Lightforged Undead is ridiculous and lore breaking

I am not sure if you are aware but…this is one of the most inconstant things in the games lore already.

Yeah and the solution isn’t to make things worse by throwing all lore out the window.

Have you played BfA? We are kinda far pasted that at this point XD

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I wish that book never existed, it’s worse than Med’an’s comic.


Still annoys me that they hide so much of the lore behind books and expect everyone in game to swallow the books like gospel

If they want lore then introduce it in the game. They have this massive platform just begging for content and they hide half the story in the stupid books


While it’s not intuitive I think what makes Calia’s state undeath rather then resurrection is that the Light is being used to bind the soul to the body. In resurrection the soul wouldn’t be bound by Light, rather Light is used to heal the Life energy of the person to let the soul still be connected to the body.

It’s not the same as Death in WoW either. Death is a component of Nature which is why Kul Tiran druids are the ‘death druids’. The dead feed the living, and that is how the cycle goes, from death arises new life. Undeath is an unnatural reversing of the cycle that goes no where: the living feeding abominations that only exist due to twisted magic and they cann’t reproduce. Because undeath is not death, the loophole these VERY loose lore writers are playing seems to be this: if shadow is a twisted magic that is used to raise undead, and light is a parallel to shadow, then it follows a twisted magic that uses light instead of shadow could also raise undead.
How these light-raised undead behave is not known, there is an assumption they will be supposedly noble and good because a lot of sparkling imbeciles have told us the light is all those things, but we know the Light is tyrannical and a fanatical and anyone raised by it will most likely have that zealotry imparted to them (if there is to be any decent writing in these stories left anyway). If Calia is a cliché of goodness and noble light worshiping cringe, might as well give up on that lore as well because it’ll be awful. Anduin is pretty much insufferable because of this but then Velen was able to change on Argus (mostly from being around Illidan) so there is a glimmer of hope for a better story.


Please for the love of Garrosh.

Not a sufficient enough difference to cry about.

An ascended spirit is still dead. A resurrected corpse is not.

Pretty strong difference, just inconvenient for you.


double take

( If that’s the hill you want to make your stand on, so be it - it’s not like I haven’t dug my heals in on a point of metaphysics myself myself in the past. Lightforged forsaken are definitely opening up new lore, but after an initial raised eyebrow I don’t find I’m personally having any trouble rationalizing how it can fit into the Warcraft cosmos and I’m curious where they are going to go with it)

Forsaken: Blizz, can we get the Chinese model as a customization option?

Blizz: Sure!

Forsaken: Great!

Blizz: …if you play Alliance!

Forsaken: What?

Blizz: What?


If the whole concept is kept to just Calia having being risen by the light, I’d be fine with that.

My own personal opinion is that I am not fond of the idea of Lightforged Undead, or whatever they would be called, as an allied race for either faction. I don’t like the concept as a whole, and since Blizzard stated that they considered every race with two legs as a potential allied race candidate, it bothers me that they potentially would just make up another light variant race that puts a Horde race on the Alliance instead. Especially one that might be perceived as being “redeemed” when joining the Alliance. Thinking about that particular detail makes the yeast rise in my anger loaf. <- <

At any rate, to my understanding, it’s just speculation that Lightforge Undead might become an allied race. All we have to go on, again to my understanding, is Calia becoming one at the end of the Before the Storm novel. I’ll try to reserve judgement until I see where the story goes.


Haha I’m gonna start using that term. The rule of cool

You mean other than the fact that Undeath is clearly shown to be only under the death part of the chart?

I don’t really care if they exist or not, you’re just comparing two things that aren’t equivalent.

And? Doesn’t mean there can’t be other sources for undeath. It’s quite clear now that the light can create undead too. Yay new lore, cool new things and new things to learn. But you keep having a tantrum about it, that will fix it.


No more than when the Lightforged Dreadlord showed up in the Paladin Order Hall in Legion after being cleansed by the Naaru.

Naaru gonna Naaru, and the Before the Storm novel specifically shows the showdown between Turalyon and Faol recognizing that undead are not inherently evil themselves. It’s been leading up for Calia to retake Lordaeron and the Forsaken for awhile now.

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Oh I’m sure the whining will start… I mean look at the beaten horse they use for undead paladins…

This. If you wanted consistency in your lore, you’ve come to the wrong place.