Lightforged Undead is ridiculous and lore breaking

Light Zombies are not cool thought, they’re flat out stupid and contradictory, even for the terrible lore here.


You are the enemy of warcraft!!!

I want to become Titan Forged, not Light Forged. I want to show off my glistening metallic muscles and not some grey skinned human with not yellow glowing eyes…

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To be fair, Forsaken never should have been a playable race and Tauren should be at least 1.5x bigger than they are.


Contradictory to the global concept of undeath and zombies. The very manifestation is evil; there’s no way around it. Its like saying cancer is good and helps you live longer.

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Blizzard is never one to let an inconsistency in the lore be an issue before I mean after all theres also a member of the legion a dreadlord that is now lightforged and their race was as far from being paragons of good and virtue as you can get

I mean if you ignore that they brought in the element of a sentient undead race that breaks the trope without rendering it completely absurd and they were built up to be in an alliance of convenience that was even represented with Forsaken starting off as “Neutral” with every other race, sure.

Light Zombies are two opposite concepts that even by the magic system they displayed in Chronicles should never mix, not to mention that they’re literally holy zombies, even outside wow lore it sounds like something an 8 year old creating their own OC would come up with.


Still waiting for the first “cool” thing though. BFA is nothing but the dregs of gaming ideas.

No, forsaken never should have been a horde playable race. They should have been a 3rd faction. There are forsaken elves, banshees, aboms, liches, gnomes, zombies, ect. There was plenty there for a fully fledged 3rd faction.

They never said what we, the players, thought is cool. Pretty sure Ion meant what he and his team think is cool. Considerin’ just how out of touch Blizzard is from it’s playerbase… well, we get like like BFA and Diablo: Immortal.

You’re conflating undeath, a vocab word, with undeath, a magical state. Also what magical undeath is in lore is painted by it’s history. Historically ONLY death/shadow magic had ever been seen to cause it, so it’s very definition tied them intrinsically. That doesn’t mean that that definition is in stone or not incomplete.

Resurrection in Lore does not bring back the dead. Resurrection spells are more or less super heals that bring one back from the brink of death.

The ‘lightforged undead’ isn’t even a canonical term. What Calia Menethil is, is a dead person brought back to a state of undeath (vocab term meaning to have been previously dead and now not) via the light. This is superficially similar to the undeath caused by necromatic magics in that it animates a corpse with a spirit, probably of the deceased, and returns them to a state of magically sustained pseudo life.

Just like a golemn/construct can be powered by various types of magic as long as it has a core, an undead could be theoretically powered by various types of magic as long as the magic has the ability to manipulate souls.

It’s a stretch. It’s dumb. But it doesn’t outright contradict any existing lore.


Because the Forsaken have always had their own agenda and never been a full member of the Horde from their end. Being a playable race means that as a faction of their own, they can never be truly dealt with as antagonists because you can’t just delete every Forsaken player’s character. That’s why they never should have been playable.

Breaking the lore ? Blizzard ? surely you jest, such a thing Blizzard would never do…

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Lightforging undead should just lead to dead.

You made me look up a script just for that?

This whole expansion is a joke. Let face it. Blizz could have just added the abilities of the allied races to the core races. The lightforge is another excuse to get the community to go with this. However, you are correct about undeath, It also part of the cosmology in the Chronicles in teh WOW universe, Blizz is skating on thin ice with this.

When they said that Chronicles was going to be their lore bible, I laughed. Especially when they had to retcon it the first month into Legion.


For over a decade, Blizzard have been making things up on the fly as they go along, with no idea of where they’re actually going with the story or characters, so none of this is really new.

It’s no coincidence that the primary antagonist of BFA at this point is basically the smoke monster from Lost.


Sargeras wouldn’t be the main antagonist of the Legion if they hadn’t accidentally said he was in an interview because they didn’t keep their names straight.