Likeliness of mage buffs in 8.2?

Topic p much covers it. I don’t mind being 3rd place dps with 90%+ parses , but it might help keep me going.

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I don’t mean to be rude, but what?

I just want them to be fun in raids again.

90th percentile ranked parses compared to the other raid members which get around 50-65 percentile parses but still end up doing better in terms of damage.


It’s nice other people bring this up, it’s completely true. You’ll have certain people shrugging this off all the time, when this is what most people that do decent with mage specs are actually talking about when it comes to poor dps. I do ok with my main, 85% and up usually if I’m playing somewhat casual, and 95+ if i’m more focused and just want to be competitive that night. Meanwhile people that just show up and parse at like 75 and below while being 12+ilvls lower than me pretty much outdps me or are on par with my mage.

I have lvl’d and played pretty much all specs other than all dk, all monk, feral and enhance sham, and find it hilarious how easy it is to completely gut my mage in dps without being absolutely optimally geared/enchanted/gemmed and figuring out the rotation after like three dungeons, sometimes one.


Not in any of your raids, so what are you basing that off of.

Arcane? Sure. Fire? Maybe. Frost? That’s you.

Idk I still have fun playing Fire all the time. Helps that my guild lets me play Fire for the most part except on Mythic Blockade where its important to have a Frost mage or 2. But I knew that coming into it anyway.


It not a buff as such as all classes get something … but one of my prayers look like being answered

Concentrated Coolness:
Frozen Orb’s damage is increased by 10% and is now castable at a location with a 40 yard range but no longer moves.

Mentioned a few times on forums we need to replace the pve version with the pvp version… it wont get stuck on a leaf any more and you can place it right in the middle of a pack. Hopefully this goes through.


The problem is Arcane and Frost’s benefits from that should have been baseline this entire time. That essence takes the place of a Major one which is disappointing as @#$%.

Because of this it actually looks like the main focus of that Essence is actually PvP related not PvE for all classes, because quite frankly there just seems to be better PvE dps essences out there and this CoS Essence will allow PvPers to use 4 PvP talents instead of the normal 3. I cannot imagine anyone replacing Blood of the Enemy with that PvP essence where you do only minor damage increases. It is a huge Quality of Life improvement to the game for mages for sure, but I sincerely doubt it will beat a 35% damage increase straight up. The only problem is that you would have to dance within 12 yards of the target, which might really suck.

Blood of the Enemy only has itself as a Major essence while Conflict and Strife are 1 major and 1 minor essence, the Major which cannot be used with other Majors is the PvP talent part at rank 1 while it’s minor is just a versatility increase chance upon landing spell hits, and future ranks just makes it where you get more versatility and doubles the value of defensive versitility when you lose control of your character, hence the pvp aspect of it. Sadly again the talents should be freakin baseline and it enrages me that it is not.


Pretty much 0% chance.


Yea if we are are being honest. There will be absolutely 0 changes to mages. Our best essence will probably be a generic a** one as well since if any of them boost our damage it is immediately nerfed.

See blaster master/wildfire/equi/ etc.


If you listen very carefully, you can hear arcane orb whisper “baaaaaasssseline…”


Man I love being right. Temporal shield is now the essence ability. Take away the damage potential of the last ones and the possible fun of working around more charges for arcane, positioning for fire, and choice of placement of orb for frost.

Now we get temporal shield which at best MAY allow us to cheese mechanics. I say may because we can die with it active.


This development team has proven for 2 expacs in a row that mages are NOT on their radar. The other two mages in my guild and I have many conversations about how much it sucks maining a DPS spec that gets to little attention or work.

I was excited for the PVP essence and what it might do to improve our gameplay but, as with all things Bliz does: fun detected, fun removed.


My favorite spec is fire by far, has been since vanilla with PoM pyro. The essence we were getting would make it even more of a burst window only spec which doesn’t help the sustained damage we are lacking.

So it wouldn’t of helped but god damn I was just happy to have something and then poof gone.

Just more proof that someone on the dev team has a serious hate-on for mages.


Timmy, your tin foil hat is showing.

Umm, no.

I like your style, Drez. People say the sky is falling and you always seem to be a voice of reason.

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Wow people the Essence was not intended for PvE it was designed around PvP, it should not be surprising to see it changed to defensive when the minor traits were all about PvP specific survival to begin with. Even if it were Clearcasting / Flamecannon / Frozen Orb we more than likely still would have not taken it unless you wanted to just do it for fun.

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We were always going to take Blood of the Enemy anyway.