Lightforged Undead is ridiculous and lore breaking

Sorry, I have zero characters named Dekron.
I could come here and post on one of my horde characters, including my main, but I think you would suffer only disappointment.


there was no arcandor what would the blood elves have done for the nightborne?

I think this sums things up perfectly.

He’s Right I would never play a Human Paladin. Also to tell the Difference from me posting on Chryous or Chryous posting on Dekoron would be the fact she speaks first person and I speak third person.

I also take subjects regarding storytelling quite serious.

I can do this too ELIAS my bad. Tell me more about your ‘true undead fan’ criteria again.

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that’s right, I got you confused with Dekoron, you’re Elias, the ‘true undead fan’.

Check my mounts and pets. Then call me a human paladin again. I dare you. Elias is my toon. Not his.

Also the fact that you’re now literally trying to discredit via false accusations says a lot.

True undead fans would indeed want an actual undead race. Not something pulled out of thin air as a mary-sue for the Alliance because you’re full of jealous, bitter spite. If you don’t like it, tough.


So if it’s plausible, then why would it be dumb? It’s like saying any mythological/fantasy creation is dumb just because it doesn’t adhere to previous notions of possibility. The whole point of a fantasy universe is that anything is possible.

because it’s unnecessary for an entire race.

That’s a very poor reason to restrict creativity. What you’re essentially saying is, “Because I said so.”


The Light has struck a bargain with the enemy of all…


I’m hoping that Calia is a one-off, a “special” undead to replace Sylvanas whose arc is leading her to become a villain and no longer an anti-hero whose unethical actions can be justified.

Lightforged Undead is a silly gimmick for anything else.


Ah so you’re Elias, well Fallynn, here’s the deal ‘true undead fan’, you are ready to blow your lid in a temper tantrum over a possible undead paladin being Alliance, without an inkling of confirmation. Meanwhile the Alliance has been given the shaft repeatedly by the developers and you have the nerve to think yourself the one who’s walking the high road when blew a gasket over something that doesn’t exist. ya, I think it’d be great if it was something you don’t get to have your way because it’d humble you, seeing how you talk you all need it. Badly.

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I find, Void Elves, to be a pretty silly gimmick, but you know “elves.”

Or maybe you are close minded and somehow have deluded yourself your current limited knowledge explains everything which definitely doesnt and instead of accepting the new information you go on denial.

Its a game, their lore, sadly that behavior of yours doesnt only exist in games

it’s an opinion, just as you have a rather unusual opinion about the draenei

The fact that you literally are arguing for this to happen because you’re upset about Nightborne says a lot. It boggles my mind.

And I’m sharing my opinion on the matter which apparently I’m not allowed to do here. Excuse me for expressing my distaste for the utter nonsense that is “Lightforged undead”. I wouldn’t want them on the Horde either, because like I said? As a fan of undead, I’d want something that’s actually been in game with lore already rather than this cop-out.

But since you’re so stuck on it “being something for the Horde to complain about”, and even calling the idea stupid but greenlighting it soley out of spite, then lashing out upon being called out and claiming everyone that disagrees with you is the same person…

You basically just defined why I’m not taking your argument seriously.

At least the people you’re arguing with, who are in FAVOR of lightforged undead and whom I disagree with but respect because they’re using lore and story ideas in their points are actually making sense. And while they won’t convince me, their reasoning is much better than “sticking it to the Horde”.


don’t care, also I’m pretty sure that paladin is your friend.

Ease mind to boggle then, because that’s just one of many instances Alliance fans don’t get what they asked for. horde players could use a bit of ‘no’ for once. I’m not reading your essays, so save your energy. You are a spoiled child and can’t comprehend why others would laugh at a potential slight you might receive for possibly not getting your way after throwing a fit about the thought of not getting your way.

Considering Blizzard makes the lore, nothing they do can really be lore breaking. Even the infamous Falstad thing wouldn’t have been lore breaking, he just would have died off screen or they would have given another reason Kurdran took over.

Why wish for someone else to have their parade rained on? Wouldn’t it be better to wish Alliance got whatever it is you want?

I’ve never understood the mentality of “well I didn’t get my thing so you shouldn’t get your thing”. It’s like people don’t realize the faction war isn’t real.