Lightforged Undead is ridiculous and lore breaking

Seriously not even possible

You can’t create ‘undeath’ by using the light… Lore itself has dictated such as Undeath is created using death magics like necromancy.

Bringing someone back by using the light is just called a resurrection and they would come back as if they were a regular person but alive again.

If you want to call them Lightforged Humans, sure by all means… But the term Lightforged Undead is a walking contradiction not even possible based on the games established lore and we don;t really need another retcon of this stuff when Blizz already has a hard even time keeping their own lore together


I support our new Lightforged drama overlords.


Before the Storm retconned a few things.

Lightforge undead was one of the results.

I was hoping they would Med’an the idea but apparently they are not.


Ion already admitted in a Q&A that he won’t allow continuity impede his team’s ability to “make something cool like a new dungeon or raid”.

Rule of Cool trumps cohesive story telling.


Of all the options they had for an Allied Race, I’m pretty disappointed it’s again a ‘Lighforged’ theme. Missed opportunity.


I wasn’t aware they’d confirmed the existence of more than just Calia, or that they have intentions of making them an allied race.


Im waiting for more information. Her resurrection in general is really mysterious. Her eyes being white instead of yellow is really odd to me.

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Forsaken monks, forsaken DK, Forsaken in the Emerald Dream. Where is my Forsaken Druid?!?!?!


Canonically there haven’t been.

Until there are.

Because reasons.


OP just remember there is a reason why it is called lolore.


Real talk, i dig the idea of Forsaken being infused with one of the cosmic forces into their husk allowing them to weild any magical force.

Who needs druid training when we can pour all this nature magic into this corpse?

Explosions may or may not occur.


Of course, but the person I was responding to spoke as though they had chosen Lightforged Undead as the next Allied Race.

My point was that, at this particularly junction, there’s no particularly compelling evidence to believe they’re more likely than the other options we have. Suggesting that it’s unfortunate they chose Lightforged Undead is just creating the idea that they already decided to do so.


Im not convienced she’s even lightforged. We’ve experienced what it takes to be Lightforged with the Draenei. Getting killed and resurrected wasn’t a prerequisite.

I personally think this is something different entirely. It makes me think back on, “The Light has made a bargin with the enemy.”


Yeah it’s dumb.




Got my fingers crossed that they would. Why is the lore and rules of Warcraft so inconsistent. Why does it need to be rewritten or retconned all the time?

I’m pretty sure they’ve even changed some things since their Chronicle books which are supposed to be definitive lore resources.


It’s the first time people are getting ressurected by light (not deeply healed, ressurect, Calia was dead and her corpse was rotting) we cant really say what can or cant happen.

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Light is as strong as the user who call upon it. Look at Trion in example.

It’s entirely possible she’s not. Wasn’t her creation done by melding the Shadow of Alonsus Faol, the Light of Anduin Wrynn, and the aid of a N’aaru?

It’s useful to note the magical chart of forces on Azeroth, as presented by Chronicles.

The Light absolutely opposes The Shadow, and Death opposes Life. However, it’s also a little bit nuanced. Death is distinct from Shadow (the shadow lands concept which isn’t the void, making death a genuine and distinct force), and it’s the realm of Death that makes undead.

The chart would make it appear that while the Light and the Shadow are diametrically opposed, the Light might be made compatible with Death if the two worked together. Death is not the polar opposite of Light, basically. In that case, whatever the mortals think, Death is not the enemy of the Light, the Shadow is.


That’s what I’m thinking. If she’s actually a Light Infused corpse, I’ll be concerned. Until they confirm it though, I’m going to have an open mind.

Odyn’s val’kyr have a pretty strong light theme to them and are ascended spirits of the dead.