Lightforged Undead is ridiculous and lore breaking

Didn’t they fire Lore?

Not like they haven’t always done that. Metzen explained about how they changed the WC3 lore when Draenai were first introduced.

" Will we see more lore about the Eredar and the Draenei in the future?
You know, we haven’t really explained it all that well. We had it in the War3 book where Sargeras came across the Eredar and they were this bad race. Then I wanted to revamp it with TBC and the Draenei to where the Eredar corrupted him. That went over as well as a fart in church. But I still stand by the new story."

It’s all good, we have things like redeemed Dreadlords, why not Light Undead.

Its really not lore breaking she was reforged by the light as the light wanting. Get over it and let me guess you think the light following folks are all the good guys too?

It is impossible following every thing know about undead. In all sense of the word. Undead are created by unnatural and dark magic has been the them for the lore, myth through the word and common knowledge.

There nothing game breaking about it. As it could not live. Two opposite can not survive. Even magic must follow some laws of its own.

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It would get boring if a fantasy genre was forced into a box, imo.

True that. Now that WoW is competing with Final Fantasy and Elder Scrolls, they need to step it up.

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Perhaps, but basic rules of the universe help hold up that universe. Changing them all willy-nilly “just cause” doesnt really lend for people to invest in the lore because we are being told it doesnt matter and will change at a whim.

Not to mention that the current concept, which is just speculation but should be talked about, is that they’ll go Alliance and give them undead paladins.

So that’s giving a horde race and concept to the Alliance and pretty much laughing at any true undead fans to give the Alliance yet another Mary-sue race with an extra class. It’s a cop-out and not noble at all.

True undead burn with the light and it takes a massive amount of willpower to command it due to the pain. Such use of magic is a noble sacrifice in it of itself. To put yourself through so much pain for what you believe in, regardless of intention, shows strength.

Yet, this terrible idea would just negate that entirely. Not to mention another layer! “If you don’t become redeemed, you’re damned”. So now it will be seen that any undead that doesn’t go through with the ritual is strictly evil. I like things not being seen in black-and-white. That members of the undead have a choice and can have morality too. But then, if they decline this… Nonsense, no doubt they’ll be shoved with the lable of evil, no matter how hard Blizzard tried to lie and paint the light as having an evil side too.

So. I know it isn’t confirmed by any means. But personally I never want to see these things added. They take any interesting undead lore and stomp it to bits in favor of a Mary-Sue for the Alliance, of whom just can’t ever be in the wrong, I guess.

But at this point, the story is so bad that I’m not even playing anymore. Not even roleplaying. This would be my final straw, as someone who care(d) about lore up until this horrible expansion.

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They could still make cool stuff without havin’ to retcon the lore every expansion.


This is a non-issue

We don’t fully understand the cosmic forces of ‘light’ and ‘dark’ versus ‘life’ and ‘death’ on a metaphysical level because Blizzard hasn’t revealed it all

Light actually raised Calia as an Undead in the book

Blizzard has never used the term ‘lightforged undead’


in most lore golems are creatures artificially created through magic and typically undead can either be a similar concept or a reanimated/possessed corpse being used as a host by a malevolent spirit usually the one that had slain the person in order to steal the body for that exact purpose

as a rule the only way to stop a golem is by massive amounts of physical damage or by means of a reversal spell by the original person that created it or some other strong magic specifically designed to negate such spells

undead however are more often vulnerable to simpler types of magic such as resurrection spells which typically only works due to the hostile lifeforce being forced out to make room for the original creature being returned to its old body and in some cases depends on the will of the spirit because in the undead hierarchy some stronger spirits possess vastly stronger wills and aren’t going to be as easily defeated and even on the rare occasion where do vacate the dead body that’s still no guarantee of them destroyed and can simply repossess it or any other body at will including the ones that drove it out in the first place

What was blizzard smoking when they thought up the abomination that is lightforged undead


Actually there is a bit of an issue.
The created something new out of something that already has a simpler and better explanation in game and in lore already.
A res spell.
Seriously, there are good parts about BfA and the lore surrounding it, but then there’s bits like this that just make you wonder what they were thinking when drafting the outline.

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So bad fan fiction level of writing. Gotcha.


They’ve been doing this for years now

people will cry on the forums
Blizzard will ignore it and press the story on in whatever direction they intend

life will go on and years from now everyone will forget the retcon even happened at all as they just take it for granted as the new paradigm


“Lightforged Undead” is a fan-made nickname. We are not sure Calia is undead or something else. Her model makes her almost angelic…

I’d be okay with them as an allied race only if the Horde gets them and not the Alliance.

If they do roll with this"lightforged Undead" thing, than Void Elf should get to be Paladins! because fair is fair right!

yeah but her jumping on the shoulders of people 10 seconds before going nuclear on them says otherwise