out into becoming a dps player because healing is just abuse and unrewarding

But i don’t enjoy playing things that aren’t my paladin so my will to play diminishes every time i’m on an alt

If blizz stopped nerfing my damage as holy paladin i wouldn’t be nearly as upset, but right now i feel completely dependent on my strong heroic dps rescuing me from attackers because i don’t have the damage to kill dhs or warriors or warlocks that attack me so i have to just accept death if i don’t get rescued and its maddening


SV has been a saving grace for me.

Also doing m+ has been fun. Playing BM in m+, dumped mm after the dt change, just kinda feels clunky now.

BM is like smooth jazz relaxing lol.

And SV is my frenetic, fun side.

SV goes hard too. People sleep on it since there are so few, but it is massively fun and does some bonkers damage.

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I wanted to post on this character to demonstrate that I understand your concerns. I’ve been running more a dps oriented build from arena I adapted to BGs. I’ve had her perform wonderfully where I’m thinking yeah, this is my healer main to dismally and I feel bad for my team. There’s a lot to like, I can heal while cc’ing the enemy healer if I can get close enough and I can chase down and kill mages though I often get help after the 1st bit. A little more dps would do us good, and I’m not a fan of beacon in BGs as our AoE heal but I’m getting better at keeping it up.

Nah I’ll be queuing tonight in epics and the brawl. Not sure how you’re going to queue into 70 bgs as a 60 but you do you.

I’m still doing 3m damage in a battleground, just none of it is enough to have kill pressure when it matters in 1v1 with dps having more self sustain than i have burst with 30k judgment every 100 crits

Meanwhile my mw is literally critting people for 90k rsk because ??

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I keep up as caster, mostly, only going in to help when the pressure falls or I really need to stop that mage from killing me. I hit around half that damage but I do feel I apply it when it’s needed to assist kills and I love our CC chain. It concerns me when someone of your gear level and almost certainly higher skill isn’t happy, but I figure I enjoy playing her even if I falter at times and I’m hoping the power pendulum swings a little bit our way.

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Its more i used to be a playmaker and hpal enabled me to push bases on my own and ninja caps around the map and really have an impact

Now i just don’t have that independence anymore and its really frustrating not being able to have the map presence i used to have in sl and prior before the nerfs/dps spec healing buffs

I remember a deepwind i joined late while our team was losing while being 4 capped, i came in, took back farm, told team to go mid, ran to quarry, 1v2 there, came in mid to cap it while they were in combat, and we won by 10 points

I can’t do that anymore and i just hate feeling dependent on my team like that lol

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