Limit the amount of people that can q random bgs together

I hadn’t played BGs for a couple of years when I came back, I always felt our fantasy of tank healer didn’t play well into BGs but, like you said, they’re creatures of utility. Too many healers? No problem, I’ll pretend to be ret for a bit.

Speaking as someone who mains heals, any time I see this in BGs that person is getting ignored for the rest of the game. I know it’s petty but that dig above all irks me the most. Like I don’t care if you call me a trash healer, you’re welcome to your opinion.

But hitting the BG chat with “do we have any healers?” tells me you can’t fit through the door carrying both your ego and your ignorance.

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100%, except that ignore is lasting until the end of time :joy: once someone says that there is no coming back for them until they name change

Bring on the petty :smiling_imp:

I think people have been nice since I’ve been back, haven’t seen the “do we have healers” comment since I’ve been back though I don’t play as many BGs as you guys but I do have 70 healers on each faction. In fact, the couple of times people complained about the team made sure to specify they were talking about the dps but I am apologetic if I feel I’m underperforming.

I just can’t bring myself to not heal people, even if I say I won’t. I started in dungeons, my pettiness is more I’ll hot you but I won’t heal you unless you get out of the bad.

I don’t know how people enjoy healing random BGs. I used to play disc/holy and MW (orbs were so fun) during MoP in randoms and even back then people would be extremely ungrateful and abusive. Can’t imagine it now when healing seems so stressful and people seem to have even worse attitudes towards fellow players.

Glad there are still people willing to put up with it. I’ll just continue enjoying randoms as a DPS, though, not going near healing for any reason lol.

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That one night playing with you was probably the best bg night i had all expansion, i miss it and hope we can play again

Our queue made me like healing :sob:

My favourite was mw with mistwalk and mistwalking around warsong base with the flag

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In other words your bowing out. Good job rofl


You’re a level 60 troll. I have zero reason to engage with a child. The amount of QQ you do about premades and pvp in general leads me to believe you’re quite frankly terrible at the game.


I have friends, but sometimes you want some mindless, casual fun without having to coordinate and be on discord and take breaks. This is what casual random is all about. It should be 100% pug on even ground, because that is 90% of the population. The 10% of premades just come in to ruin it for everyone else.

Five friends pvp’ing together in random bgs IS mindless, casual fun. And most of the time those five people are matched up against another five people. I know because my group winrates is quite a bit less than 100%. People who want to hang out and pvp with other people don’t need to be punished for doing group content in an MMO.

Your assumption that the random bg pvp population is made up of 90% solo players is a stretch.

I would also point out that removing the ability to group together in random BGs isn’t going to stop better players from curb stomping lower skilled players. Players who understand their class, and know how to achieve objectives are still going to win more matches than people who are just there to turn their brain off and rack up HKs.


What’s your group’s win rate?

44 - 28 across five toons. One of those is 1 and 1 because I just now in looking things up realized Reflex was disabled for that toon. Which is the toon where a bulk of my early BG’ing came from this expansion.

I think it’d be wrong to remove premades for a lot of reasons and the solution will probably need to come from the queue system. The highest rated gladiator probably runs randoms at some point, I’d think I was playing a team even if he were playing alone and undergeared. sigh

Everyone who PvPs except maybe a few outliers in a million will play random BGs. Do you think 10% of all the people who have played randoms have played rated? Maybe solo shuffle buffed those numbers up some, 50%? 25%? They should balance around random BGs. We have close enough gear, at least for now.

I don’t mind coordination if I’m approximately equal power. I’ll try to coordinate my team (of randoms, I haven’t played on a team in random BGs in a long time).

Can’t imagine healing… in BG’s.

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That actually happened, pretty much as stated. If it were like that a lot no way I’d heal, usually even the guys who rage at the team will toss a few kind words to the healers or will make sure to say our dps sucks and not our team sucks.