Lightforged Undead is ridiculous and lore breaking

Booo it means when I play Undead Holy Priest the willpower needed to do that is no longer admirable since presumably the only reason she’s in pain is because the Light itself is a douche and won’t reforge her as a light approved undead. Kinda makes me think Shadow Priests have the right of it eff that noise.

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Nah, it’s totally in-line with some zealot religious order that practiced self-flagellation. The pain the light causes is them burning away their sins/evil/darkness/whatever.

Yeah but that all seems kinda pointless if at any moment a Naaru could’ve gone “Nah man it’s cool here just change the energy pool your drinking from”

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To be fair I find all the “Undeath” theme ridiculous and nonsensical.

I mean, what does it mean to be an undead? That you died, were resurrected, but your body is no longer functional and is decaying?

Why would the Light do that instead of, you know, bringing the dead back to life, something the Light can do?


I hope it is earned and not given by a Naaru, that is getting a bit cliche now.

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That’s another point. Light magic is really good at healing so why even bother with necromancy?


I know right?

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I suspect Blizz will pull out of thin air that Undead are resistant to the Void, so the Light has allied with Undead forces to fight the Void, even if that means preposterous things like Lightforged Undead :tired_face:

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But that totally ruins my Undead Priests entire backstory :frowning:
And removes that juicey roleplay element forever in the same stroke.
Also it ruins the reason why Forsaken even have so many Shadow Priests.

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Yeah well we had holy cows and dinodins to sit through ‘because it would be cool’ and now we’re getting this excuse for undead paladins pushed along. I’m okay with it based solely on Undead attack/casting animations being the best in the game.

It also kinda ruins the fanon of anyone who imagined their DK as a Paladin prior to being reanimated. So much angst that apparently was entirely pointless. WTF?

If they’re going to make vulpera and race then I’d be pretty thankful if allies have some form of undead I can race change over to so I can escape all the Fox people

Foxes aren’t that bad mate

They are also traditionally tricksters and eat their friends in folk tales so I see no reason why a forsaken would oppose them.

Lightforged Undead sound like an undead race being created for Alliance is all.

Their game, their lore.

Yeah but did they have to do it in a way that ruins every other Undead players story?

If lightbound undead become an AR, they’d be Horde. 100%

I’d prefer San’lyn given the number of Forsaken players who want to roleplay as Dark Rangers, Plus Vampires Vs Werewolves. Also we already have a Light Wielding Race in Blood Elves. Sure they don’t have any racials themed around it like Dreanei do, but it still seems like a bit of a kick in the privates. Since the only real appeal in Undead holy characters comes from that struggle against ones nature. If they gave us Lightbound it’d take all the drama out of it.

It’s just like: here have this power you were literally MADE to wield woooo exciting. :expressionless:

Who cares?

The story and lore in this game has been like an explosion in a library for years. Everything now is done because “Oh that’d be cool!” or “Oh players like this character, let’s push them to the front.”. This is the justification for plot these days.

Yeah but it’s not cool, it’s the opposite of cool. It’s pretty boring and lame actually.

Wasnt this an April Fools joke?