Lightforged Undead is ridiculous and lore breaking

You’re not wrong. If light can sustain undeath then anything can do anything?

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I didn’t think Void could raise the dead but WQs in Zandalar would suggest otherwise.


Er… what?

Can’t remember which Chronicles it was, but there was one that was retconned before it hit store shelves.

As for OP?

WoW lore is Rule of Cool and nothing more. If it didn’t happen in the current patch, there’s a 50:50 it’s already been retconned.

They’re setting up an evil light expansion storyline for somewhere down the line and are sowing the seeds of that now.

We have some cryptic N’zoth hints about it.

“The light has struck a bargain with the enemy of all.”

If you’re horde in the drustvar incursion, you notice some things about the lightforged there. Like they’ve got units called “the purified” which are lightforged humans, dwarves, and kul tirans.

This, they retconned the chronicle that they made for legion during legion.


That was super funny :rofl:

Oh, raid boss King Marysue Bro… count me interested.

If you think for one second that Lightbound / Lightforged / Light whatever Undead are not already decided on then you are setting yourself up for disappointment. It was obvious what was coming when they established in the novel that Calia had become some kind of Light blessed Undead, and the 8.1.5 stuff with Jaina’s brother implied he’ll be the next to become whatever Calia is. The story may not be there yet but this is a done deal, I just hope they aren’t Alliance cause I don’t want to see undead walking around in Stormwind.

some people like Calia are simply an unstoppable agent of destruction and you should NEVER fully let your guard down case in point I submit to you the following

People put way too much stock in that Chronicles chart. It’s been explicitly said by Blizzard that the position of the elements doesn’t really have any significance. Life being across from death doesn’t mean that the two are diametrically opposed and destroy each other on contact or anything like that.

Also, in game resurrection is a game mechanic. Lore-wise, they seem to operate on D&D rules, wherein there’s a time limit where you can heal someone’s body enough to keep their soul from leaving it permanently. Calia was past her expiration date, it took them several hours to get her to Netherlight. Whatever the Naaru did, it yanked her soul back and shoved it back in her corpse, hence she is an undead, not just a resurrected human.


This sounds a lot like how a resurrection spell works.

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In a fantasy game, with you know… dragons, magic, and all kinds of made up stuff - I think you can create ANYTHING. That’s how FANTASY works.

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Not necessarily. They make a big deal in Before the Storm about how long it’s been since she died, as though if they’d gotten her to a priest sooner they could have saved her. And then the Naaru does his nonsense and it’s a big shock to everyone, so this clearly is outside the purview of regular resurrection.

Like I said, player rezzing is a necessary game mechanic that isn’t necessarily going to be reflected in story canon.


lore wise illidan had died and been gone for years yet all it took was one trip into Helas domain and retrieve his soul and boom back to full life and health no undead status or other limitations of such

which only goes to show sometimes the story is contradictory to itself at times I mean its not necessarily an indication of bad writing merely a side effect of not thinking ahead in terms of how will this play out in the future when it contradicts the other people who suffered a similar fate yet somehow returned unscathed?

Illidan is a demon and therefore all rationale on his livelihood status goes out the window.

But yes, people are getting way too wrapped up in trying to hardline define how the rules of the universe work.


In general fantasy, Necromancy is the Utilization of Life energy to improperly reanimate the the dead. I’ve heard of the Devs mention never to fully trust the written wow pedia for fact.

It’s also a bad business play for the storytellers to have individuals know everything or else it would not make a good story, for those who knew fully how Ashbringer was created could fully Understand Lightforged Undead actually make sense.

I am sure, like most people’s assumption the stereotypical quality of Undead revolves around being physically weaker and dumber than their former self as well as losing all connections to their previous magical sources and being brought back as a Mindless Revenant is as reanimated Undead could be.

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This makes me so sad…



Lets not jump to conclusions here.


This sounds like a STRONGER resurrection spell.
Seriously, those are a thing too.
I mean, as an example, D&D has raise dead, resurrection, and true resurrection, each with their own requirements on what can be brought back from the dead, and from how far back, and what condition the body is in (with the most powerful requiring things like “within the past couple of centuries”, and “what body?”.