Lightforged Undead is ridiculous and lore breaking

I haven’t unlocked those Draenei yet, so i don’t know the backstory on this lightforged business.

On the surface though it seems pretty stupid.

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They’re Draenei who worship the Naaru and the Light really, really hard. Like, even harder than the “normal” Draenei.

And the Naaru are like - “For bein’ extra Light-y, have some golden tats… also, you can’t be blue/purple anymore. Only white.”


Ah, so as you dive deeper into it it is just as dopey.


Blizzard breaks and reworks their lore all the time. Lost kingdom of mechanical gnomes? Check. Entire unknown continent full of Pandas? Check. The whole lore of the Broken Isles? Check and check.

To Blizzard, the lore is simply a consequence of the gameplay content that they create and is very much a secondary factor for them. If they want lightforged forsaken they are just going to do it.

lightforged undead is still better than fat humans, even if it breaks lore.

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Excuse me?

I’m on-board with Calia becoming the puppet ruler of the Forsaken if I get a quest chain to kill her for good.

God damn it this sucks.

all the lame words that get censored here, and you can say this. wow :confused:

no offense, but i would have rather had an ogre.

I’d rather have a race on the Alliance that isn’t a walking potato.

To be honest pandaria been apart of the lore since wc3.

Arakkoa would make a perfect alliance race and if not? The Furbolgs have a longer history with the Alliance through their contact with the night elves.

Imo, Furbolgs make more sense of being an alliance race than Pandarians; who through Chen Stormstout fought for the Horde durimg the founding of Duratar.

Naga have been asked for since Wrath, blizzards excuses have been they’d have to make new pants modela for them but truth be told thata bogus; every new race has to have new armor models made for their pants.

Personally, blizzard should ditch the whole race recollor and recycle process and give us Furbolgs amd Naga. The Naga have lineages to the horde through Prince Kael’Thas and Lady Vashj. The Naga in outland held allegiance to Illidan and the Demon Hunters longer than the Broken ever did. The Naga are a major piece of the warcraft story and deserves to be made a race over others; including Furbolgs and Arakkoa

I’ll have what he’s having, I’ll take it in edible form.