Likeliness of mage buffs in 8.2?

I never asked for just throwing in bosses, by that logic temporal shield works on every single mob in the entire game. I asked for situations where it would have benefits worth taking. It doesnt. Stay in your lane and sit the F*** down kid. You have been laughed on your own post before dont let it happen again.


Yeah, and i’ve well passed anything you could point and laugh at. So it seems my lane is better than yours bruh.

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We can always duel too. I’ll smoke you at that too.

What have you passed me on? your 2 mythic kills? lol. Or are we gonna talk about how you just spend a lot more time on the game than I do.


Well, 4 kills, we got grong and opulence. Also m+ rank. Those things that don’t matter that you like to point out. IN EVERY COMMENT YOU MAKE.

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Mother when you’re crossing the wall and healing is stressed. Being able to handle a significant portion of your own self sustain would be pretty big.

Vectis, when you get Omega Vector, you can effectively nullify the damage intake from higher stacks, which started to matter later in the fight when stacks reached and passed 10.

Fetid, when your MM morphs into PP and the damage skyrocketed, especially sub 50% when the healers are focused on helping with damage and keeping the tanks alive.

Mythrax, in p3 you can no longer clear your stacks and it’s a hard burn with lust to kill. If you heal all your own stacks, the healers can focus on others+do damage, by that point they usually were pretty tapped.

Ghuun, literally all of P3. The damage was absolutely insane, between ramping PB stacks and soaking the 3 Boils.

Grong, when there are overlaps of tank combo’s AoE/ smash/fire with tantrum, popping it to heal partway through a 2-3 stack Tantrum could easily save your life.

Rastakan, p3 downphase, the damage income is insane, especially if your guild solo heals it. Being able to negate your own healing Req would be pretty massive, especially assuming that it would work through the healing debuff.

Conclave, boss death+storm combo, is massive damage. Again, if it works through the healing debuff, that’s a mechanic nullified.

Jaina, p3 damage rapidly ramps up to an unhealable degree. Even 5 healing, it reaches a point that cannot be healed. That’s the point of the burn strat. Being able to negate that damage, even temporarily, could easily save your life.

Uu’nat, the massive ticking damage from double beams, storm, relics, and the healing debuff in p3.


Hm dont see grong or opulence on you, seems blizzard must of messed up, couldnt be a lie on your part. Nice aotcs months after I got mine though congrats. Those are a lot of mythic+ runs. I dont log in and play every single day like you do, gratz on an arbitrary raider IO score though, smashing your face against runs definitely equals more skill.

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This isn’t my main… So if its ok for you to mock people for not doing as much as you, then its ok for us to point out that you are nothing. You might be the most disliked person on this forum.

So are you just going to troll and be extremely toxic and repeatedly smash ad hominen all day, or

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Not sure why half your post in for uldir but ill bite.

Mother - Never had any of our healers feel stressed on the wall phase. Never seemed any of us dropped low at all actually. If anything I would use it as an oh sh** button for bad positioning, which would be the players fault.

Vectis - You arent negating anything. You are getting the health back IF you survive high stacks. If you are at the point, especially now, where your stacks are getting that high that it is impossible for healers to get through then thats on you.

Fetid - If healers are focused on helping with damage and keeping tanks alive and 0 heals are going to you for whatever reason you arent surviving anyway. Again never had an issue being healed here to where I thought damn I wish I had a delayed heal, that would of been great.

Mythrax - again I touched on this aspect, you are asking healers to not learn or having to call out that you have temporal shield going. Which is causing them to also pay attention to you when it falls off or they completely ignore you because you call it and you die.

Ghuun - Positioning made the healing easy…

Grong - I have not one time had all these stack.

Rastakan - we dont solo heal it…so you could be right here I guess, I also wouldnt put a mage down there unless there was absolutely no one else with lust.

Conclave - this is another one we didnt have an issue with, not sure where this crazy healing problem is coming from for you guys.

Jaina - sounds like an undergeared problem if you are getting to that point of damage. Jaina wasnt actually a problem for us at all since you know…we did what the ideal strat was.

Uunat - when did that all come together? Why are you hitting double beams, especially as a mage. Storms were never activated in a spot where it wasnt healable, P3 sucks though.


No one mocked anyones experience UNTIL you came in with the

I called him dumb, which he is. No where did I say he hasnt completed content, he has probably done more than me on whoever his main is. Talk about irony…you literally did nothing but throw the things you have done on me, but supposedly also arent posting on your main…lol.


The guy defending you said just as “toxic” as that well before I did, you gonna tell him this also? lol

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Because Uldir is recent content…?

And mate, I’m not talking about heroic.

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Okay “mate” well again, you arent posting on your main so I have 0 idea what you meant at all because you refused to talk about mechanics until the last post. You are also blowing your butt buddy over here who hasnt done mythic either, so which one is it? you trashing me AND your friend for not doing mythic? or are we talking about content all together?


Temporal would be a great oh sh** button for sure. But if everyone is doing what they are supposed to be doing, imo it has no uses that surpass other essences.


I didn’t realize anyone would think

could apply to heroic.


I never “trashed” anyone.

I never said otherwise.

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Lets look at all the responses i have had in this post. I started by saying they took away potential fun.

Second post even talks about how I was just happy to have something different.

Now lets look at your post:

“Timmy your tin foil has it showing”
“Umm, no.”
“something something witty barb.”

Who is the troll again? Jasonpg is honestly a bad player, I wouldnt side with him.

He has done the same content I have minus doing a lot more mythic pluses because I dont find doing the same thing over and over again for a raiderIO score fun xD. He has been banned on these forums before and laughed out of multiple post, the minute he gets checked he runs and states its not his main lmao.


I simply adore how you’re now gone completely off topic and off focus because you can’t argue the point, despite being so aggressively sure of yourself before.

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You didnt respond to my rebuttal, weird how you seem so blind to things that arent in your favor. You cut off the mechanics talk with “wasnt talking about heroic mate.” Is your main still MIA?


Your entire response was based on heroic. You can solo heal every single fight in heroic. Damage intake is not an issue.

Context matters. When people are being overly dramatic, exaggerating, blatantly misleading and overuse of hyperbole and straight up conspiracy theories, I’m going to make fun of that.

I do not care about your drama. You made factually incorrect statements. I corrected you, you asked for examples, I gave them. Go do some required reading to argue the points, or concede the point that there are uses for this in PvE.

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