Lightforged Undead is ridiculous and lore breaking

You think they still care about the lore? Were you here for NIGHT ELF MAGES?

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WoW in a nutshell.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Like the laughable reason NB and HM Tauren are Horde.

It really raises alot of questions about why Forsaken are “bad” exactly if the Light is just as willing to reanimate corpses. Kinda makes that whole conflict more “you were raised by red team so you are evil”

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I agree that Nightborne should never have been made Horde (conversely, the Void Elves should never have been Allaince).

Highmountain make perfect sense. They’re Tauren siding with the other Tauren.

That Night Elf was neutral and not a part of the Alliance.

All the qualities of bad storytelling, was not easy, had to scroll through loads of gaming software related videos and digital music on my history just to find this abomination.

  • Capitalizing off an Original Story :ballot_box_with_check:
  • No plot what so ever. :ballot_box_with_check:
  • Poorly Paced :ballot_box_with_check:
  • Poorly design. :ballot_box_with_check:
  • Lack of logical research. :ballot_box_with_check:
  • It’s also a terrible business strategy of using Models imported directly from other series. :ballot_box_with_check:
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After we got tauren paladin ; even more fun , zandalar paladin . We can have everything at this point.


Those inconsistencies were merely the tip of the iceberg.

And I’ve lost track of how many times you’ve been wrong in this thread.


Yes i do. The process of undeath is the use of negative force energy to animate the body. That why it is always been necromancy, most death gods and creatures of night. This negative energy gives it power to move. It is also why it decays. That why its called undead. because they are dead animated by negative energy.

Light based magic is positive energy it cause things to grow. It can also bring things to life. Now she not be undead per say. They could be flowing Voodoo Zombies. They basically alive who think their dead. That is a possibility.

The only other thing is that that could be going on. Is that the light has a negative light side to it. That would be interesting to explore. A duality of sorts. The concept is only theoretical because of positive and negative effects.

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So in conclusion this actually make the Undead in the Warcraft Universe immensely weak when it comes to physical strength when comparing them to Undead from other Series. (Well complete pushovers when it comes to Undead from Castlevania or Infected from Bio Hazard/ Resident Evil, It’s best for me not to get the core fantasies mixed up from other games.)

Is it really Lore Breaking?

The Forsaken are created by the Plague of Undeath, which was a creation of the Fel Domain. The Val’kyr and Kvaldir are a creation of the TItan Watchers, which are creations of the Arcane Domain. Wisps are a form of “Undead” (in that they are spirits) … and they are clearly a creation of Life Domain. Even the Void has been shown to have some level of ability to create “Undead” (or at least manipulate the dead) in WoD. So … is it really that huge a stretch that the LIGHT Domain could be able to mess with the dead?

The real question is … are there side-effects to being a Light Based Undead?


If Calia take control of the Undead I will be fine … let her unique and one and only LF undead …
give High elves to the Alliance and San’layn to the Horde … that will make much more sense ^^

Calia died.

Calia brought to the concentration of great holy energies (priest class hall)

Anduin (powerful priest), Faol (pretty powerful priest), Saara (a NAARU) all channeled the light together and called Calia’s soul back to the body.

Necromancy just makes the corpse move.

Why wouldn’t it work?

Basically that called resurrection. This is wow and i read up on reviews of that book. Let say the calling wow the kiddo game.

Yep, which defeats the entire existence of the chronicle books. They’re just a neat shelf knickknack for blind fanboys now, since their stated purpose for normal people went out the window the second they became willing to retcon anything in them.

This is basically what it boils down to, except Blizzard’s vision of “cool” seems to be in line with a 13 year old boy from 2005, so things end up being absurdly cringeworthy.

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Oh so you just have a problem with them existing and not being nameless trash mobs around the world.
Personally I think Draenei are the cause of all the wrongs that have happened in the history of warcraft, but you don’t hear me whining about how they shouldn’t be playable and nothing but loot pinatas.
Everyone has opinions :woman_shrugging:

Except that they have and they released in chronicles a sort of “map” of magical schools that could never mix…

That is a great point. Althought death is closer to shadow, it’s not the opposite of Light.

This makes holy necromancy possible.