Lightforged Undead is ridiculous and lore breaking

I finally stop laughing long enough i hope to type. You got light already. It was not cool enough to bring over horde players. So now they taking something dead. Infuses with light. Make it glow and call it light force undead. What anime series is this?

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This is why I laugh when people use lore as a defense for things like race/class restrictions.

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It’s more humans and their potential. Ugh.

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I second that ugh.

Better than. “I’m an elf so I’m automatically better. Hoho foolish people mortals.”

I’m sure they can make a reason for the two being incompatible. Calia wasn’t a forsaken that was changed to a lightforged was she? They seem like opposite sides of the spectrum and I could see them in a race for bodies to revive in their way to pump up their numbers.

I kinda wish the lightforged undead where ghosts. Calia’s new model seems to hint that Blizzard will slightly modify the Chinese forsaken model to make the lightforged. They could be worse I suppose.

So how did all those Scarlet Crusaders become undead? I was under the impression they “light-zealoted” so hard that it turned them.

Way too many little lore bits to keep track of.

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A Dreadlord [dread=deep horror] being light forged is like making a criminal psychopath/serial killer the high school guidance counselor.

This is 150% oxymoron. So much so it could be used as an example in junior high english class.

Its becoming very obvious that the dude eho replaced Metzen is pulling a post DR. Ford west world reboot. It has to be personal.

What ever it is it’s certainly isn’t Warcraft or even medieval.

Next thing you’d know they’ll make Kel’Thuzad the guardian of life on Azeroth…

No, that’s still better than Human Potential.
EVERYTHING is better than Human Potential.

The elves on Alliance are all stupidly subservient to humans though, like Night Elves aren’t even Nocturnal anymore because of them.

“You can’t do it because I said so”

Lol ok

Dude…I want Kel’Thuzad to be Lightforged now, that would be INSANE.

The only thing that bothers me is that we are getting light reanimated undead who are humans (yay more humans, our fourth human playable race on the same faction most likely but we can’t have wildhammer)

But TBH I really don’t get why people are so defensive about the lore surrounded to the light in this game, every decision made regarding evil Naaru, non human paladins and now holy undead gets huge backlash.

Why is it that lore surrounding the light its seen as so, well, sacred to be considered inmutable?

Naaru themselves are being of light (and the closest to OG light) that exist, and have been since BC (16 years ago) and they are hardly what we would call “biologically alive”

The fact that now we have holy undead somehow shattering people’s mind is a bummer; where is the imagination, people?

Human potential is godlike. Sorry you can’t compete Troll.

Every troll Empire has had it’s rear handed to it by the chad, titanforged humans.

could you be a lightforged undead deathknight? if so, what color would your eyes be? a lighter shade of yellow? i could never quite grasp how an undead could become a deathknight to begin with. what happened to ‘what is dead may never die’. somehow that makes sense except in WoW. how about a lightforged undead demon hunter? talk about inner turmoil.

There’s nothing interesting or mysterious, here.

Calia Menethil the Holy Zombie sounds like an especially terrible MyRolePlay character backstory.

“My name is Calia Menethil. I’m the lost princess of Lordearon. You know, Arthas’s hot sister! At first I didn’t want to be Queen of Lordearon but after all these veteran Warcraft characters convinced me otherwise, I revealed myself to the Forsaken! My reappearance filled them with hope and they totally didn’t run me through in an instant!”

But Sylvanas killed me with a SUPER SPECIAL magical arrow that given me the “Final Death”. Think “I"m Super Serious!” Death. But my loyal servant, Alonsas Foal and young heartthrob King Anduin, and a NAARU, all raised me! But I was not living, but not dead! I am undead…but filled with light! How can there be any joy in this curse!? Not rotting even at all is a great start! I’m somehow even PRETTIER and more angelical! And I’m going to lead the Forsaken, without having to earn their respect at all, and be the Queen of Lordearon!"

See what I’m getting at?

I’ve seen pretty similar MyRolePlay stories. This is REAL.

I was hopeful that they’d shuffle Calia under the rug like they did with Me’dan but she’s got a (literally) shiny new model. It’s real, now. And one of two things are likely to happen:

  • She will “redeem” Forsaken to become the Lightforged Undead Allied Race for the Alliance. If I were someone in the Alliance, I’d just ask “…but why?” This would be the 2nd time a race was rear-pulled on the spot and just shoved into the Alliance without a care.
  • She will replace Sylvanas as the Queen of the Forsaken. If I were a Forsaken, I’d probably dive headfirst into the Shadowlands, since I would at least go out with some dignity.

I said it before and I’ll say it again. Calia is an abomination to both the Light and Undeath. If she were alive, she’d mean something to the Alliance. If she were undead (you know, actually undead), she MIGHT mean something to the Forsaken. Now she’s something that nobody wants.

And Lightforged Undead is something that nobody wants.


Agreed. This is what happens when your head of creative (Metzen) leaves and someone takes his place. Big shoes to fill. Lore can easily take a turn for the most absurd.

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It’s not lore breaking there have been undead paladins in lore. There was actually one in the comic about Darion Mograine’s corruption to the scourge.

As well as a troll paladin in that same comic long before the Zandalari trolls were conceived.

Except Metzen didn’t pull his lore from oxymorans. What made WoW popular was its adherence to medieval and social concepts that continue until now. Stuff that goes back past LOTR.

Kel’Thuzad being light forged would be akin to Gollum becoming Gandalf. Or the Nazgul the champions of mankind.

If blizzard wants races, we still have Furbalgs and Murlocks, and Wildhammer Dwarves to choose from.

Suspension of disbelief is really important for any game or story. Some flexibility is okay with changing it up but you don’t just dive head first into a whole bevy of changes that just ruins the suspension of disbelief.

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